South Korea Inflation Rate YoY
In South Korea, the most significant categories in the Consumer Price Index are housing, water, electricity, gas, and other fuels (17% of overall weight), and food and non-alcoholic beverages (13.6% of overall weight). Other major categories are: restaurants and hotels (12%), education (11.4%), transportation (10.9%), health (7.3%), and apparel and footwear (6.2%). Minor contributing categories to overall weight are communication (5.8%), followed by miscellaneous products and services (5.4%), recreation and culture (5.3%), furnishings, domestic equipment, and regular maintenance (3.8%), and alcoholic beverages and tobacco (1.24%).
Hodnoty vyšší, než se očekává, by měly být považovány za pozitivní (býčí) pro KRW apod očekávané hodnoty by měly být považovány za negativní (medvědí) pro KRW.