South Africa GDP Growth Rate YoY
Until Nigeria surpassed South Africa as the largest country in Africa in 2014, South Africa was the most developed and largest country on the continent. The services sector, which accounts for around 73% of GDP, is the most important sector of the economy. Financing, real estate, and business services account for 21.6% of total services, government services account for 17%, wholesale, retail, and motor trade, catering, and accommodation account for 15%, transportation, storage, and communication account for the remaining 9.3%. Production in the manufacturing industry accounts for 13.9% of GDP, mining and quarrying account for around 8.3%, and agriculture accounts for just 2.6%.
Hodnoty vyšší, než se očekává, by měly být považovány za pozitivní (býčí) pro ZAR apod očekávané hodnoty by měly být považovány za negativní (medvědí) pro ZAR.
Forexový sentiment (ZAR)
Symbol | Komunitní trend (Short vs Long) | Symbol Popularity | Průměr. Krátká cena / Vzdálenost od ceny | Průměrná long cena / Vzdálenost od ceny | Současná cena | |
17.3346 -9103 pips |
18.0859 +1590 pips |
18.24494 | |
17.9521 -17792 pips |
19.7538 -225 pips |
19.73128 | |
0 -820 pips |
8.0171 +19 pips |
8.203 |