Mexico Balance of Trade
Manufactured products within 89% of total shipments followed by 6% within oil and oil products, are Mexico's most important exports. Metallic products, machinery, and equipment account for 53% of total purchases, followed by oil products at 10% and agricultural products at 53%, which are the most important imports. The United States is the country's principal commercial partner (80% of total exports and 46% of total imports). Other countries include China, Japan, and Germany. A total of USD 522 billion in trade between Mexico and the United States, with Mexico generating a surplus of over USD 132 billion in 2017. The following are the most important exports to the United States: other parts and accessories for vehicles (14% of total sales), trucks, buses, and special purpose vehicles (10%), passenger cars (10%), computers (6%), and telecommunication equipment (5%). The following are the most common imports from the United States: other parts and accessories for automobiles (8% of total imports), electric apparatus (7%), petroleum products (6%), and computer accessories (6%).
Hodnoty vyšší, než se očekává, by měly být považovány za pozitivní (býčí) pro MXN apod očekávané hodnoty by měly být považovány za negativní (medvědí) pro MXN.
Forexový sentiment (MXN)
Symbol | Komunitní trend (Short vs Long) | Symbol Popularity | Průměr. Krátká cena / Vzdálenost od ceny | Průměrná long cena / Vzdálenost od ceny | Současná cena | |
19.0745 -12118 pips |
19.9443 +3420 pips |
20.2863 | |
19.1692 -27220 pips |
0 +218912 pips |
21.8912 | |
25.9751 -1580 pips |
0 +261331 pips |
26.1331 |