ACTrader (Od actrader)

Zisk : +10.03%
Čerpání 22.60%
Pipy: 172.6
Obchodníci 39
Vyhraná :
Prohraná :
Typ : Reálný
Páka: 1:500
Obchodování : Automaticky

ACTrader diskuse

May 21, 2012 at 11:48
873 zobrazení
3 Replies
Členem od Dec 29, 2011   20 příspěvků
Jun 22, 2012 at 04:33
Can you explain why you have so different results on your 3 accounts ?
My look's like more than this one but sometime trades are closed when your your's still open , sometime you have trade when my not have ...
Because Data feed or indicators are not the same ?
Členem od Apr 26, 2012   5 příspěvků
Aug 10, 2012 at 13:22
I do have more accounts because I have 2 EA's ACTrader and ACTrader Scalper. Right now I stopped ACTrader and I am searching for a different broker, because Ironfx has big spreads on AUDCAD.

For the scalper there are different results because there are different brokers with slightly different prices and spreads. This is a scalping strategy, so the results cannot and will not be exactly the same.
Členem od Feb 24, 2012   4 příspěvků
Aug 28, 2012 at 21:54
what is good spear for it ACTrader Scalper ?
Členem od Apr 26, 2012   5 příspěvků
Aug 29, 2012 at 05:56
3 pips or less
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