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Tracking manual oanda account?
Členem od Jan 26, 2010
26 příspěvků
Aug 04, 2011 at 12:05
Členem od Jan 26, 2010
26 příspěvků
Hi! I want to use OANDA platform for manual trading, and track performance here..
Is it possible to install MT4 with OANDA and track als trades that are done with OANDA platform, not MT4...
Any suggestions how to do this kind of tracking with least hassle...
Is it possible to install MT4 with OANDA and track als trades that are done with OANDA platform, not MT4...
Any suggestions how to do this kind of tracking with least hassle...

Členem od Feb 07, 2011
691 příspěvků
Aug 04, 2011 at 13:13
Členem od Feb 07, 2011
691 příspěvků
Might be.
As long as your trades are over 1000 units and move in increments of 1000, which means you might as well use MT.....
As long as your trades are over 1000 units and move in increments of 1000, which means you might as well use MT.....

Členem od Apr 11, 2011
200 příspěvků
Aug 05, 2011 at 00:43
(Upravené Aug 05, 2011 at 00:45)
Členem od Apr 11, 2011
200 příspěvků
mmuller posted:
Hi! I want to use OANDA platform for manual trading, and track performance here..
Is it possible to install MT4 with OANDA and track als trades that are done with OANDA platform, not MT4...
Any suggestions how to do this kind of tracking with least hassle...
Open trades placed on OANDA platform aggregate to your MT4 platform, so yes you can track performance. Reason being that MT4 server is actually just a bridge from the FXTrade server.
Basically just setup MT4 with Myfxbook like normal then place trades using OANDA platform. The only thing that won't aggregate to is open limit orders (buy/sell limit) but those placed on MT4 will aggregate to your OANDA platform.
Členem od Jan 26, 2010
26 příspěvků
Aug 05, 2011 at 06:53
Členem od Jan 26, 2010
26 příspěvků
Ok, so I can also track performance from my historical trading, before I installed MT4??

Členem od Apr 11, 2011
200 příspěvků
Aug 05, 2011 at 14:08
Členem od Apr 11, 2011
200 příspěvků
mmuller posted:
Ok, so I can also track performance from my historical trading, before I installed MT4??
Yes, MyFxBook will collect all previous history, but only from your MT4-enabled OANDA account. In other words, if you have traded on a primary account and then create a MT4-enabled sub account then only trades made on the MT4-enable account will aggregate.
Členem od Sep 03, 2011
4 příspěvků
Sep 03, 2011 at 09:59
Členem od Sep 03, 2011
4 příspěvků
I have a similar issue. I want to trade using FX Trade, but have the trades tracked here.
So, I can do anything usual with FX Trade, including using upper/lower slippage limits, which are not allowed in MT4?
Another difference would be I can only trade incremental of 1000/10000. Can I trade 150000 as an example?
Thank you.
I have a similar issue. I want to trade using FX Trade, but have the trades tracked here.
So, I can do anything usual with FX Trade, including using upper/lower slippage limits, which are not allowed in MT4?
Another difference would be I can only trade incremental of 1000/10000. Can I trade 150000 as an example?
Thank you.

Členem od Apr 11, 2011
200 příspěvků
Sep 03, 2011 at 12:13
(Upravené Sep 03, 2011 at 12:21)
Členem od Apr 11, 2011
200 příspěvků
airair posted:
I have a similar issue. I want to trade using FX Trade, but have the trades tracked here.
So, I can do anything usual with FX Trade, including using upper/lower slippage limits, which are not allowed in MT4?
Another difference would be I can only trade incremental of 1000/10000. Can I trade 150000 as an example?
Thank you.
I am not 100% sure about the upper/lower slippage limits...Oanda's MT4 does not have slippage section...and I never use it even on FX Trade since quotes are usually quick and accurate enough. But I do know that if you place a limit order on FX Trade then it is stored on server and once it activates it will show up on MT4 as open order regardless of initial parameters.
Yes you can trade whatever you want in FX Trade, and it will just show up as fractional in MT4. For example, 150000 in FX Trade would show up as 1.5 in MT4; 10000 would show up as 0.10, 1000 would show up as 0.01, etc. MT4 allows fractional units to the thousandths only...i.e., 39000 would show up as 0.39, but 39600 would likely be rounded and show up as 0.40 (though technically you still only have 39600).
Členem od Sep 03, 2011
4 příspěvků
Sep 03, 2011 at 18:22
Členem od Sep 03, 2011
4 příspěvků
Hi Splexin,
Thank you for the useful answer. So, everything can be done manually using FX Trade and MT4 is just registering the trades. Is there a way to see open oders (using FX Trade) on MT4 platform?
Thank you again.
Thank you for the useful answer. So, everything can be done manually using FX Trade and MT4 is just registering the trades. Is there a way to see open oders (using FX Trade) on MT4 platform?
Thank you again.

Členem od Apr 11, 2011
200 příspěvků
Sep 03, 2011 at 20:41
Členem od Apr 11, 2011
200 příspěvků
airair posted:
Hi Splexin,
Thank you for the useful answer. So, everything can be done manually using FX Trade and MT4 is just registering the trades. Is there a way to see open oders (using FX Trade) on MT4 platform?
Thank you again.
No, open orders placed on FX Trade do not aggregate to MT4, and I am unaware of any method that would allow it to do so; however, open orders placed on MT4 will aggregate to FX Trade.
Členem od Sep 03, 2011
4 příspěvků
Členem od Jul 21, 2011
14 příspěvků
Sep 04, 2011 at 08:11
Členem od Jul 21, 2011
14 příspěvků
I successfully managed to report trades from Oanda MT4 platform and all works fine, but have problem with trading privileges approval, because Oanda automatically attaches some ticket number to every order executed, which replaces the approval comment code I try to insert there.
Členem od Sep 03, 2011
4 příspěvků
Členem od Jul 31, 2009
1418 příspěvků
Sep 04, 2011 at 14:59
Členem od Jul 31, 2009
1418 příspěvků
cornix posted:
I successfully managed to report trades from Oanda MT4 platform and all works fine, but have problem with trading privileges approval, because Oanda automatically attaches some ticket number to every order executed, which replaces the approval comment code I try to insert there.
Please refer here: https://blog.myfxbook.com/2011/04/26/new-publishing-method-and-updates/

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