I will program your PROFITABLE trading system into an EA for free!

Mar 13, 2013 at 11:34
14,715 zobrazení
81 Replies
Členem od Sep 12, 2012   15 příspěvků
Mar 13, 2013 at 11:34 (Upravené Mar 13, 2013 at 11:23)
Firstly let me say I'm a Computer Developer with over 30 years of experience on a variety of hardware platforms.

I've been trading Forex for nearly a decade now and programming my own personal EAs and indicators (some exceptionally complex!).

For a very limited number of people I am prepared to code their existing personal manual trading system into an automated EA for free. There are few conditions though:

1. You must demonstrate to me in advance to my satisfaction that your system is profitable (ideally through an myfxbook link although other proof will be considered/required) .

2. The final EA is not to be sold commercially, only used privately

3. After successful development I have permission to use the EA on my own personal accounts (I will never release it to anyone else)

4. You must provide the detail, the 'precise rules' of exactly how the system works so that I can code it.

Hopefully you can see the above is a win-win for both parties, matching my programming skills with trading expertise.

Please feel free to post any questions here on the open thread or alternatively contact me viai private message.
Členem od Mar 14, 2013   2 příspěvků
Mar 15, 2013 at 09:21
Hi. I was looking for someone with your exact preference, that is, my plan, your programming, no sharing with anyone else. I don't know if you'll program this for me. It IS a proven system, and VERY profitable, but, I have only traded on demo accounts for the one year I've been involved with Forex. So, although I can not show you Real money, yet, I can show you what I know, and if I'm correct, this SIMPLE EA could make as much as 5000%+ in 20 Weeks!!!! And of this, I have proof.

I have not persue'd programming this EA yet because I've been chasing dumb robots and binary options for months. Soon, I will have time to go back and nail this EA down. I'm offering this info to you today because it will be quicker for me to outsource the programming. And time is Money.

Needles to say, if you are not willing to program this for me, I will eventually program it by myself. I have a technical background, electronics and computers and it's only a matter of time until I find the time to use an assembler or learn the MT4 language. But this is a good chance for YOU to make a lot of money and the door is open.

If you're interested in seeing what I can show you, let me know. If you decide not to program the EA for me, that's fine too, I only ask that for sharing my knowledge, if you ever changed your mind down the road and DO program the EA, that you send me a copy then.

Contact me directly , and put something in the Subject Line about Programmer from FX book, I get a lot of spam and I wouldn't want to miss your e-mail.

Nick F. in NY USA

Členem od Mar 01, 2013   70 příspěvků
Mar 17, 2013 at 07:25
I can do the same.
You win some, you lose some.
Členem od Sep 12, 2012   15 příspěvků
Mar 27, 2013 at 10:08
Anyone else like to take advantage of my offer?

This is win-win for both of us, linking my programming skills with trading expertise 😄
Členem od Oct 08, 2011   41 příspěvků
Apr 01, 2013 at 19:00
Hello Freefox,

I would just like you to know that i have sent you a private message for this topic.

Hope to hear from you soon.
Členem od Mar 31, 2013   37 příspěvků
Apr 01, 2013 at 19:24
Hi freefox
Upload your mail id ...
so we can talk privately about this ......
Členem od Aug 26, 2011   2 příspěvků
Apr 03, 2013 at 18:41
Hi FreeFox,

I have one strategy for which it needs to create two separate EA..
EA will have 2/3 components including increament of trading volume based on last closing trades...

I am afraid of secrecy matter...

I hope u will assure me about the issue..


Členem od Sep 12, 2012   15 příspěvků
Apr 04, 2013 at 11:26
Hi Razz,

You can rest assured about privacy/secrecy ... any discussions and material will always be between just us two. Reputation and integrity is very important to me.

If you want to drop me a private message to discuss things further please use the private mail facility on myfxbook initially and maybe we could then swap email addresses.

Best regards
Členem od Sep 12, 2012   15 příspěvků
Apr 13, 2013 at 21:11
Just quickly like to clarify my offer for me to to program your trading system for free into an EA.

It's open to everyone but please see the few requirements listed in my opening post. In fact for simplicity I'll copy it here again:
Freefox posted:
Firstly let me say I'm a Computer Developer with over 30 years of experience on a variety of hardware platforms.

I've been trading Forex for nearly a decade now and programming my own personal EAs and indicators (some exceptionally complex!).

For a very limited number of people I am prepared to code their existing personal manual trading system into an automated EA for free. There are few conditions though:

1. You must demonstrate to me in advance to my satisfaction that your system is profitable (ideally through an myfxbook link although other proof will be considered/required) .

2. The final EA is not to be sold commercially, only used privately

3. After successful development I have permission to use the EA on my own personal accounts (I will never release it to anyone else)

4. You must provide the detail, the 'precise rules' of exactly how the system works so that I can code it.

Hopefully you can see the above is a win-win for both parties, matching my programming skills with trading expertise.

Please feel free to post any questions here on the open thread or alternatively contact me via private message.

It is important that point 1 is met above as I am getting a lot of requests from people that are basically just ideas for systems rather than provable profitable ones. They may work, they may not but sorry I'm only interested in those with some form of proof that they are profitable.

So anyone got a great profitable system that they are trading and would like it converting into an EA I'm happy to do it. Win-win for both of us :-)
Členem od Mar 01, 2013   70 příspěvků
Apr 15, 2013 at 06:25
I have a different approach. If you present to me the rules of your strategy and it sound interesting to me; I will code it up for you for free. So long as I can used the strategy privately, you can use the source and ex4 anyway you like.
You win some, you lose some.
Členem od Mar 24, 2010   2 příspěvků
Apr 15, 2013 at 07:52
Hello Freefox,

can you sent me your emailadress per PM? I have an interesting strategy that i personally trade.
I have started a new demo at the beginning of this month:

If you are interested please contact me.


Členem od Sep 12, 2012   15 příspěvků
Apr 18, 2013 at 08:14
Hi Mondalsys,

Sent my email via PM.
Členem od Feb 19, 2014   1 příspěvků
Feb 19, 2014 at 21:57
I Have a wery good momentum pa strategy i managed to make up its rather new for me if you are intressted and have time over send a Pm .

But iam not sure how advanced a Ea can be made.

Security ofcourse of highest priority only between programer and me .

Take care and bless.
Členem od Nov 22, 2013   1 příspěvků
Apr 08, 2014 at 07:02
Can you please make a simple modification to an EA ?

Can you please make a small modification to the EA below ?
Can you please make, that instead of opening a BUY Trade, it will open a SELL Trade, and instead of opening a SELL Trade, it will open a BUY Trade ?
Another problem with this EA: Sometimes it doesn't trade at all for hours or more.
can you tell me why, and how to correct this problem ?
Thank you.

//----------------------- INCLUDES
#include <stdlib.mqh>

//----------------------- EA PARAMETER
extern string
         Expert_Name = '---------- Price Cross MA v0.3';
extern double
         StopLoss = 30,
         TakeProfit = 25,
         TrailingStop = 25;

extern string
         MA_Setting = '---------- Moving Average Setting';
extern int
         MAPeriod = 30,
         MAMethod = 0, //0:SMA 1:EMA 2:SMMA 3:LWMA
         MAPrice = 0; //0:CLOSE 1:OPEN
extern string
         Order_Setting = '---------- Order Setting';
extern int
         NumberOfTries = 5,
         Slippage = 5;
extern bool
         StopAndReverse = true; // if signal change, exit and reverse order

extern string
         Time_Parameters = '---------- EA Active Time';
extern bool
         UseHourTrade = false;
extern int
         StartHour = 10,
         EndHour = 11;
extern string
         MM_Parameters = '---------- MoneyManagement by L.Williams';
extern double
         Lots = 1;
extern bool
         MM = true, //Use Money Management or not
         AccountIsMicro = false; //Use Micro-Account or not
extern int
         Risk = 10; //10%

extern bool
         Show_Settings = true;

//----------------------- GLOBAL VARIABLE
static int
         TimeFrame = 0;
         TicketComment = 'PriceCrossMA v0.3';
         MagicNumber = 20060410;

//| expert initialization function |
int init()

//| expert deinitialization function |
int deinit()
//----------------------- SOURCE : CODERSGURU


//| |
int start()

//----------------------- TIME FILTER
   if (UseHourTrade)
      if(!(Hour()>=StartHour && Hour()<=EndHour))
         Comment('Non-Trading Hours!');

//----------------------- CHECK CHART NEED MORE THAN 100 BARS
      Print('bars less than 100');

   if(MM==true) Lots = subLotSize();

//----------------------- ENTRY

   total = subTotalTrade();

//----------------------- SET VALUE FOR VARIABLE
      OpenPricePrevious = iOpen (NULL,TimeFrame,1);
      ClosePricePrevious = iClose(NULL,TimeFrame,1);
      OpenPriceCurrent = iOpen (NULL,TimeFrame,0);
      MAValuePrevious = iMA (NULL,TimeFrame,MAPeriod,0,MAMethod,MAPrice,1);
      MAValueCurrent = iMA (NULL,TimeFrame,MAPeriod,0,MAMethod,MAPrice,0);

//----------------------- IF NO TRADE
   if(total < 1)
//----------------------- BUY CONDITION
      if(OpenPricePrevious<MAValuePrevious &&
         OpenPriceCurrent >MAValueCurrent)
         ticket = subOpenOrder(OP_BUY); // open BUY order

//----------------------- SELL CONDITION
      if(OpenPricePrevious>MAValuePrevious &&
         OpenPriceCurrent <MAValueCurrent)
         ticket = subOpenOrder(OP_SELL); // open SELL order
//----------------------- CHECK OPEN ORDER
//----------------------- FOR SIGNAL CHANGE - STOP AND REVERSE
//----------------------- AND TRAILING STOP
   total = OrdersTotal();

   if(TrailingStop>0 ||
         OrderSelect(cnt, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES);

         if(OrderType()<=OP_SELL &&
            OrderSymbol()==Symbol() &&
            if(OrderType()==OP_BUY) // buy position is opened
               if(StopAndReverse) // signal change, close order and open new one
                  if(OpenPricePrevious>MAValuePrevious &&
                     OpenPriceCurrent <MAValueCurrent)
                     OrderClose(OrderTicket(),OrderLots(),Bid,Slippage,Violet); // close buy order
                     ticket = subOpenOrder(OP_SELL); // open sell order
               if(TrailingStop>0) // trailing stop
                  if(Bid-OrderOpenPrice()>Point*TrailingStop &&
            if(OrderType()==OP_SELL) // sell position is opened
               if(StopAndReverse) // signal change, close order and open new one
                  if(OpenPricePrevious<MAValuePrevious &&
                     OpenPriceCurrent >MAValueCurrent)
                     OrderClose(OrderTicket(),OrderLots(),Ask,Slippage,Violet); // close sell order
                     ticket = subOpenOrder(OP_BUY); // open buy order
               if(TrailingStop>0) // trailing stop
                  if(OrderStopLoss()>Ask+Point*TrailingStop || OrderStopLoss()==0)

//----------------------- END PROGRAM


//----------------------- MONEY MANAGEMENT FUNCTION
//----------------------- SOURCE : CODERSGURU
double subLotSize()
     double lotMM = MathCeil(AccountFreeMargin() * Risk / 1000) / 100;
      if(AccountIsMicro==false) //normal account
         if (lotMM < 0.1) lotMM = Lots;
         if ((lotMM > 0.5) && (lotMM < 1)) lotMM=0.5;
         if (lotMM > 1.0) lotMM = MathCeil(lotMM);
         if (lotMM > 100) lotMM = 100;
      else //micro account
         if (lotMM < 0.01) lotMM = Lots;
         if (lotMM > 1.0) lotMM = MathCeil(lotMM);
         if (lotMM > 100) lotMM = 100;
      return (lotMM);

int subTotalTrade()
         if(OrderSymbol()==Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber()==MagicNumber){

//----------------------- OPEN ORDER FUNCTION
//----------------------- SOURCE : CODERSGURU
int subOpenOrder(int type)
         ticket = 0,
         err = 0,
         c = 0;
         aStopLoss = 0,
         aTakeProfit = 0,
         bStopLoss = 0,
         bTakeProfit = 0;

      aStopLoss = Ask-StopLoss*Point;
      bStopLoss = Bid+StopLoss*Point;
      aTakeProfit = Ask+TakeProfit*Point;
      bTakeProfit = Bid-TakeProfit*Point;
            if(err==4 || err==137 ||err==146 || err==136) //Busy errors
            else //normal error
            if(err==4 || err==137 ||err==146 || err==136) //Busy errors
            else //normal error

//----------------------- CHECK ERROR CODE FUNCTION
//----------------------- SOURCE : CODERSGURU
void subCheckError(int ticket, string Type)
      if(OrderSelect(ticket,SELECT_BY_TICKET,MODE_TRADES)) Print(Type + ' order opened : ',OrderOpenPrice());
    else Print('Error opening ' + Type + ' order : ', ErrorDescription(GetLastError()));

//----------------------- END FUNCTION
Členem od Aug 08, 2013   3 příspěvků
Apr 08, 2014 at 15:17
Simply change 'OP_BUY' with 'OP_SELL' and 'OP_SELL' with 'OP_BUY' in the code as seen below..

----------------------- BUY CONDITION
      if(OpenPricePrevious<MAValuePrevious &&
         OpenPriceCurrent >MAValueCurrent)
         ticket = subOpenOrder(OP_BUY); // open BUY order

//----------------------- SELL CONDITION
      if(OpenPricePrevious>MAValuePrevious &&
         OpenPriceCurrent <MAValueCurrent)
         ticket = subOpenOrder(OP_SELL); // open SELL order

ejhc842NFL posted:
Can you please make a simple modification to an EA ?

Can you please make a small modification to the EA below ?
Can you please make, that instead of opening a BUY Trade, it will open a SELL Trade, and instead of opening a SELL Trade, it will open a BUY Trade ?
Another problem with this EA: Sometimes it doesn't trade at all for hours or more.
can you tell me why, and how to correct this problem ?
Thank you.

//----------------------- INCLUDES
#include <stdlib.mqh>

//----------------------- EA PARAMETER
extern string
         Expert_Name = '---------- Price Cross MA v0.3';
extern double
         StopLoss = 30,
         TakeProfit = 25,
         TrailingStop = 25;

extern string
         MA_Setting = '---------- Moving Average Setting';
extern int
         MAPeriod = 30,
         MAMethod = 0, //0:SMA 1:EMA 2:SMMA 3:LWMA
         MAPrice = 0; //0:CLOSE 1:OPEN
extern string
         Order_Setting = '---------- Order Setting';
extern int
         NumberOfTries = 5,
         Slippage = 5;
extern bool
         StopAndReverse = true; // if signal change, exit and reverse order

extern string
         Time_Parameters = '---------- EA Active Time';
extern bool
         UseHourTrade = false;
extern int
         StartHour = 10,
         EndHour = 11;
extern string
         MM_Parameters = '---------- MoneyManagement by L.Williams';
extern double
         Lots = 1;
extern bool
         MM = true, //Use Money Management or not
         AccountIsMicro = false; //Use Micro-Account or not
extern int
         Risk = 10; //10%

extern bool
         Show_Settings = true;

//----------------------- GLOBAL VARIABLE
static int
         TimeFrame = 0;
         TicketComment = 'PriceCrossMA v0.3';
         MagicNumber = 20060410;

//| expert initialization function |
int init()

//| expert deinitialization function |
int deinit()
//----------------------- SOURCE : CODERSGURU


//| |
int start()

//----------------------- TIME FILTER
   if (UseHourTrade)
      if(!(Hour()>=StartHour && Hour()<=EndHour))
         Comment('Non-Trading Hours!');

//----------------------- CHECK CHART NEED MORE THAN 100 BARS
      Print('bars less than 100');

   if(MM==true) Lots = subLotSize();

//----------------------- ENTRY

   total = subTotalTrade();

//----------------------- SET VALUE FOR VARIABLE
      OpenPricePrevious = iOpen (NULL,TimeFrame,1);
      ClosePricePrevious = iClose(NULL,TimeFrame,1);
      OpenPriceCurrent = iOpen (NULL,TimeFrame,0);
      MAValuePrevious = iMA (NULL,TimeFrame,MAPeriod,0,MAMethod,MAPrice,1);
      MAValueCurrent = iMA (NULL,TimeFrame,MAPeriod,0,MAMethod,MAPrice,0);

//----------------------- IF NO TRADE
   if(total < 1)
//----------------------- BUY CONDITION
      if(OpenPricePrevious<MAValuePrevious &&
         OpenPriceCurrent >MAValueCurrent)
         ticket = subOpenOrder(OP_BUY); // open BUY order

//----------------------- SELL CONDITION
      if(OpenPricePrevious>MAValuePrevious &&
         OpenPriceCurrent <MAValueCurrent)
         ticket = subOpenOrder(OP_SELL); // open SELL order
//----------------------- CHECK OPEN ORDER
//----------------------- FOR SIGNAL CHANGE - STOP AND REVERSE
//----------------------- AND TRAILING STOP
   total = OrdersTotal();

   if(TrailingStop>0 ||
         OrderSelect(cnt, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES);

         if(OrderType()<=OP_SELL &&
            OrderSymbol()==Symbol() &&
            if(OrderType()==OP_BUY) // buy position is opened
               if(StopAndReverse) // signal change, close order and open new one
                  if(OpenPricePrevious>MAValuePrevious &&
                     OpenPriceCurrent <MAValueCurrent)
                     OrderClose(OrderTicket(),OrderLots(),Bid,Slippage,Violet); // close buy order
                     ticket = subOpenOrder(OP_SELL); // open sell order
               if(TrailingStop>0) // trailing stop
                  if(Bid-OrderOpenPrice()>Point*TrailingStop &&
            if(OrderType()==OP_SELL) // sell position is opened
               if(StopAndReverse) // signal change, close order and open new one
                  if(OpenPricePrevious<MAValuePrevious &&
                     OpenPriceCurrent >MAValueCurrent)
                     OrderClose(OrderTicket(),OrderLots(),Ask,Slippage,Violet); // close sell order
                     ticket = subOpenOrder(OP_BUY); // open buy order
               if(TrailingStop>0) // trailing stop
                  if(OrderStopLoss()>Ask+Point*TrailingStop || OrderStopLoss()==0)

//----------------------- END PROGRAM


//----------------------- MONEY MANAGEMENT FUNCTION
//----------------------- SOURCE : CODERSGURU
double subLotSize()
     double lotMM = MathCeil(AccountFreeMargin() * Risk / 1000) / 100;
      if(AccountIsMicro==false) //normal account
         if (lotMM < 0.1) lotMM = Lots;
         if ((lotMM > 0.5) && (lotMM < 1)) lotMM=0.5;
         if (lotMM > 1.0) lotMM = MathCeil(lotMM);
         if (lotMM > 100) lotMM = 100;
      else //micro account
         if (lotMM < 0.01) lotMM = Lots;
         if (lotMM > 1.0) lotMM = MathCeil(lotMM);
         if (lotMM > 100) lotMM = 100;
      return (lotMM);

int subTotalTrade()
         if(OrderSymbol()==Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber()==MagicNumber){

//----------------------- OPEN ORDER FUNCTION
//----------------------- SOURCE : CODERSGURU
int subOpenOrder(int type)
         ticket = 0,
         err = 0,
         c = 0;
         aStopLoss = 0,
         aTakeProfit = 0,
         bStopLoss = 0,
         bTakeProfit = 0;

      aStopLoss = Ask-StopLoss*Point;
      bStopLoss = Bid+StopLoss*Point;
      aTakeProfit = Ask+TakeProfit*Point;
      bTakeProfit = Bid-TakeProfit*Point;
            if(err==4 || err==137 ||err==146 || err==136) //Busy errors
            else //normal error
            if(err==4 || err==137 ||err==146 || err==136) //Busy errors
            else //normal error

//----------------------- CHECK ERROR CODE FUNCTION
//----------------------- SOURCE : CODERSGURU
void subCheckError(int ticket, string Type)
      if(OrderSelect(ticket,SELECT_BY_TICKET,MODE_TRADES)) Print(Type + ' order opened : ',OrderOpenPrice());
    else Print('Error opening ' + Type + ' order : ', ErrorDescription(GetLastError()));

//----------------------- END FUNCTION
Členem od Apr 14, 2014   3 příspěvků
Apr 14, 2014 at 19:08
are you available on skype?

my ID is whitebliss. Add me on skype and i can i explain some of my strategies i want to be coded.


Členem od Sep 12, 2012   15 příspěvků
Apr 16, 2014 at 21:40
Message me first with the details. If you meet the criteria previously posted then we can go from there.
Členem od Mar 25, 2014   2 příspěvků
Apr 20, 2014 at 18:21
I would like to get an own-created EA being transformed to Ninjatrader 7.

Do you can help me or know anybody who could this job for me ?

Kind regards, Thomas.
Členem od Apr 01, 2014   14 příspěvků
Apr 21, 2014 at 11:54
Hello, I wanted to know if you were able to converetire and in a mql4 in MQL5

thanks giulio
The money never sleep
Členem od Jul 03, 2013   4 příspěvků
Apr 28, 2014 at 19:18
Look sound interesting. What kind platform you can do?
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