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Gerald Peters
Obchodní systémy
Jun 19, 2020 at 20:58
Dear Members,I personally feel things are getting a bit out of control on this subject now and I have PM "Tim84" to assist him in his quest to get the best settings possible.In 90%+ cases, what the vendor tells you via .set files are the best to use. If you wish to experiment with settings, even if you are not a novice, then use a "Demo" account first, thus you see the results without financial failure.So lets be nice, as we all have a passion for say "Forex" etc, but emotions can run high, when we get frustrated and that is when you have lost control.Stay safe an...
Gerald Peters
Obchodní systémy
Jun 17, 2020 at 17:20
Thanks Tim84, I shall look into this, as some people seem to be blindsided by the facts. We really need to see if these results stand up to their claims and I will do that and update on this page when possible.Many thanks for your time and stay safe.Stephen Smith.
Gerald Peters
Obchodní systémy
Jun 16, 2020 at 19:18
Dear Members,There is one thing you have all overlooked. He states it is "Mixed" trading, now either he set that wrong in the settings, but if he is trading, then the E/A is of no to little use.Also the vendor, seems reluctant to reply to any of you on "MyFxBook" and that should raise alarm bells a bit, as a good vendor, would be on his game and do the right thing here, as communication is key.Finally to the member called "Knjazi", you are stating people can follow you on "MQL5" at a cost of $200.00 per month. Well first you have little regard, as the E/...
FXStabilizer_EUR - Turbo
Obchodní systémy
Apr 17, 2020 at 19:08
To all the guys who think FXStabilizer_AUD - Turbo hit a stop loss, please show me where, as that never happened and I personally know the experts behind this E/A and I co-own a private forex website, and we test E/A's and Stabilizer if used correctly for your equity and do not get greedy, has always been in our top 5 ever and that takes some doing. Just for the record it has happened on "Durable", but not "Turbo".Trade well and stay safe.Stephen Smith.
Obchodní systémy
Mar 03, 2019 at 09:14
First off Eleni is correct about "Live" & "Demo" accounts. Now you are asking how to make slippage go in your favour? You are correct in the way you receive the signal off Eleni, unless you use "SignalStart" and no VPS is required as they use their own API.Yes low latency is important, but you cannot avoid "Slippage" due to market conditions etc.Of course you want to have slippage down to a minimum, well so does all of "Eleni's" subscribers, the problem is that is not always possible. Slippage can go in your favour sometimes and aga...
What makes one a Professional Trader?
Feb 20, 2019 at 07:12
I have to agree with Gabor33 & Vontogr. Matt A.K.A "BluePanther", you go on and on about "Risk Management" and actually you lost nearly 15M, proof in my attachment and worse than that.I am shocked someone even sent $5.00 and was the $100.00 donation you or a friend, would love to know. You may think I am hitting back at you, but I am not, what I am saying is think twice what you say about other traders here, that seem to know more than you Matt Todorovski. I use to admire the way you conducted yourself, but alias not anymore, and you are welcome to hit back at me if...
Obchodní systémy
Feb 17, 2019 at 07:08
Hello FxGodx,Eleni has already stated what you have to do my friend, please read the above.Happy trading to all as always.Stephen Smith
Obchodní systémy
Jan 28, 2019 at 13:37
Dear Members,In my post above, I did mean "And In Her Defence", when people have been attacking "Eleni". Sorry for my typing error.Thanks in advance to you all and 'Happy Trading'Stephen Smith (Co-Founder Of 'FXBO')
Obchodní systémy
Jan 28, 2019 at 08:14
Dear Members,I would just to add a comment, not about the way "Eleni" trades or how she is as a person & professional trader.However there is one thing she has never stated, when the wolves are out in her defence, they get out their calculator and say well she has say 1200 subscribers at $45.00 and say she earns $54,000 per Month.People that are having a go, well first off "SignalStart" and "MQL5" both take fees, so "Eleni" does not get what most people are stating. Just saying my friends.Thanks in advance to you all and "Happy Trading"...
Obchodní systémy
Jan 20, 2019 at 07:31
Hi Grazy,You may not know this but apart from "Eleni" being a excellent trader, she is also a "Moderator" at "MQL5" and this is what you do, as she explains it very well and please follow all that "Eleni" states here: while I have the attention of members of "MyFxBook" and I am speaking about "Eleni's" signal, I would be interested how people are getting along with her strategy 2 which she suggests for larger deposits / equity investors. I do not want anyone to state how much you have ma...
Obchodní systémy
Jan 08, 2019 at 11:21
Hello ATC211215,You say you have an account with ICMarkets and that is great, but is it a ECN? Also you do not have to start with 650 Euro, like you said that is what Eleni Anna was on, you can start with 100 Euro if you wish.Also "Lot Size" is worked out automatically, so you do not have to take care of that.Plus I know some people are worried right now and please follow Eleni's management rules as that is a major "Must Do". For those that are worried if you have followed Eleni's rules, then all will be fine. She even states there can and will be "Margin Call ...
Obchodní systémy
Dec 11, 2018 at 07:43
Dear EleniWe have been watching your system very closely as I co-own a members only "Forex Review" website. The way you are trading is sheer brilliance and for those who are scared, then as always NEVER trade more than you cannot afford to lose.Now saying that, this lady has this down to a tee and I for one know she has many subscribers from different websites. You do not get that sort of reaction, if you are not good in the knowledge of what you are doing.Keep up the great work Eleni and I personally wish you all the best. Before I go just for now, when you state about larger deposi...
Tokyo Pro Systems
Obchodní systémy
Apr 12, 2017 at 06:42
@hamsterXoma The reason this man does not withdraw his profit, can be for many reasons. One good one is to show he believes in his product and is not hiding from what the outcome could be?@tokyopro I will be contacting you very soon in a professional manner, which we can help lay to rest some of the posts / views written via other members. Naturally they have freedom of speech, and I respect that, but they should speak the truth, or show facts to back up certain views or negative claims and even positive ones come to that.One quick question you can answer before I personally contact you, you u...
Obchodní systémy
Apr 04, 2017 at 06:47
@johntrung Sorry been a long day, but one thing I will do John, after I have made contact with Everest about their E/A, is ask quite a few questions and do a REAL test myself and then show OUR results.Naturally I would like to hear your views on the post you wrote, and any evidence as you can say, why is a lot of the information "locked" if there is nothing to hide, no worries John, I will ask my questions and get back to you all within "myfxbook".I can tell you this so far, on FPA website, look at what they say, as there seems to be mixed views on this product according to...
Obchodní systémy
Apr 04, 2017 at 06:46
@johntrung Hello John and I know you are well respected within this forum. One thing though and I have nothing to do with Everest E/A, in fact I am a co-founder of a "Forex E/A" review website for private members only and we supply more than reviews on E/A's naturally.My question to you, you are stating this particular E/A is a scam, and the account is a scam, so you are saying the results are fake and finally that Lowcostforex are scammers also.John, you need to show us prove of these allegations as we could all state about an E/A / Broker etc that is false and is that fair? If ...
Manhattan FX
Obchodní systémy
Apr 27, 2016 at 06:40
Dear Members@fxrobotreviews I am sorry to add yet another post so soon, but I have just looked on your "Review" website and you claim this about "Manhattan FX"."Trading Limits""Manhattan FX Trading is limited to 10 lots (1000,000 units) in the 2-License version and 5 lots (500,000 units) in the other 2 versions, this is useful for disallowing unnecessary high positions and is considered a good safety measure."Are you kidding me and others my friend, 10 Lots in the 2-License and 5 Lots in the other 2 versions, well again I have proof, of 100 Lot trades a...
Manhattan FX
Obchodní systémy
Apr 27, 2016 at 06:38
Dear Members,@fxrobotreviews I understand fully what you are trying to say also in your first paragraph and even on your second, if you are on side about so called "E/A" sellers, that results, shall we just say, are some what no revealing the truth.I am not sure why, as you can post links, but on my previous post, I actually posted what "Manhattan FX" show you as real proof and real traded money, but my link was not in my post. So I will show you all a screen shot of today's trading results 26/04/16.Just so you know, they claim to of started with 20K, but check out the ...
Manhattan FX
Obchodní systémy
Apr 26, 2016 at 06:36
Dear Members,For starters "Ovisun" is spot on, and to "Forex Robot Reviews", this is what "Manhattan FX" actually show you as "Real" money traded, when you read their ridiculous and full of holes newsletter. Please take a good look and tell me what is wrong and if you cannot, then please get out of the game as you have no right to sell E/A's on a affiliation basis for your own financial gain.
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