Kangaroo EA
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"Sorry, but this system was deleted by it's creator."
I'm fed up with links leading to canceled accounts.
It should be impossible to delete accounts, which have been published once.
This would decrease scam EAs.
Hi i was thinking the same thing, but reading through the reviews and checked 1 test cebrium i think his name is and it looked shaky
the only one i've found that looks ok so far is blessing 3 they also have evolution .. still searching ..looking for something semi auto that i can control easily evolution seems to fit the bill.
web page http://www.jtatoday.com/evolution.html
so until then i will continue manually
Hey everybody!
Is this EA good for beginners? I only start forex trading but want to earn much money 😁
You are naive to think that EA developers do not 'game' polls such as this (not just voting for themselves, but creating many accounts to vote over + over). We gave a single honest rating on how we view ourselves. Take from that what you will. The performance speaks for itself.
Seriously... no offence but voting for yourself is suspicious and this act alone has put me off your EA.
YES this EA has a very nice Myfxbook curve
YES a lot of people run it and are happy with it
YES they raised the price from 150 to 250 and now 450usd
YES they have excellent support
I don't like how it goes against the trend, averaging.
It is not martingal, but it is almost the same. Just instead of loosing your whole account you loose a big part of it.
I don't like the risk reward. Each time a trade is opened, on a 5% per month basis, you risk 18% of your account.
But yes, their Myfxbook is stunning, and their customers are very happy, so probably I am wrong.
I had not stopped using it since I went live last year, in spite of the opening DD on my account.
Of course, I pay attention to the advise on the support forum on when to reduce risk or stop the EA to avoid extreme
market conditions.
If you take a look at the trade history, the losing trades were not Kangaroo Trades. K EA ONLY trades EURUSD and AUDUSD - on both of Cerebellum's account, you will notice some disproportionate USDNOK and EURUSD trades.
I do use the K EA, and more importantly seek and follow advise on the well supported forums. The creators are very active in supporting their clients, and regularly give advise on when it is best to shut down the EA.
While I do not claim that the K EA has not hit SL and caused some delays in progress.
Note how I said delays in progress, since it has always recovered from a reasonable setting loss.
Advise on what is a reasonable setting can also be found on the forum.
Please have the courtesy of checking the trades before you make such statements.
Thank you, and I am NOT affiliated with K-EA accept that I am a client - a happy one.
Mind you, I did suffer a SL the very first time I started using the EA live - so I do know how that feels too!!!
Good luck
I run this on both a live and demo accounts and am very happy with the support and consistant results of this EA, slow and steady profits, with excellent recovery. the only thing I don't like is the recent max lot sizing, but I fully understand their reasons behind it.
We don't have an FXOPEN account, so not sure where you got this info.
We do know some people use the micro account at FXOPEN. We strongly advise against using such/similar accounts. As stated on our blogposts and on the user forum, brokers with low tick frequency will not perform optimally and may lead to losses. We've investigated a lot of brokers and our recommendations can be found on our website, forum and in the latest manual.
For example, read this blogpost for enlightenment: http://tulipfx.com/2011/04/17/the-impact-of-your-broker-choice-on-your-trading-results/
Also, to track our performance, stay up to date with updates and new releases, check our page on Facebook (and get an instant 15% discount!): http://www.facebook.com/KangarooEA.
Cheers :)
Sorry to state this, but that's utter nonsense. Like all other customers, your account has been extended automatically and valid until 2038. We've just checked and your license is still valid. Just make sure it's applied to the correct account number, or change the account number via the link on our forum at http://www.tulipfx.com/fxforum. That's where you can also get support and get decent responses to your issues.
Ozzie / Dutch,
I just found this site. Why is there such a disparity between your Collective FX page (currently +114% gain) and your FXOpen page (-27% gain) as of today?
I actually think this is a pretty good policy. Why would anyone want a refund if it was making money? If you happened to join in a month with a Stoploss hit, it would be easy to show your account wasn't profitable. Anyway..... currently the markets are crazy....what can you expect?
If you were a previous subscriber to the Kangaroo EA, lost money with it, and thought maybe the discontinuation of the monthly subscription would perhaps entitle you to trade it again, DON'T.
Don't even bother sending an email asking about it. Never mind you paid around $200 initially, then maybe lost a couple/three months subscription fees on it. Not counting how much principal you lost on top of that.
They won't bother answering it.
Very professional approach Ozzie, Dutch.
Trading is dangerous. I t is all a question of optimizing by reducing your risk and increasing your profits.
Please feel free to look at my Kangaroo live real account by clicking my name.
And how does your account look like? From what I can see, you should be careful of labeling others as 'dangerous'.
I've had Kangaroo for 5 weeks now.
I don't qualify for a refund. It's profitable so far. If I had traded it on a little larger account from the beginning, using the same proper money management, it would have easily paid for the initial upfront cost ($211 at conversion rate I paid) in it's first four weeks of trading.
I rated it all 10's, except price. Human nature. Would like to see the monthly price reduced a bit so I'll be more tempted to buy whatever they come up with next.
Ozzie and Dutch are on top of it. Excellent support.
Got an email this week to shut it down during FOMC. I did. BESIDES the excellent news filter the bot employs.
Excellent blog at www.tulipfx.com regarding selecting a broker.
If you think your broker is crooked (and using virtual dealer plugin against you) spend $60 to find out: http://4xtrader.net/4xsentinel/
Hi Gemini -
Try clicking on our profile name at the top of this post. That should take you to our account too.
I don't know what is wrong with the links, they seem to get edited after submission to mess up.
Ozzie @ TulipFX
I t seems from the above that the system remove the first two letters following the myfxbook.com/-part, so let me try now with a clever little addition of xx before the member-part:
http://www.myfxbook.com/xxmembers/TulipFX/kangarooea-cfx/56195 (7+ month history)
http://www.myfxbook.com/xxmembers/TulipFX/kangarooea-small-live-c/68427 (4+ month history)
Lets hope this will produce correct urls, and please forgive me if this makes even more clutter here.....
Wow - when publishing my reply, the links i carefully edited are being crippled again. Something strange in the mesaging system her. Anyhow, do a manual substitution.
I noticed this too, but a quick research shows the solution: Substitute the mbers in the link with members.
Tha would give you the follwing links:
http://www.myfxbook.com/members/TulipFX/kangarooea-cfx/56195 (7+ month history)
http://www.myfxbook.com/members/TulipFX/kangarooea-small-live-c/68427 (4+ month history)
... and they work fine, at least for me.