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- Million Dollar Pips
Million Dollar Pips (Od milliondpips)
Zisk : | +26241.17% |
Čerpání | 39.44% |
Pipy: | 5202.2 |
Obchodníci | 4497 |
Vyhraná : |
Prohraná : |
Typ : | Demo |
Páka: | 1:200 |
Obchodování : | Automaticky |
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Million Dollar Pips diskuse
Členem od Aug 08, 2011
2 příspěvků
Aug 15, 2011 at 07:09
Členem od Aug 08, 2011
2 příspěvků
Hmmm it had been doing it for a day or two. Not too worry, it's back now and I've got it configured and up running (in the time it took the mods to approve my initial post)
Anyone got this running on some other pairs as well as EURUSD?
Anyone got this running on some other pairs as well as EURUSD?
Členem od Apr 22, 2010
122 příspěvků
Aug 16, 2011 at 05:30
Členem od Apr 22, 2010
122 příspěvků
fughe posted:
Yeah...I think we are on the same page....just describing the same thing differently.
it is good when it becomes publicly....
read it with good eyes...
Členem od Jan 31, 2011
720 příspěvků
Aug 16, 2011 at 06:03
Členem od Jan 31, 2011
720 příspěvků
mirusevxs33 posted:
fughe posted:
Yeah...I think we are on the same page....just describing the same thing differently.
it is good when it becomes publicly....
read it with good eyes...
HA! Serves them right for screwing people over. I wouldn't be surprised if most brokerages do this kind of stuff though.
Make losses, but always come out a winner at the end.
Členem od Apr 22, 2010
122 příspěvků
Aug 16, 2011 at 06:08
Členem od Apr 22, 2010
122 příspěvků
yes, they do... that was my point in previous posts
Členem od Oct 20, 2010
74 příspěvků
Aug 16, 2011 at 09:13
Členem od Oct 20, 2010
74 příspěvků
fughe is right,
I used to trade the stock market before moving over to forex and I used to see similar things.
In the stock market there were algo guys running HFT's but they were only in the FTSE100 stocks, try and trade any of those stocks and you ALWAYS got slipped even if you entered your order exactly to a level 2 ask, but then head out to the aim and slipping was rare. The amount you got slipped was never a lot and it was just something that we excepted, nice HFT guys never finish last.
I don't use MDP but I do trade EA's and slipping is something that an EA has to account for.
I used to trade the stock market before moving over to forex and I used to see similar things.
In the stock market there were algo guys running HFT's but they were only in the FTSE100 stocks, try and trade any of those stocks and you ALWAYS got slipped even if you entered your order exactly to a level 2 ask, but then head out to the aim and slipping was rare. The amount you got slipped was never a lot and it was just something that we excepted, nice HFT guys never finish last.
I don't use MDP but I do trade EA's and slipping is something that an EA has to account for.
fughe posted:
mirusevxs33, I am not sure where you are getting your information. I am getting mine from people that have looked into setting up brokerages, people who have worked at brokerages, and from people who work at the liquidity providers, like boston technologies. The accounts you really have to watch the brokers for is the 4 digit price feeds. Those are run through a dealing desk and the order fills are not actual market fills. A lot are taken by the broker in opposition to the trader. In the ECN/STP accounts, the brokers can't take the other side of the order and trade against the client....otherwise it isn't ECN/STP. The reason we get slippage in trading is because there are huge volumes of trades going on and the prices feeds are coming from potentially hundreds of sources that are aggregated by the liquidity provider. At this point the brokerage connects with the liquidity provider and either routes all their clients trades direct to the liquidity pool, or in the case of a 4 digit price feed, runs the order through a dealing desk. The slippage is caused by the multitude of different rapidly changing orders that are sent and filled. The only time you can generally get a fill with almost no slippage is at market open on sunday. You need to be able to see the market depth with a lvl 2 market depth viewer. Then you have to look at the order available, pick an order you are willing to accept, place the trade in the correct direction that exactly matches the requested lot size. And if you do this...you are somewhat likely to get a fill with no slippage. But only if someone else does place a trade that makes some alteration to any of the existing orders. If anything is entered into the market before your order hits the market, the price feed has already been altered before your order hits the market and you will get slipped.
This is why people have such a terrible time trading profitably with MDP. They are trying to place and exit orders in very fast moving volatile markets. This is not possible to do manually. It requires machine speed to be able to do it. This is the same principle that the ultra-high frequency trading mainframes are based on that the big hedge funds use. The only difference is, they have a direct feed to the liquidity pool by being their own broker.
My account
Členem od Apr 22, 2010
122 příspěvků
Aug 16, 2011 at 09:42
Členem od Apr 22, 2010
122 příspěvků
never traded stocks... instead trading futures... and i can stand behind every one of my words written here
Členem od Dec 15, 2010
784 příspěvků
Aug 17, 2011 at 02:18
Členem od Dec 15, 2010
784 příspěvků
my finfx demo is rocking....22 trades today with no losses.... cant wait to get home after work and check out my live account on IBFX. Aloha
Click on my Name to see My Live Charts and Bio.
Členem od Dec 15, 2010
784 příspěvků
Aug 17, 2011 at 02:22
Členem od Dec 15, 2010
784 příspěvků
People should know that the drawdown on this graph isnt correct. I think that they are calculating it based on the start up amount. Once this account hits 1 million ( in about 6 months or so, the draw down might read over 100% of the start up. The default drawdoad is set at 1.5% and i have never had more than 4 or 5 losses in a row and non of those were at max.
Just thought FYI..... everyone should know that the calculated draw diown is no where near 29%!
Just thought FYI..... everyone should know that the calculated draw diown is no where near 29%!
Click on my Name to see My Live Charts and Bio.
Členem od Jan 31, 2011
720 příspěvků
Aug 17, 2011 at 02:35
Členem od Jan 31, 2011
720 příspěvků
Professor53 posted:
my finfx demo is rocking....22 trades today with no losses.... cant wait to get home after work and check out my live account on IBFX. Aloha
Hey Professor53, with you FinFX account, was the demo an ECN demo, and were you trading it from a VPS? Trying to get an idea of latency times, etc. because I am possibly getting ready to look for a new broker and FinFX is on my list of possibilities.
Make losses, but always come out a winner at the end.
Členem od Oct 20, 2009
83 příspěvků
Aug 17, 2011 at 02:58
Členem od Oct 20, 2009
83 příspěvků
Professor....how did your live account go?
Členem od Dec 15, 2010
784 příspěvků
Aug 17, 2011 at 03:59
Členem od Dec 15, 2010
784 příspěvků
Well, finfx demo made 250 on a 600 account today, my live ibfx made 20 and my wifes account made 70 cents.
all on the same vps
all on the same vps
Click on my Name to see My Live Charts and Bio.
Členem od Jan 31, 2011
720 příspěvků
Aug 17, 2011 at 04:02
Členem od Jan 31, 2011
720 příspěvků
I had 8 small loses on FXOpen ECN. I am slightly annoyed about it too. All the positions reached +7 to +15 pips at some point before falling back.
Make losses, but always come out a winner at the end.
Členem od Aug 17, 2011
1 příspěvků
Aug 17, 2011 at 06:28
Členem od Aug 17, 2011
1 příspěvků
Judging by your pic and Aloha salutation do you reside in Hawaii? And if so, may I ask where? I'm working in Alabama right now but my family is back home in Aiea. I was reading your post about your finfx demo and that you have a live account on IBFX. I've been running MDP on a demo account for a few weeks and went live last week. I have a HotForex Currenex account with CNS, in UK, as my VPS. I read in here and another forum that to be successful you needed a low spread broker and a VPS located near your broker for latentcy purposes. My settings are NO=0, AC=3, MSO=7, FIFO=false, Min lots=0.01, and Risk=1.5. I've had trades since I first opened my account but today was a little disappointing. I had 3 trades, +$5.39 and -$8.68. So I was curious as to how your live account did? I'm wondering that HotForex may not be the best broker. I'm open to any suggestions you may have, if it's not an bother. Mahalo in advance.
Judging by your pic and Aloha salutation do you reside in Hawaii? And if so, may I ask where? I'm working in Alabama right now but my family is back home in Aiea. I was reading your post about your finfx demo and that you have a live account on IBFX. I've been running MDP on a demo account for a few weeks and went live last week. I have a HotForex Currenex account with CNS, in UK, as my VPS. I read in here and another forum that to be successful you needed a low spread broker and a VPS located near your broker for latentcy purposes. My settings are NO=0, AC=3, MSO=7, FIFO=false, Min lots=0.01, and Risk=1.5. I've had trades since I first opened my account but today was a little disappointing. I had 3 trades, +$5.39 and -$8.68. So I was curious as to how your live account did? I'm wondering that HotForex may not be the best broker. I'm open to any suggestions you may have, if it's not an bother. Mahalo in advance.
Členem od Jan 26, 2010
44 příspěvků
Aug 17, 2011 at 06:30
Členem od Jan 26, 2010
44 příspěvků
can someone just quickly post how i can check speed from my VPS to broker? I know its been posted but can't find it
Členem od Jan 31, 2011
720 příspěvků
Aug 17, 2011 at 06:37
Členem od Jan 31, 2011
720 příspěvků
Use this EA... forex-expats.com/recommended/
Make losses, but always come out a winner at the end.
Členem od Jan 31, 2011
720 příspěvků
Aug 17, 2011 at 06:38
Členem od Jan 31, 2011
720 příspěvků
The ping from your VPS to broker can be done y the VPS host, they just need the IP address.
Make losses, but always come out a winner at the end.
Členem od Aug 16, 2010
450 příspěvků
Aug 17, 2011 at 07:23
Členem od Aug 16, 2010
450 příspěvků
Could someone please post the settings used for the account they have on MFB?
Was mich nicht umbringt, macht mich stärker.
Členem od Dec 15, 2010
18 příspěvků
Aug 17, 2011 at 08:40
Členem od Dec 15, 2010
18 příspěvků
Why are my trade different from Million Dollar Pips?
See my trade in https://www.myfxbook.com/members/TioOso/tiooso/148252
They have the same time, close at 09:28. My had loss 0.6 pips and MDP got profit 8.7 , 8.7 , 5.2 and 5.2.
What should I do to have the same?
I use Alpari UK and run the EA on my home computer.
I see that every day when there are trades, I got lower profit than MDP.
See my trade in https://www.myfxbook.com/members/TioOso/tiooso/148252
They have the same time, close at 09:28. My had loss 0.6 pips and MDP got profit 8.7 , 8.7 , 5.2 and 5.2.
What should I do to have the same?
I use Alpari UK and run the EA on my home computer.
I see that every day when there are trades, I got lower profit than MDP.
Členem od Jan 31, 2011
720 příspěvků
Aug 17, 2011 at 08:46
Členem od Jan 31, 2011
720 příspěvků
TioOso posted:
Why are my trade different from Million Dollar Pips?
See my trade in https://www.myfxbook.com/members/TioOso/tiooso/148252
They have the same time, close at 09:28. My had loss 0.6 pips and MDP got profit 8.7 , 8.7 , 5.2 and 5.2.
What should I do to have the same?
I use Alpari UK and run the EA on my home computer.
I see that every day when there are trades, I got lower profit than MDP.
The MDP account is a demo. trade executions are fairly well perfect conditions. It is not possible to get as good of results on a real account.
Make losses, but always come out a winner at the end.
Členem od Dec 15, 2010
18 příspěvků
Aug 17, 2011 at 09:00
Členem od Dec 15, 2010
18 příspěvků
OK, sorry I did not think about that.

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