Estilo de negociação
Maximum number of running trades: 1 trade
Maximum number of trades per day: 10 trades
Ensure trade stop loss and take profit: Yes
High impact news trading: No
Trading Sessions: London & NY
Weekly return target: Up to 1%
Monthly return target: Up to 4%
Yearly return target: Up to 50%
Maximum overall loss on investment: 14%
Maximum number of trades per day: 10 trades
Ensure trade stop loss and take profit: Yes
High impact news trading: No
Trading Sessions: London & NY
Weekly return target: Up to 1%
Monthly return target: Up to 4%
Yearly return target: Up to 50%
Maximum overall loss on investment: 14%
Systems by BukaPIP
Nome | Ganho | Drawdown | Pips | Trading | Alavancagem | Digitar |
Wind FX | -3.63% | 8.40% | 48.7 | Manual | 1:500 | Real |
Postagens Recentes
Nov 11, 2021 at 09:02
Nov 11, 2021 at 08:53