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Taking on New Clients
Členem od Nov 15, 2010
2 příspěvků
Mar 08, 2012 at 22:20
Členem od Nov 15, 2010
2 příspěvků
Hello, I am a NFA registered CTA. My two programs on FX Book are FX Liberty and FX Houston
Some highlights of my systems are.
Low peak to valley drawdowns - under 10% for each program
· Trading live money with these systems for over 8 months.
· No EA's or robots. No backtest, hypothetical, or demo accounts. Real money traded only.
· 85% of trades are intraday . The rest are only held for a few days at the most.
· Flat each month. I never hold floating losses. The ends of month results you see are the real thing.
· Does not trade exotic crosses. US majors with high liquidity are sought out for signals.
· With over 600 traders registered on FX book, my programs are amongst the best statistically speaking. Always consider these factors when reviewing FX book trading systems. Live money( no demo account), at least three to six months experience, no floating losses, manual trading system, peak to valley drawdown ( not just end of month ). No adding or subtracting deposits. If a program does not show you open trades, then they are probably holding large floating losses and their results are not as advertised.
If you are interested in a managed account contact me direct.
Thank you,
FX book results are to to show system examples and strategy only and not any official track record hypothetical or otherwise.

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