ForexSensation (Od sensation)
Zisk : | +215.07% |
Čerpání | 2.57% |
Pipy: | 723.8 |
Obchodníci | 102 |
Vyhraná : |
Prohraná : |
Typ : | Reálný |
Páka: | 1:200 |
Obchodování : | Automaticky |
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ForexSensation diskuse
Členem od Oct 17, 2013
88 příspěvků
Nov 13, 2013 at 15:58
Členem od Oct 17, 2013
88 příspěvků
Hi Young Chang,
Did you get confirmation that they had accepted your refund request, they were processing it and you would get your money back?
Did you get confirmation that they had accepted your refund request, they were processing it and you would get your money back?
Členem od Apr 28, 2013
11 příspěvků
Nov 13, 2013 at 15:59
Členem od Apr 28, 2013
11 příspěvků
FxPhil posted:
Guys here is a bit more info.
Took the spreadsheet I made from the 4 Strategy 99% back test and did a few adjustments.
Set $10,000 as the balance before the trade on 15 July 2013.
Adjusted the Risk to generate the same size trade as the 1st trade in the contest and allow that Risk to carry forward.
Guess what?
The adjusted backtest Balance as of 11 Oct 2013 (last trade on the contest) was $29,051, which is very close to the actual $31,507.
So that does support the latest 4 Strategy back test as maybe being close to reality and shows what we are currently seeing may be just a difficult time for the EA as it experienced in the start of the back test.
That is interesting but someone else already did various backtesting with different strategies and different risk appetite, aggressive true/false, etc. They found that this EA did very well during the period of time when the contest was but it did horribly at all other times.
So basically, it seems that this EA does poorly all the time but during the period of the contest it did well. I will try to scroll back and find the gentlemen who did the various backtesting. The bottom line is that most people bought into this EA because of the advertised results so if you are not seeing profitable trades within a week or a month then obviously this EA is not performing the way it was advertised and you should ask for a refund.
Členem od Apr 07, 2013
22 příspěvků
Nov 13, 2013 at 16:53
Členem od Apr 07, 2013
22 příspěvků
youngchang posted:
Hello EA buyers,
Any one get refunded??
I have requested refund 12 days ago but still no refund yet.
Please inform here, I wonder they really refund it to the purchaser within 60 days
i asked for refund today and waiting
Členem od Apr 28, 2013
11 příspěvků
Nov 13, 2013 at 16:53
Členem od Apr 28, 2013
11 příspěvků
By the way traders, if you don't get your money back you can call you bank and do a credit card dispute. If your bank is good they will go through with the necessary procedures to take the money back. Don't forget that all merchants that are online or anywhere need to apply for their service through another bank. So if this merchant is doing shady things they are held accountable by their bank. All banks are part of a network, so if you file disputes then this merchant gets a bad reputation through the banking network.
Eventually, they may just not be able to have their bank account anymore if they do not honor their return policies, etc.
Eventually, they may just not be able to have their bank account anymore if they do not honor their return policies, etc.
Členem od Apr 28, 2013
11 příspěvků
Nov 13, 2013 at 16:53
Členem od Apr 28, 2013
11 příspěvků
investea posted:
So I did the back tests,
Just a little introduction about the EA, there are 3 strategies in the EA, named S1, S2 and S3. The last one have an "Aggressive" mode.
The configuration show on the ForexSensation Website is the following:
• Risk – 0,4 %
• S1 – Enabled
• S2 – Enabled
• S3 – Enabled
• S3 Aggressive – Enabled
Note that is slightly different from the default one:
• Risk – 0,2 %
• S1 – Enabled
• S2 – Enabled
• S3 – Enabled
• S3 Aggressive – Disabled
Here is the link where I’ve put the results of the backtests, there are still some missing, the default configuration from 2008 using MM and default with fixed lot.!1042&authkey=!AEpdnWSmbUfW9Zk
My test use Dukascopy ticks data, it's an ECN as the ECN account used by forexsentation with FXChoice, as the guys sent the investor password for that account. Unfortunately I don't have the ticks data history of FXChoice. But I have a real account on which I'm running the EA.
I took data from 2008 to now. I took an initial balance of 10000 $. Fixed lot of 0.1, except for the full strategy, tested both the competition params and the default ones.
Comments and new backtests will follow.
This was the gentleman who posted his backtest results with different settings, etc.
Členem od Oct 17, 2013
88 příspěvků
Nov 13, 2013 at 16:54
Členem od Oct 17, 2013
88 příspěvků
Well that depends on what you are looking for.
Adjusting the spreadsheet to use Risk 0.5, delivers $400,000 at end Oct 2013 from a $1,000 deposit 22 months earlier.
As the adjusted spreadsheet shows equal results during the 3 month contest, it may also suggest the 22 month backtest result is also valid.
Have attached the adjustable version.
You can adjust Risk and starting balance to see the end result.
Adjusting the spreadsheet to use Risk 0.5, delivers $400,000 at end Oct 2013 from a $1,000 deposit 22 months earlier.
As the adjusted spreadsheet shows equal results during the 3 month contest, it may also suggest the 22 month backtest result is also valid.
Have attached the adjustable version.
You can adjust Risk and starting balance to see the end result.
Členem od Jan 05, 2011
127 příspěvků
Nov 13, 2013 at 17:46
Členem od Jan 05, 2011
127 příspěvků
youngchang posted:
Hello EA buyers,
Any one get refunded??
I have requested refund 12 days ago but still no refund yet.
Please inform here, I wonder they really refund it to the purchaser within 60 days
The best way to get your refund is to send the request directly to Clickbank.
Live Freely
Členem od Aug 22, 2009
382 příspěvků
Členem od Aug 22, 2009
382 příspěvků
Nov 13, 2013 at 18:31
(Upravené Nov 13, 2013 at 18:32)
Členem od Aug 22, 2009
382 příspěvků
FxPhil posted:
Hi Young Chang,
Did you get confirmation that they had accepted your refund request, they were processing it and you would get your money back?
I have received this email. let's see after 10 more days.
Dear Young chang,
Your transaction has now been successfully refunded.
IMPORTANT: It can take 10 to 21 working days for your refund to show on your account.
The details of your refund are shown below:
Date purchased:Saturday 02nd of November 2013 03:57:27 AM
Product: Forex Sensation
Order ID: 2043688288
Amount: $398
Vat: $0
Please note that you may lose access to the product(s) you purchased once the purchase has been refunded.
Warm regards, Support
Email: [email protected]

Členem od Mar 04, 2011
37 příspěvků
Nov 13, 2013 at 19:19
Členem od Mar 04, 2011
37 příspěvků
I have a new trade:
Členem od Apr 28, 2013
11 příspěvků
Nov 13, 2013 at 21:07
Členem od Apr 28, 2013
11 příspěvků
FxPhil posted:
Well that depends on what you are looking for.
Adjusting the spreadsheet to use Risk 0.5, delivers $400,000 at end Oct 2013 from a $1,000 deposit 22 months earlier.
As the adjusted spreadsheet shows equal results during the 3 month contest, it may also suggest the 22 month backtest result is also valid.
Have attached the adjustable version.
You can adjust Risk and starting balance to see the end result.
Thanks for this info FX Phil
And, to confirm, all you did was disable all strategies except for strategy number 4 and play around with the risk appetite?
Členem od Apr 28, 2013
11 příspěvků
Nov 13, 2013 at 21:07
Členem od Apr 28, 2013
11 příspěvků
I have had two trades now so far in my account and both were winners. I am using a 3,000 balance demo account with Tallinex and had two winning trades today. One for $43.20 and another for $145.60
Let's see if this continues.
Let's see if this continues.
Členem od Dec 07, 2010
14 příspěvků
Nov 13, 2013 at 22:39
(Upravené Nov 13, 2013 at 22:40)
Členem od Dec 07, 2010
14 příspěvků
Do you think that this system will earn in the future? I don`t think so. And DD 36% on test :) Who will want to use this EA after so bid drop? This is a future: and this EA is not for sale :)
Trade to WIN!
Členem od Apr 28, 2013
11 příspěvků
Nov 14, 2013 at 09:44
Členem od Apr 28, 2013
11 příspěvků
GoldenBoy posted:
Do you think that this system will earn in the future? I don`t think so. And DD 36% on test :) Who will want to use this EA after so bid drop? This is a future: and this EA is not for sale :)
I am not sure what your objective is by posting in this thread if it has nothing to do with the thread.
There are plenty of robots out there. We are trying to evaluate FX Sensation in this thread so unless you're going to offer something productive don't post.
Successful manual traders still see value in automated systems. If you think hard about that you could understand why. So please don't waste my time by posting nonsense.
Členem od Apr 28, 2013
11 příspěvků
Nov 14, 2013 at 09:44
Členem od Apr 28, 2013
11 příspěvků
By the way a drawdown of 36% is not bad at all. I am sure that Warren Buffet and George Soros have seen bigger drawdown than that. You obviously don't know what you're talking about.
Členem od Apr 28, 2013
11 příspěvků
Nov 14, 2013 at 09:44
Členem od Apr 28, 2013
11 příspěvků
nikola_s posted:
I have a new trade:
Hi Nikola,
I am not sure if it will affect your account or not, but they recommended that we use Talinex or FX Choice and also to have an account balance of at least $1000. I think it is a good idea to use a demo account with at least $1000 to evaluate this product.
Also to have the proper settings.
Členem od Oct 17, 2013
88 příspěvků
Nov 14, 2013 at 09:45
Členem od Oct 17, 2013
88 příspěvků
FX3422271 posted:
And, to confirm, all you did was disable all strategies except for strategy number 4 and play around with the risk appetite?
On the FS web site there are 2 published back tests. One for just Strategy 4 and another for all 4 Strategies.
What I have done is to take the public 4 Strategy 99.9% back test and turn it into a spreadsheet.
From there other changes were done that allow you to vary the input money and the Risk.
As there were no magics supplied with the back test data, it is not possible to isolate various Strategies.

Členem od Mar 04, 2011
37 příspěvků
Nov 14, 2013 at 10:59
Členem od Mar 04, 2011
37 příspěvků
I think that EA should work equally in any account, $ 100 or $ 1,000. Account of $ 1,000 is much more beneficial to the broker than the Account of $ 100.
Členem od Oct 17, 2013
88 příspěvků
Nov 14, 2013 at 15:15
Členem od Oct 17, 2013
88 příspěvků
Please watch this video to better understand what the 83% Win ratio from the 4 Strategy back test really means to losing streaks. If you have the time, enjoy the full video and try to understand those with billions to invest are VERY happy with 30-40% per year. Then use this table
to better understand how the Win % effects the potential length of losing streaks. Knowing that you have a better ability to judge the Risk per trade based on the EAs Win% and the length of the potential losing streak.

Členem od Jan 05, 2011
127 příspěvků
Nov 16, 2013 at 09:00
Členem od Jan 05, 2011
127 příspěvků
FxPhil posted:
Guys here is a bit more info.
Took the spreadsheet I made from the 4 Strategy 99% back test and did a few adjustments.
Set $10,000 as the balance before the trade on 15 July 2013.
Adjusted the Risk to generate the same size trade as the 1st trade in the contest and allow that Risk to carry forward.
Guess what?
The adjusted backtest Balance as of 11 Oct 2013 (last trade on the contest) was $29,051, which is very close to the actual $31,507.
So that does support the latest 4 Strategy back test as maybe being close to reality and shows what we are currently seeing may be just a difficult time for the EA as it experienced in the start of the back test.
On that spreadsheet your did. Is there a way I can isolate the results for each strategy so I can see if the the 36% dd is a result from the 4th strategy added ?
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