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OTS Fx Fund (International)
Obchodní systémy
Oct 04, 2011 at 23:41
All measures were taken and are in action to the situation that happened last month do not repeat ever again.I understand that some investors have a more risk tolerance than others and want achieve exponential high results, well as i told already, we are not aim to produce 100% each month, our target maintain on the interval range of 10 - 20% month, but with significant changes, as you might notice on the current trading.- The system was not changed, what was changed was the non conjunction of trading cycles if they not hedge naturally.- The investment amount on each cycle was reduced too, so ...
OTS Fx Fund (International)
Obchodní systémy
Oct 03, 2011 at 11:17
Hi Will,I appreciate your opinions. MAM can be a better solution, but the current broker OTS use, and trust a lot, for trading and for clients safety of funds doesn´t provide that solution.Regarding the structure, maybe you are right, a mere penalty doesn´t necessary solve the issue - the penalty can lead to revoke LPOA and subsequent suspension of account, although the "bad" is done on accounts.To solve the possibility of withdrawals, OTS lowered the exposition to markets too. This will lead to a bit lower performance, but for sure a safety one. Beside this the conjunct...
OTS Fx Fund (International)
Obchodní systémy
Oct 02, 2011 at 19:40
Answering to jezrp, that´s not complete true, if you see your statement, with all withdrawals you have made, sometimes within space of one week, you are earning more then you show in your post. If you are worried about your investment and don´t have trust in OTS Fx, here at the public i say to you withdrawal all your money and invest in other management company, or invezt yourself.Answering to kishorejoga - Do you know that petra had more then 5 managers/systems working ? Currently at your accounts i seem more then 30% in DD, and you came here, with no experience at all in our syst...
OTS Fx Fund (International)
Obchodní systémy
Oct 02, 2011 at 10:33
Hi Will,It happens what was explained - withdrawals on accounts and a high market range and a accumulation of trading cycles ( minor and major ).For instance the major cycle cames from june, almost 5 month in cycle. Accumulated Withdrawals versus accumulated losses produces bad results. 3% of Withdrawal may not be noticed but on the money management can accumulate the problems.Regards,OTS Fx
OTS Fx Fund (International)
Obchodní systémy
Oct 01, 2011 at 22:57
Hi,Is at our website a post regarding the situation we have faced during september 2011 nothing more then what was explained to Myfxbook community but we think that was important explain all thru our website so current and future investors be informed of what happened and measures we take to prevent it.Regards,OTS Fx
OTS Fx Fund (International)
Obchodní systémy
Sep 27, 2011 at 11:10
Hi Will,A smaller cycle trading in conjuction with a higher cycle and additional withdrawal cause a high leverage used in the trades which force us to close them.We never average down a trade, that is not our trading style.Is a purely mechanical system ( manual trading ).Regarding the meausures most important is the withdrawal procedure and no conjucntion of trading cycles if they not hedge by itself neither do compounding weeklly basis, just monthly basis.Like i told, there is no intention getting excuses for what happen, just getting the solutions for not happen again.regards,OTS Fx
OTS Fx Fund (International)
Obchodní systémy
Sep 27, 2011 at 00:14
Hi All,Is important to explain the Drawdown we have faced on accounts. This was due system behaviour and internal factors that are currently resolved.We are total responsible for the Drawdown (even with the internal factors, that we couldn´t control till today ). After the Emergency Stoploss was activated all trading was halted until further notice from clients decision regarding accounts.The internal factors, cause a very high leverage in the middle of trading cycle and subsequent High Drawdown, which forces us to close all positions and cut the losses, avoiding more risk. We took all m...
OTS Fx Fund (International)
Obchodní systémy
Sep 20, 2011 at 22:10
OTS Fx Referral Program - Earn 20% month of Performance Fee collected from each new client you introduce - contact us for more details
[email protected]
OTS Fx Fund (International)
Obchodní systémy
Sep 05, 2011 at 11:57
Hi Jez.Really appreciate your words. It´s good see my work building wealth and trust to OTS Fx investors.regards,OTS Fx
OTS Fx Fund (International)
Obchodní systémy
Sep 04, 2011 at 13:48
Hi MonkeyBars,I appreciate a lot your comments and i can only say that as always i make impossibles to provide best service to OTS Fx investors. Markets are not easy since June, very volatile, range, etc... but i never excuse poor performance with the markets behaviour.The 10-15% average profit per month is total achievable and is our Target on the mid term, but OTS Fx will never get more exposed to market to achieve that levels, putting in risk a very high DD.To finish i just want to thank the confidence investors put in OTS Fx, and help everyday building this project.Best Regards,OTS Fx
OTS Fx Fund (International)
Obchodní systémy
Jul 28, 2011 at 12:18
Hi,As all know Foreign exchange trading is a high risk investment. Trading in the foreign exchange markets on margin carries a high level of risk, and may not be suitable for all individuals. At OTS Fx our first priority is preserve investors capital. Last month we had a losing month, although we are back in track again and this month we perform our best month since we begin trading the new PAMM account. The trading system remains the same, because is already stress tested on the market for at least 5 years, with minor changes in the Portfolio and Money Management program.The Major Error in in...
OTS Fx Fund (International)
Obchodní systémy
May 24, 2011 at 00:42
Hi Will,First let me clarify that we don´t use any type of martingale neither hedge positions on our systems. We begin developing this system about 8 years ago, that time we trade the s&p500 and nasdaq futures and then we decide apply it to forex.The concept is very different from the T101 method,and major differences are :- we have precise entries/exits levels.- we don´t follow the stronger/weaker currency.- we use different timeframes (cycles) to manage the behaviour of markets.- we include volatility and average ratio in our system equation.- we treat each pair indenpend...
OTS Fx Fund (International)
Obchodní systémy
May 23, 2011 at 10:16
Hi,We have provided to Jezrp a detailed statement of our PAMM Account.MonkeyBars, we can´t forbidden you to show your account statement, because after all i´t s your account, we only have permission to trade on it, nothing else.Regards,OTS Fx Team
OTS Fx Fund (International)
Obchodní systémy
May 19, 2011 at 10:36
Hi jezrp, Yes you open account at ATC Brokers. Hot Spot Retail was liquidity provider for ATC Brokers, and since they moved to FXCM, back to 2009, ATC moved all clients to FXCM, that´s why all OTS Fx clients fill the online application thru FXCM, and hold account there. So ATC is a IB from FXCM, but have their own trading platform, their own software developers, their own tech support, their own account support, their own servers, their own commission structure, their own ECN bridge, and way tighter spreads that are not even possible to get when trading through an FXCM account.regards,OT...
OTS Fx Fund (International)
Obchodní systémy
May 19, 2011 at 10:20
Hi jezrp,Our customer trading accounts are held by ATC Brokers. Till now there are no complaints to this broker, and we have almost 3 years experience with them, and the business relationship they held with FXCM is in our opinion a strategic partnership.ATC Brokers is member of NFA and is registered at CFTC.To even see more the transparency that ATC Brokers have with their clients, ATC have better spreads then FXCM mark to his clients.Even last month was a sudden freeze level on orders entry (Problem at FXCM) and a refund of the difference between entry limit price and filled price was credite...
OTS Fx Fund (International)
Obchodní systémy
May 19, 2011 at 09:02
Hi jezrp,First thanks for your comments. Unfortunately Myfxbook don´t allow at the moment uploading statements with the Trading Station from FXCM, and this is clients reports tool. Although, clients have access realtime 24/7 to accounts, and can print/save the reports.regards,OTS Fx Team
OTS Fx Fund (International)
Obchodní systémy
May 19, 2011 at 08:40
Hi Mr Solar,We don´t need to do business that way. We do business providing a professional and realistic trading, and best of all, even with this lately problems on the portfolio balance and spike down on equity, our clients are supporting us, because they know the potential and professionalism that OTS Fx do it´s work.So please we have nothing to hide, there´s no need of such scam schemes to provide fake comments to build a clients portfolio, because after all our results will speak for itself.regards,OTS Fx Team
OTS Fx Fund (International)
Obchodní systémy
May 18, 2011 at 20:02
The volatility faced on the account was due to a unbalanced created on portfolio relative to changes on pair correlations. We made all efforts to sustain the recover cycle, but at certain point it was at limit margin we allowed per pair and we decide to cut the losses to sustain the all portfolio itself.This was the most wise decision we can take, because holding positions expecting a reverse of market, sooner or later will have instead of 9% impact on portfolio, can have 90% and that we not allow.This is the reason why so high DD was noticed on the account. Although all is resolved now, and w...
OTS Fx Fund (International)
Obchodní systémy
Apr 15, 2011 at 21:42
ForexScam,OTS Fx has nothing to do with Petra Fx. OTS Fx has traded for Petra last year, but was only one of the many systems traded there. This is what Petra wrote on myfxbook :PETRAFX.COM (PetraFx) Feb 12 at 13:36We have collaborated with OTSFX systems in the past. Congrats on the launch of your systems. We wish you all the best in your trading and fund management business.You have to read carefully before made such accusations and need to have proofs - the previous system was deleted because we have moved our clients from Alpari to ATC Brokers, and that is completely explained on our websit...
OTS FX Present Moment Trading Campaign
Obchodní systémy
Apr 05, 2011 at 13:38
Due to exponential increase in trading volume, we were forced to move our accounts to ATC Brokers - ATC Brokers has established the connection between an ECN pricing model integrated with the Metatrader Software. This technology was designed to provide clients with the well-known Metatrader platform combined with institutional price feed. So we have removed our previous account statement. Although it is saved due to be part of our track record and available at client request. For more information please visit us at
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