Příspěvky od ORDExhaust

v ORDExhaust feed Sep 06, 2022 at 06:18
Tickmill MAM has been Witdhrawll, after 100% PROFITS and now, Began as NEW Signal Provider for Medium Risk, Under account name : PRIMA ADI PUTRA Leverage above 200:1 Capital Minimum 1000
v ORDExhaust feed Aug 28, 2022 at 06:11
Alpari on the way To NEW HIGH Dont late War Bullet Proof Portofolio Dont Missed The Recovery Point Of Moment Fee Reduced, until you had Enjoy the Giant Profits as we had before war For update on our new Portofilio , check our latest news info Old System, tightly modified for tighter stoploss When Drawdownwn comes, the Comodities will Average its slef as our new profits of diversification Keep Pumping Profits Alpari on the way To NEW HIGH Dont late and left sink bellow, We going to the top back soon. The system updated with new Proven Results
v ORDExhaust feed Aug 26, 2022 at 16:38
In WAR and Global Crisis We Survive ! MAM has gone 240% Profit 4000% Tickmill Small Signal Main Account had Gone 4000% Profit Alpari on the way To NEW HIGH with 343% Profits Since Inception myfxbook.com/members/ORDExhaust 4000% ROI https://www.myfxbook.com/members/ORDExhaust/ord-equity-tickmill-master-signal/8537029 240% ROI https://www.myfxbook.com/members/ORDExhaust/tickmill-mam/9324393 for signal : https://ordequity.signalstart.com/analysis/ordequity-for-general-ecn/218334 for mam and alapari Copy trade : contact [email protected] We had several tips for Routine Profit Joy, in this multiple Drawdown WWIII
v ORDExhaust feed Mar 09, 2022 at 05:57
All tickmill account had already in NEW HIGH The Tickmill Signal on 1300 % Growth Alpari is stagnant, the Spread Execution etc is FAR way Differ IDK why the Alpari always "OFF Quotes" whenever there is profitable moment. and so many other fishy moment Im not recomend the Alpari Risk 3 since using different tick feeds But Congrats for the Signal Follower and MAM who stay still during Drawdown and now Enjoying this Profitable moment Tickmill Signall = Risk 2 Tickmill MAM = Normal Risk
v ORDExhaust feed Mar 09, 2022 at 05:55
All tickmill account had already in NEW HIGH The Tickmill Signal on 1300 % Growth Alpari is stagnant, the Spread Execution etc is FAR way Differ IDK why the Alpari always "OFF Quotes" whenever there is profitable moment. and so many other fishy moment Im not recomend the Alpari Risk 3 since using different tick feeds But Congrats for the Signal Follower and MAM who stay still during Drawdown and now Enjoying this Profitable moment Tickmill Signall = Risk 2 Tickmill MAM = Normal Risk
v ORDExhaust feed Mar 09, 2022 at 05:55
All tickmill account had already in NEW HIGH Alpari is stagnant, the Spread Execution etc is FAR way Differ IDK why the Alpari always "OFF Quotes" whenever there is profitable moment. and so many other fishy moment Congrats for the Signal Follower and MAM who stay still during Drawdown and now Enjoying this Profitable moment Tickmill Signall = Risk 2 Tickmill MAM = Normal Risk
v ORDExhaust feed Jan 04, 2022 at 06:32
Hello, happy 2022 reporting 1st trade day in 2022 Alpari Copy Trade 403% growth Alpari PAMM 716% Tickmill Master Signal 500% Tickmill MAM 20% its gonna be a good year :)
v ORDExhaust feed Dec 30, 2021 at 06:46
hELLO New HIGH, Happy Newyear As i promise, we will close this NYE with Profit Withdrawl In New High Happy Holiday Performance Results 2021 Alpari Copy Trade 420% Growth (9 Month) Alpari RU 700% ++ Growth (6 Month) Tickmill Master Copier 440% Grothw (5 Month) Tickmill MAM 15% (2 Weeks) All risk been adjusted towards market condition, weekly jobs Optimizing New Strategy is Keep developed in range of one weeks
v ORDExhaust feed Dec 15, 2021 at 06:39
This for signal start follower Guys, The Tickmill Master Account had been revised i keep small money so the master would be more agile handling trade volume. And We dont use scramble multi fake TP again that most broker didnt allowed, multiple TP modified in one day almost 2000 modified fake TP Now you can enjoy with out broker prohibited, we got new untold strategy now. Im turning the risk little bit lower than ussual, Since the MAM of tickmill using same signal master too, and it becoming huge with coorporation with few International IB But what i found is, the copier system follower account money size is Too Big Now, Few Some account using very big money on them, The scrambel fake TP and SL, begin not working nicely, i had to intervere manually for the master account I cant mention, but i definetly sure, in front of my eyes This System already Effecting the market movement with too big volume for my experience CMIWW For own good of us, Im considering to keept the signal Hidden from now on. But idk, maybe need some discussion with the signal provider first about it. So when you go out, the master signal wouldnt be found unless you contact signalstart internally Best regards
v ORDExhaust feed Dec 09, 2021 at 06:44
9/Dec Sudden Movement on GBP without NEWS, Worry not, Recovery Speed now is lot faster than drawdown :) See ya in Christmast
v ORDExhaust feed Dec 09, 2021 at 05:49
Growth 400-800% Greetings all, welcome PROFITS, welcome December All i got to do is make we all happy Closing this year with 400% to 800% Capital gain is a blessed Xmast and NYE Bukcle up, we still had 3 weeks to go before sleep well :)
v ORDExhaust feed Dec 05, 2021 at 06:45
Tickmill MAM ORDequity 400% in 5 Month-DD only 22% As the topic SAID, we've launch TICKMILL MAM More Privilage , More Profits 100% Same Results Account as bellow <a href="https://www.myfxbook.com/members/ORDExhaust/ord-equity-tickmill-master-signal/8537029"><img alt="widget" src="https://widgets.myfxbook.com/widgets/8537029/medium.jpg"/></a> [url=https://www.myfxbook.com/members/ORDExhaust/ord-equity-tickmill-master-signal/8537029][img]https://widgets.myfxbook.com/widgets/8537029/medium.jpg[/img][/url] https://t.me/ordequity whatsapp or telegram +628193999995 or [email protected] we only provide copyer or mam / pamm
v ORDExhaust feed Nov 26, 2021 at 07:26
https://t.me/ordequity whatsapp or telegram +628193999995 or [email protected] we only provide copyer or mam / pamm
v ORDExhaust feed Nov 26, 2021 at 07:26
https://t.me/ordequity whatsapp or telegram +628193999995 or [email protected] we only provide copyer or mam / pamm
v ORDExhaust feed Nov 24, 2021 at 06:19
KEEP CLIMBING UP! the 3x times risk has already 640% Growth its all yours, free to choose
v ORDExhaust feed Nov 24, 2021 at 06:18
KEEP CLIMBING UP! the 3x times risk has already 640% Growth its all yours, free to choose
v ORDExhaust feed Nov 19, 2021 at 05:55
yesss, and rank 10 trader! we Discount performance fee under 29% Only before november ends subscribtion! guess the lowest price for big 10 traders right! thats for alpari alpari.co.id
v ORDExhaust feed Nov 19, 2021 at 05:50
Rank 1 Indonesian Trader In Alpari International Rank 10 Signal TRADER In Alparii International Rank 4 In FX5tats International We rea back on TOP, New High Thanks God I think, Im Not Gonna told and exposed any hints new update on strategy in any forum EVER!!!! Everytime i told update on strategy, The NEXT Very DAY, Those Broker, come Up The Slippage 5-15 pips Minus!!!!!! Bla bla bla liquidity etc, That mean your LP is bad! So, FIX! Im Not gonna tell any update about my algo, and strategy EVER! EVEN IN SOCIAL MEDIA!! For Copier, Just Enjoy Ur Money, And Withdrawll routine every profits! As I DID NOW!!!! Before they found out way to messed with our trade again. And as i found out too big, equity in master account, means = PROBLEM 10 thumbs up for Tickmill, Thanks for beeing so fair to us But, if sh1t going silly like those brokers before, We're out! The MAM and PAMM for Tickmill, soon To be Announced! We just need to finish paperworks, and send master fund And Still many ECN brokers out there Regards
v ORDExhaust feed Nov 19, 2021 at 05:50
Walkforward Analysist , Walkbackward Analysist, Curvefitting : EA Robbust? in 2014 i do WFA, tons of learning also in asirikuy about how robust is WFA method, trade on open bar only, etc2 but its an effort too much, i always WFA my EA for weeks or month. And an Open Bar EA surely had long stagnant Drawdown period. As at the end , im coming to my own conclusion, continous WFA is also curve fitting it self. In a different way. I even see another silly method "WALKBACKWARD analysist" LMAO Hahahahah. Hey, i mean it in esential way, If we curve fit the last period, and we test the ea in the oldest period as out of sampling, it also an OUT OF SAMPLING METHOD Even lanchester the developer of Multiple ea do that. Optimized for last 6 month, but make sure the results in the early year also profitable. In early years period means = OUT OF SAMPLE. No mater what we trade in the past or future, esentially it still OOS for testing robustness In WFA The Best Out of sample we pick, is the best that we choose to live trade. So whats different than curve fitting?? The results in Live trade, the market always change beyond our expectation. Even with continous development. The last market behaviour is the least we could adapt with our optimization. Even i know a friend works in a real Financial Institution, a 20 years trading experience in a hedge fund. From what i see, the way he do to adapt market change is no different than curve fitting. Im not saying WFA is a wrong method, i also still had WFA tools, but rarely using it now. So, as a simple statistic approach, why dont we build a most robust system that all in sample data we could had? Even it tooks hundreds hour for a single curency. (With TickData also now!) The more sample we optimized is the more statisticly robust proven. No matter what the market behavior change, historicly some of it repeated itself. Market Trade only know 4 behaviour : Trend, Reversal, Breakout, and Ranging. Only the volume volatility that changing. Then i optimized all the historical data as robust at we can with as much data as i had. And build porftolio with those 4 character inside to minimize stagnant period. And took every chance in every condition change. Then picking up the best KPI from it optimization results. Such as Profit factor, CAGR, etc. But Not get too shiny on the score itself, since those Profit Factor, CAGR, Payoff, etc always had flaws statisticly So i pick with the most trades as posible first, that mean the more data, more sample and most market condition as we could had. Run montecarlo, stagnancy period, drawdown % and period analysis with the risk that we could stomach. And dont change the rules and system before that max risk happened. Wich mean market still in our portfolio prediction. (So actually i do WFA also now, but my out of sample is a live trade. LOL. Kidding) However this is my personal conclusion. Dont pick it if you dont walk the path yourself. Im not bashing out Asirikuy with WFA approach, but i felt like im wasting times backthen sticking to others personal rules to build a systems. But however, he build a great platform and different insight. No matter what system we build, tick scalping, swing, to long trend trading, or even a Grid. Whatever approach we choose, Even now im doing curve fitting to "latest market condition" approach. From the base parameters that already robust entire period as much i can have. And back using TDS Variable spreads ON. As It IS the "TRUE real market condition". Not open bar. At the end of the day, we trade to made money. Not to be a smart academicly. So for me the hints is as i mention above "Run the system with the max risk we could stomach with". No matter we use WFA or Curve fitting the whole period method. Managing Risk first, then profits follow. Cheers, My two cents Once again : this is my personal conclusion. Dont pick it if you dont walk the path yourself.
v ORDExhaust feed Sep 08, 2021 at 07:13
last quote as usual :D " Some insight why traders and investor failed : " people scream when seeing 10% DD that been mentioned before. And jump out the boat. Then when the boat runnaway with 8-10% dailly profit. They lefted sink alone in the sea"