Million Dollar Pips (Od milliondpips)
Zisk : | +26241.17% |
Čerpání | 39.44% |
Pipy: | 5202.2 |
Obchodníci | 4497 |
Vyhraná : |
Prohraná : |
Typ : | Demo |
Páka: | 1:200 |
Obchodování : | Automaticky |
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Million Dollar Pips diskuse
Členem od Nov 23, 2010
88 příspěvků
Oct 13, 2011 at 06:24
Členem od Nov 23, 2010
88 příspěvků
lol... you made my day. retail forex traders is only a small portion of all forex tradings, less than 15%. and more IMPORTANTLY, many retail forex brokers don't route orders to the market, they just hedge those orders, won't affect the market, I dont think MDP users all together will affect the market price by 1 pip or even 0.1 pips.
crashev posted:
People are complaining here, blaming brokers, blaming other things, making conspiracy theories, making new theories about how market works (especially I love one about low liquidity during the spikes). I don't know if this helps Your trading but the truth
is oldchartreader is telling the truth, however I don't understand him. Nobody who have found such a setup want to share it,
because of the known reason.
However there is one more thing to this. What happens to the price when users sell ? It goes down. What happens when the users buy up ? It goes up. It's just basic. Now if we have more users trading MDP, then they would push the price in the direction we all want, the retrace would be bigger (if the power would be strong enough). However in this game still the fastest will have the most, and the slowest will probably lose.
One more thing about this thread is interesting. Anyone is shouting: scam, no way and so on, but You still keep coming, reading and commenting, You did not give up ? :)
Členem od Feb 09, 2011
313 příspěvků
Oct 13, 2011 at 06:29
Členem od Feb 09, 2011
313 příspěvků
rootkit: I understand Your lough, that was just a theory. Glad to see here someone who is reasonable.
For this reason also teories about banks and institutions counter trading MDP is just silly, it is not even noticable to them.
As for virtual markets, most of the MDP users try to use ECN (if we belive its ECN), so their orders should go to the market, however it still does not change the fact that this group of ppl is nothing in Forex Market, not even drop in the ocean.
For this reason also teories about banks and institutions counter trading MDP is just silly, it is not even noticable to them.
As for virtual markets, most of the MDP users try to use ECN (if we belive its ECN), so their orders should go to the market, however it still does not change the fact that this group of ppl is nothing in Forex Market, not even drop in the ocean.
Better to lose an oportunity than a money
Členem od Feb 09, 2011
313 příspěvků
Oct 13, 2011 at 09:11
Členem od Feb 09, 2011
313 příspěvků
Huge spike on USD/JPY, anyone got trades? I did not, wondering if everything is ok with my setup.
Better to lose an oportunity than a money
Členem od Jul 06, 2011
80 příspěvků
Oct 13, 2011 at 10:03
Členem od Jul 06, 2011
80 příspěvků
It's probably okay the us/jy MDP just don't trade is all
Členem od May 05, 2011
14 příspěvků
Oct 13, 2011 at 10:40
Členem od May 05, 2011
14 příspěvků
crashev posted:
Huge spike on USD/JPY, anyone got trades? I did not, wondering if everything is ok with my setup.
Yeh I saw that too and got no trade either.
Členem od Sep 14, 2011
139 příspěvků
Oct 13, 2011 at 11:24
Členem od Sep 14, 2011
139 příspěvků
I asked Pepperstone regarding high exec times, there is the answer:
"Please keep on testing in the coming week or two as we expect this to improve, and we do believe later last night there were further enhancements so if you do any live trading the execution times should be very fast"
Week or two ?> Sounds like a joke to me...
"Please keep on testing in the coming week or two as we expect this to improve, and we do believe later last night there were further enhancements so if you do any live trading the execution times should be very fast"
Week or two ?> Sounds like a joke to me...
Členem od Sep 12, 2011
6 příspěvků
Oct 13, 2011 at 11:28
Členem od Sep 12, 2011
6 příspěvků
oldchartreader posted:
Really??? Show us the money. Post your actual results not just a request for money. Are you telling us that you have four live real money accounts that show a superior profit to what others are posting. Get real. Show us the money. Prove it in the forum. Otherwise go away.
Don't need to prove anything to you. Period. Take it or leave it. Simple. You are just another loafter and looser here. Spend your time complaining and writing senseless posts. Go spend your time honing some skills and stop blaming a great product. The right broker and settings generate great results. Unlike any I have seen. I don't give away hard work.
Členem od Sep 12, 2011
6 příspěvků
Oct 13, 2011 at 11:28
Členem od Sep 12, 2011
6 příspěvků
ForexPro posted:
hsolutionsinc posted:
I have found 4 brokers where I am using MDP on that meet thew fastest execution time, unheard of spreads, no re-quotes, etc. I wish not to have the masses there. I am willing to share with only a few folks. If you're interested pm/email me and I'll give you the details. It wont be for free. letting you know. It took me literally 2 months of long research and even cost me personally to locate these brokers. My time is not for free. please do not contat me if you're not willing to pay for my time and service.
U must be realy broke... If u would have made a single dime with "your" broker u would keep your mouth closed... what a loser!
I am glad you know what I would be thinking or what I would be doing if I were making money with my broker. Your crystal ball is useless. Try using it to make you some money.
Členem od Apr 08, 2011
148 příspěvků
Oct 13, 2011 at 11:32
Členem od Apr 08, 2011
148 příspěvků
@hsolutionsinc: I´ve send you a private message, could you take a look when you find a minute please?
Členem od Sep 14, 2011
139 příspěvků
Oct 13, 2011 at 11:41
Členem od Sep 14, 2011
139 příspěvků
hsolutionsinc posted:
oldchartreader posted:
Really??? Show us the money. Post your actual results not just a request for money. Are you telling us that you have four live real money accounts that show a superior profit to what others are posting. Get real. Show us the money. Prove it in the forum. Otherwise go away.
Don't need to prove anything to you. Period. Take it or leave it. Simple. You are just another loafter and looser here. Spend your time complaining and writing senseless posts. Go spend your time honing some skills and stop blaming a great product. The right broker and settings generate great results. Unlike any I have seen. I don't give away hard work.
If you don't want to prove it nor show real money account print out, just stop spamming here
Členem od Sep 12, 2011
6 příspěvků
Oct 13, 2011 at 13:34
Členem od Sep 12, 2011
6 příspěvků
lobotomy8 posted:
hsolutionsinc posted:
oldchartreader posted:
Really??? Show us the money. Post your actual results not just a request for money. Are you telling us that you have four live real money accounts that show a superior profit to what others are posting. Get real. Show us the money. Prove it in the forum. Otherwise go away.
Don't need to prove anything to you. Period. Take it or leave it. Simple. You are just another loafter and looser here. Spend your time complaining and writing senseless posts. Go spend your time honing some skills and stop blaming a great product. The right broker and settings generate great results. Unlike any I have seen. I don't give away hard work.
If you don't want to prove it nor show real money account print out, just stop spamming here
I asked for a PM not your public post. Now I consider that you are spamming.
Členem od Jul 06, 2011
80 příspěvků
Oct 13, 2011 at 13:59
Členem od Jul 06, 2011
80 příspěvků
okay fellas.. it's all getting too personal here.. hso has a service he offers for a fee & one can buy or not..
But let's be courteous & focus on the tech aspects of trading & MDP..
Life's difficult enough..😄
But let's be courteous & focus on the tech aspects of trading & MDP..
Life's difficult enough..😄
Členem od Jan 31, 2011
720 příspěvků
Oct 13, 2011 at 14:34
Členem od Jan 31, 2011
720 příspěvků
crashev posted:
People are complaining here, blaming brokers, blaming other things, making conspiracy theories, making new theories about how market works (especially I love one about low liquidity during the spikes). I don't know if this helps Your trading but the truth
is oldchartreader is telling the truth, however I don't understand him. Nobody who have found such a setup want to share it,
because of the known reason.
However there is one more thing to this. What happens to the price when users sell ? It goes down. What happens when the users buy up ? It goes up. It's just basic. Now if we have more users trading MDP, then they would push the price in the direction we all want, the retrace would be bigger (if the power would be strong enough). However in this game still the fastest will have the most, and the slowest will probably lose.
One more thing about this thread is interesting. Anyone is shouting: scam, no way and so on, but You still keep coming, reading and commenting, You did not give up ? :)
Not sure if you realize this or not....but to move the market means you have to use up all available liquidity at a given price. If there is available liquidity you don't get any slippage. If there was infinite liquidity then the price would never change.
Make losses, but always come out a winner at the end.
Členem od Aug 16, 2010
450 příspěvků
Oct 13, 2011 at 14:44
Členem od Aug 16, 2010
450 příspěvků
Even if there is unlimited liquidity you will get some slippage on ECN, just because it will take some time for the order to reach matching engine/inventory processing and if during this time price will move away (what will happen in more active sessions) you will be slipped. In most cases this is the reason of slippage, not due to liquidity unavailability.
Was mich nicht umbringt, macht mich stärker.
Členem od Jan 31, 2011
720 příspěvků
Oct 13, 2011 at 15:17
Členem od Jan 31, 2011
720 příspěvků
hsolutionsinc posted:
oldchartreader posted:
Really??? Show us the money. Post your actual results not just a request for money. Are you telling us that you have four live real money accounts that show a superior profit to what others are posting. Get real. Show us the money. Prove it in the forum. Otherwise go away.
Don't need to prove anything to you. Period. Take it or leave it. Simple. You are just another loafter and looser here. Spend your time complaining and writing senseless posts. Go spend your time honing some skills and stop blaming a great product. The right broker and settings generate great results. Unlike any I have seen. I don't give away hard work.
Seriously? Even the EA scammers have to show some sort of proof that their EAs work. If you are getting good results on these brokers, you could have easily posted a link to an MDP screenshot....or setup a myfxbook account for each of the 4 brokers that shows you are getting good results. It would prove to everyone that you are profitable on these....prove that they are real accounts and not demos, etc.
At that point, you could justify a payment in advance of the information. You gotta remember, we are FOREX TRADERS. We are used to being scammed. The only people that are going to give you money are newbies who don't know any better.
Make losses, but always come out a winner at the end.
Členem od Jan 31, 2011
720 příspěvků
Oct 13, 2011 at 15:20
Členem od Jan 31, 2011
720 příspěvků
mistificator posted:
Even if there is unlimited liquidity you will get some slippage on ECN, just because it will take some time for the order to reach matching engine/inventory processing and if during this time price will move away (what will happen in more active sessions) you will be slipped. In most cases this is the reason of slippage, not due to liquidity unavailability.
Really? UNLIMITED liquidity at the price level......and you think that there would be slippage? Maybe you need to stop for a second and think about what I said, and what you said.
Make losses, but always come out a winner at the end.
Členem od Aug 12, 2011
40 příspěvků
Oct 13, 2011 at 15:27
Členem od Aug 12, 2011
40 příspěvků
Would it make a difference on the slip if we set the lot size to a fixed number? For example, would a lot size of 1.0 be filled faster than say 1.03?
Členem od Jun 26, 2011
86 příspěvků
Oct 13, 2011 at 15:38
Členem od Jun 26, 2011
86 příspěvků
fughe posted:
Not sure if you realize this or not....but to move the market means you have to use up all available liquidity at a given price. If there is available liquidity you don't get any slippage. If there was infinite liquidity then the price would never change.
Excellent remark Fughe, people tend to overestimate/misunderstand liquidity; what it is and how it works. Granted, the FX markets are huge, but that does not mean there's infinite liquidity, especially within the same second! You can say that liquidity is virtually endless from just a frame of a couple of seconds; where you can pretty much always get in and out as you please, but from a frame of milliseconds the picture starts to change drastically. Of course you can't expect 1000's of traders all going in the same direction at the same millisecond to get instant fills! Especially not during spikes/strong movements which DO, as you've noted, contain LESS liquidity than "usual" for orders in that particular direction, but more than "usual" in the opposite direction. One only has to apply simple logic to realize this; if everyone's orders can be matched at this one price, there is no pressure in either direction. It's 50/50, an equilibrium. If however, people have to reach for lower and lower prices to find a match for their order to sell, clearly there's a lack of offers to buy that currency from you at the current price, and thus a lack of liquidity, and thus the price moves down "looking" to find a 50/50 / equilibrium situation again...
Don't work hard, work smart.
Členem od Aug 16, 2010
450 příspěvků
Oct 13, 2011 at 15:43
(Upravené Oct 13, 2011 at 15:45)
Členem od Aug 16, 2010
450 příspěvků
What I am saying even if you go with 0.01 lot position you will get slipped often enough, just due to the delay and price moved away. And it has nothing to do with liquidity - there was more than enough at the moment order went out, but price moved until it can get processed. It's about the latency and order processing speed.
fughe posted:
Really? UNLIMITED liquidity at the price level......and you think that there would be slippage? Maybe you need to stop for a second and think about what I said, and what you said.
Was mich nicht umbringt, macht mich stärker.
Členem od Jun 26, 2011
86 příspěvků
Oct 13, 2011 at 15:44
Členem od Jun 26, 2011
86 příspěvků
Of course, some brokers might present you with "unlimited" liquidity, but then again you are not trading with the market but a broker who trades against you;)
Don't work hard, work smart.

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