Jazz Main (Od marketedge)

Zisk : +27.51%
Čerpání 28.08%
Pipy: 1437.8
Obchodníci 1483
Vyhraná :
Prohraná :
Typ : Reálný
Páka: -
Obchodování : Automaticky

Jazz Main diskuse

Jul 16, 2014 at 08:01
3,382 zobrazení
84 Replies
Členem od Apr 22, 2014   16 příspěvků
Sep 18, 2014 at 20:15
marketedge posted:
Lets be clear what we are and what we are not:
- We trade from a automated trading system which works on volatility and trends.
- We ARE NOT GOLDMAN SACHS. WE HAVE NEVER MANAGED RETAIL MONEY. It should be fairly evident in the way we take you both to task that we are not exactly craving to have you as client. If you want you can try else leave it.

Ask specific questions instead of writing your uncalled for advice and suggestions and conclusions. 39k is not a amount for which we will bend backwards and let you know our regulatory setups.

Tut tut-great liasion - sounds to me everytime I ask tough questions which you simply cannot answer, you get more irritated.

I have asked plenty of questions relating to the safety of my funds, each one you have failed to answer!

I have asked plenty of questions as to why you broke your own trading rules, you have failed to answer!

Your regulatory set-up is very important for every client, whether they have $1k or $100k. Segregated accounts is also a must, yet you fail to provide details of this. You fail to answer what protection any fuinds would have should something happen to you, under what scheme would the funds be protected and who we could claim compensation under.

No established, legal entity would ever fail to provide this information. The only conclusion I can arrive is that as you are trading from India, where FX trading is not allowed, you are engaging in some sort of covert set-up that let's you by pass the Indian rules - as long as they do not find out. If they do, then I guess all funds will be frozen and where will that leave clients?

Where else due you suggests I undertake my due diligence except by asking questions directly. Without a real company name, without any information about who you are, how else do you expect me to check to make sure you are who you say you are? The information you have provided to date, has failed ot check out anywhere so excuse me for wanting to devle muych depeer.

Gibberish? Legal questions relating to your set-up is gibberish? Wanting to know why you break your own rules are gibberish? I wish to know how safe my funds will be and how disciplined you are as a trader. Are these not valid requirement?

Once again, if you wish me to stop questioning you, either answer my perfectly legitimate questions or kindly refrain from mentioning me.

Členem od Jul 07, 2014   40 příspěvků
Sep 18, 2014 at 20:16
This is what you wrote a few posts above.

 Just check out the below what your wrote:
....They couldn't even be bothered to create an entirely new name, the name 'edge' appears in both systems. Their forex2-0 web page has been taken down where potential clients could have seen the similarities which would have proved they are the same people. On forexfactory, they mention the same methodology and Van Thaarp, SQN etc etc and even their traders are identical. Pretty amazing coincidence for a system that is supposed to be propriety. ....

You say you deserve an answer from us. You have concluded on your own that we are some entity called forex20. You have very conveniently linked their myfxbook to our wall and say we are linked. This is not right. You said we lost a lot of money for retail before. We said we never ever done any work for retail before but you concluded on your own that we are something else. This is why your intentions were suspect from day 1. You ask 1 good question and make 99 accusations. Do you think we want to engage with you after your mindless accusations?
Členem od Apr 22, 2014   16 příspěvků
Sep 18, 2014 at 20:16
marketedge posted:
For a mere 39k we will not bend backwards to tell you how we are setup. As all other retail clients you join and try out and see if it works. If not leave. If you like the trial, you run with it. That is the end of the matter imo.

If you are not prepared to respect £39k, I wonder how much due care and consideration you will have for clients who have 5k-10k which is what most retail clients would be trading with?

Why should I pay to try out something before I know exactly what it is that I am getting? To date, all I've had from you is avoidance of key questions- something no legitimate entity would do.

And who is to say if I did try it out, I would have anything to leave with!

Due diligence!!!

Členem od Jul 07, 2014   40 příspěvků
Sep 18, 2014 at 20:16
the fxblue is always far more accurate for all calculations. Check jazz fxblue link which shows the right DD number.

Peak DD was max at 23.8%. The concept of 25% is applied for retail. At 25% retail has an option to ask for part refund etc for remaining days of membership. But no one has asked that till date because DD never touched 25% and even if it does, am not too sure if that makes it a bad system.

Why is Jazz the most promising system?
It is the only system that works on volatility while others work of price action. Other works on charts and trendlines and indicators. Jazz works on volatility. Its a concept sometimes used from the option market.

TSS and SQN:
They dipped below 1.5 and 2.5 designed range. These ranges are long term scores. Last month they were at 3.5 and 5.05 which is above their designed range. So during the month, these numbers can move a bit. Nothing to concerned about. Its the long term range that matters.
Členem od Mar 07, 2014   7 příspěvků
Sep 19, 2014 at 13:18
WOW....not sure I have ever seen anyone quite so rude, arrogant and frankly deluded. You could have avoided all these posts by simply answering people.
Členem od Jul 07, 2014   40 příspěvků
Sep 19, 2014 at 13:20
@Contest12 u should look at ur first few posts for the reason for our not answering you AND avoiding you. Despite avoiding you, you kept on pestering with your accusations. This is not due dilligence. This is criminal accusation without proof and made up imagination. You linked us to scamsters based on imagination.

 We answer every credible question of our clients. We are more open than other signal provider you will find. We even talk on phone to clients who need us. We have a skype option, email option, registered mail option, PHONE option. So we have nothing to hide except we have made a choice of making you a joke and exposing your dubious intentions. Suddenly you cannot turn a saint and ask good questions.

Členem od Jul 07, 2014   40 příspěvků
Sep 19, 2014 at 17:39
@smarttradertest we didnt answer you at all nor were we rude to you. You need answers of our setup, be polite and ask on email or on skype. This is not a place for that. You can discuss the trading system here.

We were never rude to begin with.

@Contest12 and @eamonitor started being rude. They alleged we are scamsters and we are some unknown scam firms. So well if you trolls want to troll...then this is how you get it back. We have the best system in the world and we can afford to be rude.

You guys are the ones who need to be polite if you want to make some money. We do not care for you to be our clients at all.
Členem od Apr 22, 2014   16 příspěvků
Sep 19, 2014 at 17:43
Due diligence – FX firms operating out of India, the legal standing.

Below is an article that every single prospective client should read before they engage in any FX trading activity with @marketedge. It clearly indicates that what @marketedge claims to have been doing for the past several years, and what they claim to be currently doing, is in fact, illegal in India and is falling foul of the regulatory laws of that country


Also, the below article is interesting. Now before you read the below article, I am stating clearly that in no way was @marketedge/Jazz forex involved in the case. The case is simply presented to highlight some very important points.


In particular, the important paragraphs are:

'...They confirmed that the scheme is a serious infringement of the Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA), which prohibits resident Indians from trading in foreign exchange...'


'...Bangalore-based Rochester Investment Consulting Pvt. Ltd. lured investors seeking quick returns from a volatile forex market since 2009. Several investors and an ex-employee of the company told The Hindu that the company funnelled their investments to Master Field Financial Consultants, a company based in the British Virgin Islands*, a tax haven...'

*BVI = British Virgin Islands

Now, didn’t @marketedge clearly mention on forex factory: “we cannot reveal all details. We also setups via BVI.”

So let’s examine the facts. @marketedge claims to have traded FX for several years despite it being illegal in his country to do so and he has a set up in the BVI, a known tax haven used by illegal FX firms opertaing in India. And he continues to trade FX in a country in which he is not allowed to do so (only various INR pairs are acceptable).

The entire set-up sounds so very irregular. Unless @marketedge can prove without any doubt that what they are doing is within the rules/regulations of the country they are operating in, the whole set-up and history of trading he claims can be viewed as suspicious and without the backing of law. It is now obvious as to why @marketedge gets so angry at any questions of their legitimacy and set-up.

Have a read of below as well, it highlights a phone conversation between a FX representative and a potential client and how the rep constantly avoids the question of regulatory issue.


Due diligence undertaken and proved. I rest my case!!!


Členem od Jul 07, 2014   40 příspěvků
Sep 20, 2014 at 08:39
I did not say we will not let you know of our setup. Our setup has passed 2 law firms and 3 consulting firms have set us up. It is beyond doubt the cleanest structure. Our personal money lies within that.

But you are not worthy enough to know about setup specifically @context12. You should just sit and out watch the returns and enjpy the sun.

We are not going to tell you anything about regulatory setup as its not relevant to you.

The above article is useless for signal firms. You are paying for a service and for that service you get trades which your account takes. There is no question legal boundaries being crossed. Had we taken your funds into our fund, then the whole question of geography comes into play. Here we are not pooling capital. Your capital rests at your broker wherever he is. The trade copier simply copies them to your location. Money does not come into BVI or Mauritius etc. That is a our personal funds structure irrelevant to retail clients.

MAM is setup via NY and as when a client joins an entire primer on setup and clearing agent and the broker is sent to them. Clients need not worry about MAM account at all. MAM accounts only carry performance fee and offers better execution.

Lastly imagine tmrw SEC or firms who are relevant says we cant do this then the entire forex industry will shut down because 1000 of signal providers use similar setups. And what does the client do? Simply stops paying the fees. There is no long drawn commitment etc.

Členem od Jul 07, 2014   40 příspěvků
Sep 20, 2014 at 08:39
@Contest12 indian laws dont apply to us. There is just 2 people there. Rest of the team is in NY. So more relevant may be NY laws.
Členem od Aug 29, 2014   5 příspěvků
Sep 23, 2014 at 20:22
seems money management rules dont apply either, lol......i see a bumper day today of -15% ( day not over might get worse). You really think -15% in a day is good MM ? you keep telling us we are fools...............time to look in the mirror big man
Členem od Aug 29, 2014   5 příspěvků
Oct 10, 2014 at 15:54
good to see another Scam put to bed.......please dont come back with a new name and false claims, we will be watching for you.
Členem od Oct 24, 2014   29 příspěvků
Oct 24, 2014 at 14:51
marketedge posted:
@Contest12 @eamonitor have u guys thought of creating a new troll id? Havent we shamed you enough for these two ids?

@eamonitor, @Contest12, @smarttradertest, @AutoTest71 were all right and it is you who should be ashamed of yourself.

Everything you said is lies and bullsh*t. No one who has traded the same system for 7 years would fail in the way you have with broken laws after only 2 months. It is obvious you are lying about your history from the start and the numerous failed myfxbooks and your broken laws prove that. You are now trying new myfxbooks so you can hide/delete your old ones?

Read the below where a subscriber tell us all how it really is. Unprofessional and dishonest is what he calls you.

You are now trying lots of different things becasue you failed, you lied about trading this syetem for 7 years.

Thank god for people who question too good to be true systems with less than a years worth of trading history on a live system. Only cost me 3 days trial but wow, over 15% loss in one day, thank god I did only try it on a demo. Even a major aggressive system would not do this. This is pure 100% gambling and recklessness. You lied and said you were in India so you could not open real account but now you say you are now in USA, well open a real account then and trade your own money so we know you are risking your own real money. You make money from subscription only.

@eamonitor, @Contest12, @smarttradertest, @AutoTest71 stopped posting becasue you blocked them? Or because they knew you for who you really were and stopped wasting their time or maybe they probably too busy laughing their heads off.

You told @contest, @eamonitor to just sit out watch the returns and enjoy the sun, I bet they are sitting back and laughing at you and thinking of all the money they have saved.

Oh, you say on here you have 100 clients, big liar again. I was in room and this is all lies.
Členem od Oct 24, 2014   29 příspěvků
Oct 24, 2014 at 14:52
marketedge posted:
We have the best system in the world and we can afford to be rude.

You guys are the ones who need to be polite if you want to make some money. We do not care for you to be our clients at all.

You are dying for clients now as people leaving or have swicthed off. You refuse to return fees despite you breaking your rules. You said if you ever had 25% drawdown you would give refund but you do not give clients refund. You are a liar and a cheat.

You made no money, you lost money for all.

I wish all yor subcribers come here and tell everyone how much cheater/liar/rude man you are.

John Levi - terri jhoot ney terri gharr mar di. 😀 😀

Členem od Jul 07, 2014   40 příspěvků
Nov 22, 2014 at 13:03
hey you fools and nitwits: Jazz wave performance update: https://jazzforex.com/forexwall/jazz-wave-performance-update-nov-returns-32/

DD issues of Sept and Oct now resolved and back to winning ways as it makes 32% in Nov. Highest ever for Jazz. The account has changed but all history available. So overall this despite all the shouting and abuses, returns 32% in Nov. Thats what a good system does. It climbs above and comes out and resolves issues. Clients who were patient have made money and are very happy.
Členem od Jul 07, 2014   40 příspěvků
Nov 22, 2014 at 13:03
And about clients, well you should see the membership fee. It has only gone up from 700 USD to 1100 USD. Does that show us desperate for clients? No. It shows a confident team.

Now you cartoons got a chance to bark your traps when it had a DD of 40% but then here is the system with new highs. Thats how a good system shuts down idiots. You cannot keep a good system down. Overall in 6 months despite the DD it is still +3400 pips in profit since July. But all traders got thru DD and Jazz had that bad moment. But those issues were put to rest and we are very happy with our client base. We did lose a few who very impatient but thats fine. That is the nature of retail clients. But those who stayed put are now smiling. What it teaches you is to be patient in trading. Also on refund, those terms have been altered and changed. We cannot refund. Our terms were clear: If SQN dips below 1.5, we will stop trading, resolve issues and if we dont come back, we will refund fees. However we did stop trading, we resolved those issues and we came back in October and with 32% return in Nov, Jazz is back !!!!. And going forward, there will be no refund of fees. Join if you like else its fine.

Členem od Jul 07, 2014   40 příspěvků
Nov 23, 2014 at 07:30
Členem od Sep 05, 2013   12 příspěvků
Nov 24, 2014 at 07:55
why is it your Jazz wave Gain on your site says 32% Gain but the Myfxbook link is only 5%? you are showing custom dates on your site to make it look better, i would personally think it looks better to show the loss in Oct and that you recovered from it rather than hide it. People want long term safe investments and large investors will come if they see 6 months + with 5-30% per month growth with a low DD.

Just my view

Členem od Jul 07, 2014   40 příspěvků
Nov 24, 2014 at 10:59
yes you can wait for 6 months. No problem. We are not going anywhere.

The page actually explains why Oct 20 onwards we started Wave which is a tuned up algo of the earlier Jazz which was working between July and Sept end. In sept end and oct starting we experienced a 40% dd which made us shut the copier for a few weeks to probe the issues. Once the issues were resolved, we reconnected the copier. The myfxbook has lots more trades which are not all copier related. The copier related trades are shown at copier.jazzforex.com.

If you note, the Nov pips exactly match the copier.jazzforex.com and what has been reported at https://jazzforex.com/forexwall/jazz-wave-performance-update-nov-returns-32/

This is because in Nov we have had an in uninterrupted days of trading. So for nov we are up 30%.

Hope this clears the air.

Členem od Jul 07, 2014   40 příspěvků
Nov 24, 2014 at 10:59
Nothing is hidden. What is this we are hiding? Everything is in plain view. myfxbook links are open to scrutiny. We dont care if you can see the downmonth or not. If you have not seen it, we have highlighted it in https://jazzforex.com/forexwall/jazz-wave-performance-update-nov-returns-32/

In bold letters we said we had a downmonth in Oct which was a 40% fall from peak. So what is being hidden?

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