I'm a full time, independent spot forex and futures trader. Been trading since 2005. Profitable since 2009. Full time since late 2009. In 2011, had no losing months, with no more than a 11% drawdown. I very recently started providing a trade cloning service for those who want to take my trades with me. Contact me for more info, or check out:
Obchodní styl
I use technical analysis primarily, as well as market sentiment, several news feeds, and a very little fundamentals (for longer term bias) to help me determine with very high probability where sell orders will likley outnumber buy orders at a particular price range, or visa versa. In other words, I look to quantify where supply or demand will be out of balance, and I then look to trade with the side that has the most orders.
I Just Trade


Systémy od XSquaredTrading

Jméno Zisk Čerpání Pipy Obchodování Páka Typ
XSquaredTrading 8.25% 10.45% 4193.7 - - Demo
JaysProject -90.00% 91.46% 4209.1 Ručně 1:50 Reálný
X-Squared-Master -15.22% 8.16% 947.4 Ručně 1:50 Demo

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