Signal Start
Signal Start offers reliable 24/5 email support and a refund policy, ensuring dependable service. Additionally, the white label option for signal providers comes at no extra cost, making the product both superior and cost-effective, continuously enhanced based on user feedback.
Best Forex CopyTrade service I ever see
My record is at 5 months 3 days, and I've managed 26% DD tops, only once.
I also risk my hard earned money, unlike others. 52k equity.
I also manually trade about 18 hours per day.
I sent several emails to request refund for signals I did subscribe and that didn't provide practically signals during the period of time I paid for. I did receive only 2 refunds even if I sent an email requesting an evaluation for 4 of them. No additional reply from the customer service that only replied to one of my emails. Very poor and unacceptable. They should have a better internal evaluation of the signal providers.
good copy service.
don't have to worry about coping of trades. They are maintained with good software. 100% thumbs up.
Compared to other copy signal software, options about trades are very few and basic.
The listing of signals is terrible. A lot of scammers basically have found ways to to bring their signals to the top. They use 1000:1 or so leverage and cent account and take high risk and expects us to follow them with our 100:1 account.
many accounts make 2 to 5 pips winning trade but remember that copy software always lags and you lose .5 pips in opening trades and .5 pips in closing trades. So avoid signals which make a lot of small pips gains.
I have been following this platform for a long time and am about to leave because none of the signals in the Top hundred will ever make it to more than six months. All the blown signals are de listed and you have no idea of how many signals have blown off. I personally have a detailed record of more than 700 signals blowing of in the past nine months alone. Most of them were in the top 20 at some point. If you see all there signals today you will be amazed that there are no failures but reality is that a lot of signals not listed today were at number one at some point have failed and are now out of sight.
Also the statistics of the signals provider are very poor. Other platforms offer much deeper insight to the signal provider like how much money is been followed or how many subscribers.
The truth is not what is shown now. With hard earned money on the line take care and make good choices.
nice service
Early days, ask me in 3 months time. Stars are so far after 2 weeks
There are some good ones out there. U have to figure out how to weed out the bad ones. Look for length of time. If the withdraws are like within the first few trades and they are in the 100's of percent, they are fake. U will lose it all. Look for accts that have sustainable growth over time... ppl have found a loophole in the system and the good ones suffer from it but there are there to be found. Just gotta put in a little work. I got burned a few times (prob more than a few) trying to get there but I have found one that has been solid. Their stats are good and mine are as well 😄. U can pm me if u like... doesnt take anything to help or share what i have found
Worst signals which can easily destroy the investors are always on top of the ranking.
How can you allow signals with $5 balance to be ranked on top. They eventually die taking along with the investor's hard earned money.
There is transparency. If you guys want to be rated as credible and reliable portal for signals , then please encourage good providers and discourage fake ones.
If the investors lose money then so will you in the long run due to bad word of mouth.
The best forex signal website !!
Very positive first experience as subscriber, I will be re-activating my account soon.
I knocked out some stars from platorm: (1.) just like MyFXbook, you should propose the choice to simply download ".csv" files containing trading history of signal providers, because copy/paste page by page is a big pain! (2.) the fine-tuning of trading parameters is ok, but not very user-friendly compared to other services. (3.) You should allow subscribers to set TP/SL per currency, and since you don't have this feature I am obliged to pick an EA to do that for me on MT4 which is not very practical especially if I have more than one SP on the same currency with you. (4.) You should offer more filter parameters to view Signal Providers such as max number of open trades, pips per trade average etc
Please keep up the great work, and develop your motivation strategy to attract competent signal providers.
Great service
So far so good :)
I have spent over 300dollars so far subscribing to your signal but am yet to make a single penny, maybe I might make some in the future so I will stay with it for one more month and if it doesent turn around then I will drop it
The site doesn't have guidelines for problem solving & no follow-up accurately to customer benefits.
Very flexible service. It's great, that I found it.
so far happy but need more time to evaluate
the best signals