Arbitrage trading

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Arbitrage trading diskuse

Nov 26, 2015 at 15:52
9,441 zobrazení
76 Replies
Členem od May 04, 2020   1 příspěvků
May 04, 2020 at 13:38
I came across your system and must say your track record is impressive.
Can you explain, please how it's working?
Členem od Feb 22, 2011   4573 příspěvků
May 04, 2020 at 23:10
I am surprised that
A. there are still enough fools to get fooled
B. myfxbook tolerates this, well actually not so much
Členem od May 05, 2020   1 příspěvků
May 05, 2020 at 12:43
Hi there,

I'm with Grinta-Invest for more than 2 years and plan to stay there as long as i'm getting profit.

Now about my numbers:
- average monthly ROI (netto): 3.7%
- biggest drawdown per trade: 0.4%
- average win per trade: 2.2 pips
- winning ratio: 99% + of trades

- low risk
- stable passive income
- good ROI
- fast withdrawals (usually 1-2 business days for SEPA transactions)
- good support via Skype.

- a little bit high performance fee for small accounts (i'd like it to be lower)
- high minimum deposit (10k EURO) to join arbitrage system
- strict terms regarding withdrawals of profit

Pretty good arbitrage trading system which i definitely recommend as alternative investment for getting high passive income with very low risk. Perfect for big investors.
Členem od May 05, 2020   2 příspěvků
May 05, 2020 at 13:59
yaspesh posted:
BillJackson posted:
Be careful! Stay away!
This is Arbitration! This only works on a fake seller account! You will never get your money back!
All positive reviews are written by one company, and the accounts are fake.
A lot of negative reviews and claims. Read the FPA

yaspesh posted:
Grinta Invest is another financial pyramid, allegedly made under a trading exchange. Contacting such projects is strongly discouraged.

Russian scam broker ! Stay Away!

yaspesh posted:
same review

same review




No Regulators broker.



you will find hundreds more reviews about this company on the Internet

good job
Členem od Mar 03, 2020   12 příspěvků
May 08, 2020 at 02:55
VERY low drawdown... how did you manage to do that? thanks
Členem od Mar 03, 2020   12 příspěvků
May 08, 2020 at 03:32
VasilyUKR posted:
MMMHOPER posted:
yaspesh posted:
BillJackson posted:
Be careful! Stay away!
This is Arbitration! This only works on a fake seller account! You will never get your money back!
All positive reviews are written by one company, and the accounts are fake.
A lot of negative reviews and claims. Read the FPA

yaspesh posted:
Grinta Invest is another financial pyramid, allegedly made under a trading exchange. Contacting such projects is strongly discouraged.

Russian scam broker ! Stay Away!

yaspesh posted:
same review

same review




No Regulators broker.



you will find hundreds more reviews about this company on the Internet

good job

This is a financial pyramid originally from Russia,
there they have legal prosecution.
Be careful and don’t lose money,
this bubble can burst any minute


yeah that sounded way too good to be true. thanks for the warning!
Členem od Nov 07, 2012   1 příspěvků
May 12, 2020 at 07:51
Martin_King posted:
It's very funny when just registered users share there "professional opinion" on something, sitting on sofas 😁
Guess they are jealous when someone is making real money.

I'm trading using this arbitrage system already 3 years. Everything is going well. Amazing performance!!!
May I know the name of your system and the broker, please?
Členem od Nov 20, 2018   14 příspěvků
May 12, 2020 at 16:20
jenel72 posted:
I dont know if this results are so good people ,

look at the time of this system 5-6 years...

very long period, so in Forex with leverage I dont know if its so attractive

3% profit a month with leverage of 1:100 1:200 its not that impressive

Very very low drawdown means low risk so low profit.

IMO the world needs to shock more when gives the ability to make faster and higher profits

well guess some people dont like risk in life

I'm also using this system for almost a year and satisfied with the results.
Getting around 3.5% ROI a month. Want to get higher - be ready to take a higher risk...
Členem od Sep 25, 2017   51 příspěvků
May 13, 2020 at 03:06
Hi there,

When i started with this system 3 years ago the conditions were a little better. As i remember i got a bonus for several months and some discount on performance fee.

Do you offer some bonuses now?
Členem od Jun 28, 2014   10 příspěvků
May 13, 2020 at 06:39
Hi Jas 91,

Of course I still use Grinta-Invest, I have already tried a lot but this system and the broker is the best there is Even during Corona we have very nice results I would recommend everyone to also use the service they offer .I hope to continue for many years to come.
Členem od May 02, 2020   3 příspěvků
May 13, 2020 at 07:49
The system looks good. I'm gonna keep checking for updates on this system.
Členem od Jun 28, 2014   10 příspěvků
May 13, 2020 at 08:41
I can gife you update directly from my account pm me.
Členem od May 13, 2020   2 příspěvků
May 13, 2020 at 15:26
Same here...
Adios all , I have been checking this link from a friend that says its worth to try.
Few days will monitor here day by day, than give it a try for few weeks in live account.
If in real its not like here in the site than will close the account

Will start to check about account opening procedure


greesam posted:
The system looks good. I'm gonna keep checking for updates on this system.
Členem od May 13, 2020   2 příspěvků
May 13, 2020 at 15:28
Mr Jecob,
nice post, got me thinking a little about myself and to understand i am defiantly type 1 after been years type 2 :))

jecob001 posted:
I think its much depends on the TYPE of person you are,
As I see it , there is 3 main types
1. investor
first if you are looking to invest with experience team and system and algo ,
Let them do the hard work and bring results,
Dont want to watch the markets and the system, just the money part, and let it run for long time
preferred months and years than Arbitrage with Grinta and other system can fit your needs

2. trader
If you like to do some technical, fundamental news, learn strategies.
learn to develop some EA and robots, or even sit and trade manually during the trading hours
which needs much more time effort and energy, BUT if you like it than great

3. combination of both
You can enjoy from both worlds, put some money with investment company or system to trade for you
and also have in parallel another 1-2 accounts with some more money to trade,
separate between them both , and time will tell if you will choose to be #1 or #2 or stay #3 :))

Think about it...
will catch some updates later , cheers social trader :)
Členem od May 06, 2020   2 příspěvků
May 13, 2020 at 16:26
I'm also interested to try this system, but can't reach Grinta. Did anyone newly succeed to contact them?
Contact Us section in their website doesn't work - can't send message.
4 support phone numbers of different countries given on website are out of service.
Členem od Apr 09, 2018   26 příspěvků
May 14, 2020 at 01:04
Sijab6 posted:
I am very interested and asking some more questions in private.
I need to see some more proofs that its real,
the history, all the history, to login to a real account,

I see its REAL and I trust MYFXBOOK but some of my demands makes sense and will make many of us more safe
and secure to believe .

I asked this from few other people here that most of them founds reason how to avoid my questions :))

If you can answer my questions and give some proofs I will deposit 20k eur to start testing you LIVE

Hola everyone

He/she is probably their own broker, I would stay away
Členem od Jun 28, 2014   10 příspěvků
May 14, 2020 at 06:53
People who want to know everything about the arbitration and want to see my history from the past 4 years, send me a pm at

[email protected]
Členem od May 06, 2020   2 příspěvků
May 14, 2020 at 07:52 (Upravené May 14, 2020 at 07:57)
Grinta posted:
Hello Pandemv,

I don't see any kind of contact request on your side, or email... or a missed call.

I don't think you really tried to contact us or maybe clicked the wrong button.

Please contact the support team and we will be more than happy to answer all questions - [email protected]

Have a good day.


I did mention that website is not working hence you didn't receive email.
Phone numbes are out of service so obviously you don't see miss call.
Somehow both of these 2 symptoms put question mark on reliability.
I've sent the email to support now.
Členem od Jun 28, 2014   10 příspěvků
May 19, 2020 at 09:52
Sijab6 posted:
I am very interested and asking some more questions in private.
I need to see some more proofs that its real,
the history, all the history, to login to a real account,

I see its REAL and I trust MYFXBOOK but some of my demands makes sense and will make many of us more safe
and secure to believe .

I asked this from few other people here that most of them founds reason how to avoid my questions :))

If you can answer my questions and give some proofs I will deposit 20k eur to start testing you LIVE

Hola everyone


Gife me your email and i show you everything about it, its the best way to make money.
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