NMi Super Scalper v1.9 - v1.16 DMA (Od forex_trader_2825)

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NMi Super Scalper v1.9 - v1.16 DMA diskuse

Dec 13, 2011 at 13:15
19,735 zobrazení
163 Replies
Členem od Jun 13, 2012   12 příspěvků
Jun 26, 2012 at 06:33
Členem od Nov 09, 2009   129 příspěvků
Jun 26, 2012 at 06:58 (Upravené Jun 26, 2012 at 07:05)
Hi Antonix,

Please be advised that if you are trading the correct ECN feed you will unable to use below a 0.1 lot size - last advice. You'll simply get a trade error message in your logs and no trades.

A 0.1 lot size on a $300 is also quite highly leveraged - so you can anticipate a very volatile equity curve - ie, big up and down days.

This account is a real ECN account at https://nmi.fxpig.com/ and trades approx 0.1 lots size per $500 and has already seen a 14.9% drawdown from a peak - so expect to see at least that much proportionately more during the life of your account. As you can see its seen 10-30% UP days on occasion but it comes with a volatile equity curve - yours would be more dramatic.


If you are trading the DMA feed that does offer the 0.01 lots, be advised that it did not prove suitable in previous real money testing of this system because it slips too much. You're are welcome guinea pig though if you want to have another try, I've often wondered if anything has changed on that feed as I'm sure others have too.

For further support inquiries please submit them to https://support.new-millenniuminc.com/

Cheers, Adam :)
Členem od Jun 13, 2012   12 příspěvků
Jun 26, 2012 at 08:22
Hi Adam,

thank you very much for in-depth advise. I did change the lot size to the 0.1 as recommended. Account is a DEMO ECN at fxpig. I am not sure if this due to the current market conditions or something else but this EA did not make any trade yet. I am just wondering is it a normal thing or something is not right?

My plans are to open real 1000$ ECN acc with pig however I need to see positive results on demo first. Usually on demo u get better results(in theory at least). I must admit that trading 300$ with lot 0.1 is quite risky but my intentions are to see how EA behaves not to make a high profit value out of this demo acc, which btw would also be nice to see.

Also is it a good idea to have 2 MT4 running with conservative set to FALSE to increase overall boost?
Členem od Nov 09, 2009   129 příspěvků
Jun 26, 2012 at 09:12

antonix posted:
Hi Adam,

thank you very much for in-depth advise. I did change the lot size to the 0.1 as recommended. Account is a DEMO ECN at fxpig. I am not sure if this due to the current market conditions or something else but this EA did not make any trade yet. I am just wondering is it a normal thing or something is not right?

My plans are to open real 1000$ ECN acc with pig however I need to see positive results on demo first. Usually on demo u get better results(in theory at least). I must admit that trading 300$ with lot 0.1 is quite risky but my intentions are to see how EA behaves not to make a high profit value out of this demo acc, which btw would also be nice to see.

Also is it a good idea to have 2 MT4 running with conservative set to FALSE to increase overall boost?

Hi Antonix,

No trade so far this week and its not so uncommon to go for a day or 2 without trades, or to just get a few through the week - but its the days when its rattle of 20 trades in a day that makes up for it. On average it trades approx 15 trades week. Some folks mistake scalping for regular trading - that is not the case - this system only trades when the condition are right - on extreme deviations from the mean.

Strangely the demo ECN at FXPIG doesnt trade as well or as often as the real money ECN - the feed isn't exactly the same and they use the ECN demo for some other technical purposes. It will still trade on it and undoubtedly be profitable - but demo performance with this EA isnt much in question, you only need to look at the 6 months its been on the DMA demo feed.


If only it would trade as well on real money feed but as a rule it does not - although there are days when the real money account feed does actually do better - more trades and more pips some days. But they are generally the exception to the rule.

As a rule I run 2 x Mt4s per account - 1 x conservative false and 1 x conservative true (5 supported pairs on each and some divide the load over more MT4s running less than 5 currencies per MT4 instance). This is all discussed at length by users in our forum though.

Because the system trades fast spikes generally entries across different accounts are not exactly the same so by running 2 x entries both at 1/2 risk is a way of smoothing out the irregularities and also getting more trades on lesser market spikes.

Further Ive even split the ECN4 real money accounts into 4 MT4s run over 2 VPS (1 x BEEKS and 1 x Softlayer) such is the difference even VPS to VPS. Going another step further is the practice of diversifying your brokerage holding as well - different feeds likewise produce different trades and on some days one broker will lose while another profits.

Its just the nature of trading spikes, variability - just keep in mind its the law of averages we are all seeing to exploit but some of us will per chance strike an unlucky OR lucky run along the way. Keeping the faith long enough to allow the law of averages to work in your favour is paramount to trading any system (auto or manual) to you to ever having a chance to succeed at FX, ie you must be willing to give the edge time to work into your favour.

Some folks give up after 1 week.....and move onto the next hot thing, and keep moving they will until they learn this lesson. Half the battle is recognizing when you're looking at a profitable system - which this is - the other half is sticking with it and setting up a working combination.

Cheers, Adam :)

Členem od Jan 31, 2012   165 příspěvků
Aug 02, 2012 at 09:38
Well i am a bit surprised and at the same time disappointed. A couple of months ago the vendor showed a 10k live account and after the account faced a massive DD, the account was deleted. Yesterday, the second live account got slaughtered by the FOMC spike and today the account is deleted.

Členem od Mar 16, 2010   45 příspěvků
Sep 01, 2012 at 10:08
May I have your EA.
Členem od Nov 09, 2009   129 příspěvků
Sep 05, 2012 at 02:58
MRodrigez posted:
Well i am a bit surprised and at the same time disappointed. A couple of months ago the vendor showed a 10k live account and after the account faced a massive DD, the account was deleted. Yesterday, the second live account got slaughtered by the FOMC spike and today the account is deleted.


The system has seen some considerable updates as a result of those experiences - and a change of broker. Its called applying what you've learnt and moving forwards - versus focusing and the negatives and making them become your reality and giving up/moving onto next EA system/negative experience like 95% do (or in case of NMi clients - about 17% move on to other things judged by our refund rate, which about as good as it gets for EA's via clickbank).

Those that have refunded will, in time, realize the error in their decision I do sincerely believe and in fact more than one have entered back into the fold.

The second account isnt deleted - just removed from public view - our clients have it listed in our private forum - but for those looking in from the outside they just don't understand the issues well enough and Im a bit over repeating the same facts over and over - including that it still 40% up on starting balance and losses were caused by a combination of horrid slippage and a risk management system that wasnt designed for an all pairs meltdown which never occured previously - it is now. So, I just made it private for clients only who are interested in seeing how it goes there but I no longer suggest that broker to trade it on.

The last FOMC was actually a profitable experience for the record (for most) and all the risk that put on the line these days is 4-5% max loss per day when running 0.5% risk per trade - which is still good enough to see double digit days, ie a higher monthly return potential than most EA system are capable of in an entire month.

Do your DD (due diligence) - including looking at a 15k live account listed in our profile and other about the place - this is one of, if not the best EA system available on the retail market today if you stick with it thjrough the ups and downs - which is the biggest challenge for most! Show me (and the 113 people tracking this system) something available retail that runs comparitively with regards risk on the same broker over the same time span as the NMi SS EA and has done better.....and that runs with a hard stop loss, no cost averaging or martingale and isnt going to blow an account up overnight.

Look, I'm as keen as the next guy for a decent system...........but the sheer lack of them is what drove me to build my own (for years now in fact Ive built my own). My long time FX buddies trade very little else aside from this EA, after years in FX they (like me) realize its one of the less than a handful out of the thousands of designs that you really have a chance with.

Cheers, Adam :)
Členem od Nov 09, 2009   129 příspěvků
Sep 05, 2012 at 03:18
D_Diamond posted:
May I have your EA.

Hi D-Diamond,

The EA is not available via our sales page, as you'd have discovered.

But, I've some development costs I'd like to cover so I take on a few select clients on a case by case bias, generally I vet them to be sure that they understand what they are getting into (have read this and the Donna FX thread) and arent going to be overly demanding clients that treat EA designers/vedors as less than human, demand the earth and expect gurantees of success for 59 days before asking for a refund on day 60. Better yet they undertake to share in their experiences in our private forum for the benefit of all there - together everyone achieves more..

Please submit inquiry here if you believe that you fit the bill:


A future and last planned official (but limited) release will become available very soon for the latest model v1.18, in the next week or so (after much delay), though the price and terms of use will be different and not as generous as presently available via the back door. All other previous offers and gateways (as mentioned above) will be closed off shortly (in days), as soon as or prior to the official release.

Kind regards

Adam Liddiard
Trading Director
New Millennium Inc
Členem od Jan 29, 2012   15 příspěvků
Sep 12, 2012 at 06:54
Členem od Nov 09, 2009   129 příspěvků
Sep 12, 2012 at 12:55 (Upravené Sep 12, 2012 at 12:57)
rajivxxx posted:
spring posted:
Just demo.😁

Just Real


Not bad.....but today isnt the day to be bragging around here.

Just as Real and maybe a bit more given its a meaningful balance:

https://www.myfxbook.com/members/NewMillenniumInc/nmi-super-scalper-v116-axi/361797 (14% today, real money, 10k+ account)

Some real money accounts at Armada saw 25% gains today......


ps: best to keep this thread on the NMi Super Scalper by the way - post on Donna FX if you're chasing some glory 😝
Členem od Jan 29, 2012   15 příspěvků
Sep 12, 2012 at 13:05
NewMillenniumInc posted:
rajivxxx posted:
spring posted:
Just demo.😁

Just Real


Not bad.....but today isnt the day to be bragging around here.

Just as Real and maybe a bit more given its a meaningful balance:

https://www.myfxbook.com/members/NewMillenniumInc/nmi-super-scalper-v116-axi/361797 (14% today, real money, 10k+ account)

Some real money accounts at Armada saw 25% gains today......


ps: best to keep this thread on the NMi Super Scalper by the way - post on Donna FX if you're chasing some glory 😝

so nmi working for u 😳
Členem od Jan 29, 2012   15 příspěvků
Sep 12, 2012 at 13:42
no its ur day for bragging , big accounts are not always meaning full , lot size matters nothing else
and own brokerage service ,not every trader have that option
Členem od Jan 14, 2010   541 příspěvků
Sep 12, 2012 at 14:43
Adam, great trading!

I've never seen such a tight growth curve with so high returns! The drawdown is really low, but I see the average trade time is less than a minute? Do you think brokers will allow such trading for a long time?
Členem od Nov 09, 2009   129 příspěvků
Sep 12, 2012 at 14:45
rajivxxx posted:
no its ur day for bragging , big accounts are not always meaning full , lot size matters nothing else
and own brokerage service ,not every trader have that option

Well Raj.......I've learnt not to brag because the following day the market often humbles you yet again.

SO, I'm very grateful (+happy) on the good days when they come and in the meantime do my best to grin and bear a sometimes cantankerous equity curve, reminding myself that it's the long game that counts. Sticking to a system is half the battle.

FWIW: I've not seen that much difference in execution of small or big lot sizes and broker used is retail. Who you're using is very good, too.

Cheers, Adam :)
Členem od Nov 09, 2009   129 příspěvků
Sep 12, 2012 at 14:51
James_Bond posted:
Adam, great trading!

I've never seen such a tight growth curve with so high returns! The drawdown is really low, but I see the average trade time is less than a minute? Do you think brokers will allow such trading for a long time?

Thanks for the compliments.......we're always working to improve it and believe it can actually be traded at even lower max daily loss than its current limit with a (pending) near term design upgrade.

Personally, 'Ive never had an issue with the short duration of trades nor any SS EA user that I am aware of. But I have heard that some brokers don't like it and at excessive volumes it can also cause liquidity issues.. I believe, its latency Arbitrage they mostly don't like (which this system is not).

Cheers, Adam :)
Členem od Dec 16, 2011   4 příspěvků
Sep 16, 2012 at 13:47

is there a way to test or buy this system ?
Členem od Nov 09, 2009   129 příspěvků
Sep 17, 2012 at 04:13
gaetano posted:

is there a way to test or buy this system ?

Hi gaetano,

Please submit inquiries via https://new-millenniuminc.com/support/

Thanking you.

Cheers, Adam :)
Členem od Mar 18, 2012   10 příspěvků
Sep 19, 2012 at 19:11
Hi Adam, are you going to release the new version this week ?
the only easy day was yesterday
Členem od Nov 09, 2009   129 příspěvků
Sep 20, 2012 at 03:18
Hi there,

Please, all inquiries need to be routed to [email protected] otherwise I'm all day bouncing between email, myfxbook messages, forums messages etc and I get nothing much accomplished by the end of the day.

Thanking you.

Cheers, Adam :)
Členem od Nov 09, 2009   129 příspěvků
Oct 19, 2012 at 01:22
Hi there myfxbook admin,

This guy is getting on all my fxbook threads and calling my EA a scam, and directing folks to his own hacked copy of MDP


He sells the WOW EA (a hacked copy of MDP - refer William Morrison support@milliondollarpips)


Vendor - https://www.myfxbook.com/members/rajivxxx

Shadow - https://www.myfxbook.com/members/I_AM_BEST

Shadow - https://www.myfxbook.com/members/fxprofit2

Shadow - https://www.myfxbook.com/members/mohan92856

Please can you investigate and make him/his aliases go away, Im trying to run a legitimate business and dont kindly to me or my system being labled a scam.

@ All others reading this thread, please do me a favour and also report the guy and make him go away. William Morrison will also be contacting the IP of porviding his website to have his website shut down for infringement of the MDP copyright as well..

Thanking you.

Kind regards,

Adam Liddiard
Trading Director
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