Sector Capital 1 - PriorFX (Od forex_trader_100568)
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Sector Capital 1 - PriorFX diskuse

Členem od Dec 05, 2015
38 příspěvků
Oct 11, 2016 at 18:45
Členem od Dec 05, 2015
38 příspěvků
now I login to my account. after loss which balance show now again 200usd cut. but why? Friday all trade close. after Friday no trade. so why again cut 200usd. bp told about this.

Členem od May 28, 2016
192 příspěvků
Oct 11, 2016 at 18:49
Členem od May 28, 2016
192 příspěvků
I pray for everybody here really :(
Stay away from Priorfx....
Elena Chopin
Stay away from Priorfx....
Elena Chopin
Členem od Sep 29, 2016
6 příspěvků
Oct 11, 2016 at 18:49
Členem od Sep 29, 2016
6 příspěvků
Could all please tell how much % they lost because of the sc1 crash?

Členem od Mar 25, 2016
58 příspěvků
Oct 11, 2016 at 18:49
Členem od Mar 25, 2016
58 příspěvků
fire_kid posted:BP33 posted:
Hi everyone,
I'll update you with what I can.
Key points:
1) Direct questions have been asked, in writing, of PriorFX with regard to events such as orders not being filled BEFORE the flash crash in GBP. PriorFX have so far provided nothing in the way of an answer to those direct questions. For the avoidance of doubt, it is my concrete opinion that investors should not have been stopped out at all as it was completely avoidable if market access was not altered/denied.
2) PriorFX appear to be treating the issue only as though the stop-out has happened (eg: ignoring any other questions about their own processes) and are somehow STILL calculating what they think the final stop-out amounts are for each investor. For the avoidance of doubt, should a stop-out occur then each investor should be stopped out once 45% drawdown occured as per the forms the investors signed. That does not appear to have happened correctly at all.
3) The investor agreements are between the investor and PriorFX. To lodge a formal complaint go to
4) Regulation info for PriorFX is on their website should you wish to pursue this with the regulator.
That's all the info I'm able to provide. Doesn't seem to be anything more I can do, seeing as they aren't exactly communicating, so if you're an investor and you don't get satisfactory answers from them pursue whatever avenues you see fit, such as a complaint to the regulator.
Best of luck to everyone getting a satisfactory resolution.
thanks for the info, but we really don't have any info regarding "order not filled before the flash crash".
1. priorfx cannot provide us current equity (only can know from myfxbook)
2. priorfx do not provide which currency currently opened, position, lot size (only can know from daily confirmation e-mail, however lot size shows wrong)
3. according to myfxbook this month our loss is 41.75%. but investor account showing this month loss 58%
4. friday after market close balance was different than today's balance.
@BP33 whats your future plan? are you going to trade on priorfx or go back to hotforex? or if you have any other plan let us know. as soon as you start to trade we will able to recover the loss faster.
nice summary, I agree PriorFX seems to cover too many things up and they make the investors suffer heavy losses. We should file complaints to CySEC.
Členem od Sep 20, 2014
12 příspěvků
Oct 11, 2016 at 18:49
Členem od Sep 20, 2014
12 příspěvků
I am big trouble about PriorFX not complete order to Withdraw money. It is not good.
Členem od Nov 01, 2015
41 příspěvků
Oct 11, 2016 at 22:19
Členem od Nov 01, 2015
41 příspěvků
Are you going to move to another broker?
Členem od Dec 05, 2015
38 příspěvků
Oct 12, 2016 at 07:55
Členem od Dec 05, 2015
38 příspěvků
Investor loss almost 50% of his equity. Bp don't had any loss. BP is big gainer, cz he got 100k USD success fee from his client. He has no tension for his client, he enjoyed his happy time. Real is that, he make money from his client. Now if he don't take any action for his client, he is responsible for his client loss his full life. Its his fault, hotforex refund many clients fund, if now we was in hotforex we also get refund.

Členem od Mar 25, 2016
58 příspěvků
Oct 12, 2016 at 10:00
Členem od Mar 25, 2016
58 příspěvků
I lost approx 58%, now I am trying to withdraw everything out of priorfx, hopefully they will not take more.
Členem od Jun 27, 2016
9 příspěvků
Oct 12, 2016 at 10:01
Členem od Jun 27, 2016
9 příspěvků
Are others asking for compensation from priorfx?
I just calculated my loss to be 57%, should I ask to be compensated the 12% difference?
I just calculated my loss to be 57%, should I ask to be compensated the 12% difference?
Členem od Dec 05, 2015
38 příspěvků
Oct 12, 2016 at 10:09
Členem od Dec 05, 2015
38 příspěvků
never forgive bp. we don't know about him. we don't want to come priorfx only for bp we come. if now in hotforex, hotforex refund money.
Členem od Feb 23, 2014
53 příspěvků
Oct 12, 2016 at 16:04
Členem od Feb 23, 2014
53 příspěvků
Jamal20nat posted:
Investor loss almost 50% of his equity. Bp don't had any loss. BP is big gainer, cz he got 100k USD success fee from his client. He has no tension for his client, he enjoyed his happy time. Real is that, he make money from his client. Now if he don't take any action for his client, he is responsible for his client loss his full life. Its his fault, hotforex refund many clients fund, if now we was in hotforex we also get refund.
BP is the gainer, but he has no tension which is not correct. in hotforex he was managing 2mil+ but then he decided to leave hotforex without able to tell his client where he is going. everyone found him from myfxbook..anyway it will take long to explain but if i am not wrong he is full time trader. if he cannot bring money for his client he also don't make any money. and i believe he is a good trader, not like luckily 5~6month his trades go good then shut down.
@BP33 any update? when will we start to trade. sooner we start trade, sooner we will recover loss.
Členem od Dec 05, 2015
38 příspěvků
Oct 12, 2016 at 18:38
Členem od Dec 05, 2015
38 příspěvků
priorfx cheating with us. actual loss 42%. but they cut 58%. why? maximum people silent. but why? I think every people were going to billioninire.
Členem od Jun 05, 2016
1 příspěvků
Oct 13, 2016 at 06:26
Členem od Jun 05, 2016
1 příspěvků
Pete, you cant just leave us to settle this on our own. We trusted you to move to Priorfx. You need to front this till resolution.

Členem od Oct 12, 2016
5 příspěvků
Oct 13, 2016 at 07:07
Členem od Oct 12, 2016
5 příspěvků
ISFurlan posted:
Are you going to move to another broker?
of course he is. But somewhere else again. There're still few believers who will follow him... so he can gain again compensation on the profit he make, then when he blew up the account again, he will leave you all behind with your loss. Like he's doing now. Wake up people! Some find him a good trader. I ask you: will a good trader blew the account? Will a good trader expose your account so big to one single currency ? Will a good trader buy GBP after brexit decision? Come on.
You will see that BP33 will not take his responsability and recover the loss. In fact, he's the only one who benefit from this all.

Členem od Oct 12, 2016
5 příspěvků
Oct 13, 2016 at 07:08
Členem od Oct 12, 2016
5 příspěvků
Jamal20nat posted:
now I login to my account. after loss which balance show now again 200usd cut. but why? Friday all trade close. after Friday no trade. so why again cut 200usd. bp told about this.
priorfx is still investigating/calculating.
Členem od May 12, 2016
4 příspěvků
Oct 13, 2016 at 07:08
Členem od May 12, 2016
4 příspěvků
Were you forced to follow, or did you choose to follow BP to PriorFX?
I'm pretty sure we all knew the risks of investing into this. Unfortunately it didn't go as we had hoped.
I will be interested to see what PriorFX have to say about this. But until then I'll be waiting.
I'm pretty sure we all knew the risks of investing into this. Unfortunately it didn't go as we had hoped.
I will be interested to see what PriorFX have to say about this. But until then I'll be waiting.
Členem od Sep 29, 2016
6 příspěvků
Oct 13, 2016 at 07:08
Členem od Sep 29, 2016
6 příspěvků
BP33, please fix currently 75% loss @ clients!

Členem od Mar 25, 2016
58 příspěvků
Oct 13, 2016 at 07:08
Členem od Mar 25, 2016
58 příspěvků
I have withdrawn everything from priorfx, good that this works.
For compensation I have asked whether we will be compensation for their malfunction of their system and got and "wait and hold" response.
From my experiences in forex I have yet to see any serious investment manager, 99.99% are basically running a wild west show to profit from the market a few months maybe a year and then a crash happens.
For compensation I have asked whether we will be compensation for their malfunction of their system and got and "wait and hold" response.
From my experiences in forex I have yet to see any serious investment manager, 99.99% are basically running a wild west show to profit from the market a few months maybe a year and then a crash happens.
Členem od Sep 09, 2016
2 příspěvků
Členem od Jul 30, 2015
5 příspěvků
Oct 13, 2016 at 07:09
Členem od Jul 30, 2015
5 příspěvků
This is really strange. I have 75% losses and some of you have under 60% losses. Have been running months same account without touching balance. We should have same losses... The level on unprofessional action from PriorFX is really on the next level. Well one thing is sure. I will not take this and will look for forward actions.

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