The Stanbic Bank Uganda Purchasing Manager's Index is based on data compiled from monthly responses to questionnaires sent to purchasing executives in approximately 400 private sector companies from a variety of industries, including agriculture, construction, industry, services, wholesale, and retail. These companies were carefully selected to accurately represent the true structure of the Ugandan economy by the Stanbic Bank Uganda Purchasing Manager's Index. The panel is divided into groups based on the GDP of the country and the size of the company's staff. Based on data obtained in the middle of the month, survey responses reflect any changes that have occurred in the current month as compared to the previous month. A reading greater than 50 implies an upsurge in that variable, whereas a reading less than 50 indicates an overall decline in that variable. Five individual indexes are used to calculate the composite index, with the weights as follows: New Orders (30%), Output (25%), Employment (20%), Suppliers Delivery Times (15%), and Stock of Items Purchased (10%). The Delivery Times index has been adjusted so that it moves in the same direction as the other four indices.

Hodnoty vyšší, než se očekává, by měly být považovány za pozitivní (býčí) pro UGX apod očekávané hodnoty by měly být považovány za negativní (medvědí) pro UGX.

Zdroj:  S&P Global
Kategorie:  Composite PMI
Jednotky:  Body
Dopad: Nízké
Měna: UGX
Nejnovější vydání
Předchozí: 52.9
Konsensus: 53.2
Další vydání
Datum: Jan 06, 06:00
Zbývající čas: 1 den
Konsensus: 53.5