Very tough business.

Sep 08, 2019 at 07:50
9,154 zobrazení
173 Replies
Členem od Mar 03, 2020   4 příspěvků
Jun 19, 2020 at 04:23
Yo! Is it tough tho? I don't feel like it's super tough, to be honest. If it's tough for you, have you considered trying something else? No offence bro.
Členem od Apr 16, 2020   1 příspěvků
Jun 19, 2020 at 05:17
It's not that tough bro, getting a strategy is very easy, but the psychology part is very hard, sticking to the strategy through the wins and losses is very tough.
Členem od Jun 09, 2020   29 příspěvků
Jun 23, 2020 at 10:54
There’s no denying the fact that Forex trading is tough. This makes it essential to be aware of all the aspects related to trading before you plan to risk your money in it. You need to be active enough to keep the track of the changing market and have to make a move according to it, making sure you avoid the losses.
Členem od Apr 28, 2020   49 příspěvků
Jun 23, 2020 at 11:27
walisiam posted:
It's not that tough bro, getting a strategy is very easy, but the psychology part is very hard, sticking to the strategy through the wins and losses is very tough.

Totally. Psychology is one of the biggest challenges traders face. And once we overcome that challenge we are closer to our goal.
Členem od May 24, 2020   102 příspěvků
Jun 25, 2020 at 03:58
It is really very complicated here, especially in the initial stages.
Členem od Jun 24, 2020   9 příspěvků
Jun 25, 2020 at 11:14
So true, forex is actually difficult and complex. Due to its complex nature, extensive knowledge and skills are very much necessary. Prices of currency pairs keep on changing with a blink of an eye. Need to monitor the analysis carefully and practice your strategies to bring more accurate results. Choose your broker wisely as per your requirements and needs.
Členem od Oct 08, 2019   23 příspěvků
Jun 26, 2020 at 06:24
Duktilar posted:
It is really very complicated here, especially in the initial stages.

Right, but with time and practice one can get through easily, if he/she gains good amount of knowledge and practices consistently.
Členem od Jun 22, 2020   69 příspěvků
Jun 26, 2020 at 07:33
It is never not easy but we gotta keep our head up and constantly keep on learning more and getting better in time.
Členem od Apr 04, 2020   48 příspěvků
Jun 30, 2020 at 03:08
It is very difficult at the initial stage, but over time, when you are already passionate, trading becomes much easier and more interesting.
Členem od Aug 11, 2017   870 příspěvků
Jul 20, 2020 at 07:32
only knowledge is important , its not true , besides knowledge you have to ensure the regular practice , otherwise knowledge can be useless.  happy learning. 
Členem od Feb 22, 2011   4573 příspěvků
Jul 20, 2020 at 12:23
Forex is the same as any other business that creates a big income.
If you are CEO of company you had even more stress and work to do.

Forex is rather easy to handle if you need just like 2% a month, that could be achieved easilly but in such case you have to deposit significant amount of money.
So with let say 25% a year profit and $50,000 living costs you need to deposit $200,000 and trade it carefully.
Členem od Apr 01, 2020   227 příspěvků
Jul 21, 2020 at 00:55
Yes, it is true that Forex is very tough business and you should not leave at this stage and should contnue learning. One day you will be able to make good profit in it and you can be a successful trader.
Členem od Jul 09, 2019   37 příspěvků
Jul 21, 2020 at 10:47
Dictiony posted:
Yes, it is true that Forex is very tough business and you should not leave at this stage and should contnue learning. One day you will be able to make good profit in it and you can be a successful trader.

I agree with you. The process of learning has to be ongoing for any trader.
Členem od Jun 26, 2020   323 příspěvků
Jul 22, 2020 at 16:45
i think there is no trading business which is easy ,
any business is really difficult if you dont know to manage money .
Členem od Aug 09, 2017   598 příspěvků
Jul 22, 2020 at 17:37
Newcomers should focus on others inevitable part of trading besides acquiring good trading knowledge. Controlling emotions , avoid revenge trading , overtrading , money management ,RR and much more things they have to observe for avoiding unfortunate loss.
Členem od Jun 05, 2020   31 příspěvků
Jul 28, 2020 at 08:28
I agree with @Shelby10 Good knowledge is what can make this field little easy for beginners. One cannot be successful here without good learning
Členem od Jul 23, 2020   696 příspěvků
Aug 21, 2020 at 17:28
Shelby10 posted:
Forex is very tough business, when you don't have any knowledge about this market. If you have enough knowledge about this market, it will be very profitable and easy.

You are right. Forex trading for the first time is always difficult, but with constant study and training, it will be easy. It can be difficult to understand FX, but once you understand FX, you can easily earn money by trading.
Členem od Jul 19, 2020   310 příspěvků
Aug 24, 2020 at 13:47
Yes trading is the most difficult business in the world, whether it's forex, stocks or commodities. That's why 95% people ultimately fail in trading. To be successful in trading you have to be skilled enough.
Členem od Jul 20, 2020   278 příspěvků
Oct 02, 2020 at 11:07
Forex is tough for those who don't have enough knowledge about the market. Without knowledge, you can not make money from this market. But, if you have all the knowledge about the market, you can easily make money.
Členem od Aug 11, 2017   870 příspěvků
Oct 07, 2020 at 06:57
Forex market place is a part of ocean where there is anyone who can survive in a proper way without most powerful analyzing trade knowledge; if you are a newcomer please go to pips School which is very supportive for the newcomers to acquire all fundamental knowledge. And trade a demo account at any broker, learning and practicing is a great combination and this can will help you must be if you try it.
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