The services sector accounts for 53% of the country's overall GDP, making it the most important sector of Rwanda's economy. R real estate activities (8%), wholesale and retail trade (8%), cultural, domestic, and other services (6%), administrative and support service activities, public administration, and defenseת and mandatory social security (5% each). 29% of the GDP is generated by agriculture, forestry, and fisheries, 17% accounts for food crops. In terms of GDP, the industrial sector accounts for 18%, with the largest proportion going to construction (7%) and manufacturing (6%). Domestic consumption is the most important component of GDP, accounting for 76% of total usage, followed by gross fixed capital formation (28%), and finally government expenditure (16%). 19% accounts for exports of commodities and services, whilst imports account for 39%, resulting in a net loss of 20% of total GDP. Coffee, tea, tin cassiterite, wolframite, and pyrethrum are the most important foreign trades.

Hodnoty vyšší, než se očekává, by měly být považovány za pozitivní (býčí) pro RWF apod očekávané hodnoty by měly být považovány za negativní (medvědí) pro RWF.

Kategorie:  GDP Growth Rate
Jednotky:  Procent
Dopad: Nízké
Měna: RWF
Nejnovější vydání
Předchozí: 1.5%
Konsensus: 5%
Aktuálně: 3%
Další vydání
Datum: Mar 11, 13:00
Zbývající čas: 16 dny
Konsensus: 2.5%