News Trading Useful or Useless?

Aug 27, 2013 at 07:25
1,453 Angesehen
14 Replies
Mitglied seit Nov 25, 2012   27 Posts
Aug 27, 2013 at 07:25
Hello Folks,

I wanted to pin into a discussion on news trading. Do you think is worth trading the news?

According to my great research and experience in forex to me news are like fuel to the market trend not actually beneficial trusting the real data.

Lots of investors keep waiting for news and follow the positive values or against the negative. But most time you should notice that before news is released even the price had got to the climax or Lowest Value for the trading period .

There are powerful news that are released that highly influenced the market trend sometimes immediate and some times delayed impact but most of these support the prevailing trend if you are trend follower you must notice this.

As per this what would be your advice to news traders?

I personally do not use news in my tradings and no indicator either and am happy with my performance.

Happy tradings
Forex Signals Point (FSP) :Trading For Living Is A Hidden Treasure , we dare to uncover the treasure for profits
Mitglied seit Apr 25, 2012   269 Posts
Sep 13, 2013 at 10:04
Some news have long term effect on market yes they can change market .
You can trade news but try to limit your risk first , when your planning to trade it.
Mitglied seit Jul 17, 2012   274 Posts
Sep 13, 2013 at 14:30
News trading is ok but usually broker will try to stop you. Something like market is closed, disconnections, pending orders becomes yellow and so on. 😎
Past experience usually helps present self
Mitglied seit Jun 03, 2010   675 Posts
Sep 13, 2013 at 20:09
For me news trading is very good.

Here is my (closed becouse of broker) account and a Robot where I was trading news:

News trading is very good. But what is most important? Liquidity. Find a broker with very good liquidity and a VPS with fast access to platform. There's a lot of such kind. I trade on news from 1 year already and it is giving very good profits. I have also updated my news trading robot and optimized it for have most low time of execution/modify/close trades. Most people doesnt know how time is important here. My robot makes it for me :) I only pick good news.
PAMM MANAGER // Professional Fund Manager
Mitglied seit Jan 31, 2011   720 Posts
Sep 13, 2013 at 20:53
News is a suckers game. The market movers use news releases to further their profits buy getting people to confidently part with their money. Ever seen a news release spike hard, only to be forceably pushed the opposite seemingly total disagreement with the release? That is what I mean. The big players know the news well before the retail traders, so they already have a game plan.

Ignore the news releases. The only things you need to watch out for is spread widening, and spiking/gapping. If your stoploss is in the right place, you have no worries. Market structure and price action are more important than anything else.

Make losses, but always come out a winner at the end.
Mitglied seit Sep 12, 2013   1 Posts
Sep 14, 2013 at 09:12
The news result is meaningless (i.e., where actual comes in relative to forecast). However, entering/exiting on the releases (with wide stops) is the best way to trade the moves that "Movers" (thanks Antny) create. . . How else could Adrian generate such astounding returns? Adrian and the other Movers know what the market will do the second news hits (regardless of the actual reading). . . It's a beautiful thing!
Mitglied seit Jul 17, 2012   274 Posts
Sep 14, 2013 at 09:59
I have to go for news-less solution then. 😎
Past experience usually helps present self
Mitglied seit Nov 25, 2012   27 Posts
Sep 14, 2013 at 10:24
adrian8891 posted:
For me news trading is very good.

Here is my (closed becouse of broker) account and a Robot where I was trading news:

News trading is very good. But what is most important? Liquidity. Find a broker with very good liquidity and a VPS with fast access to platform. There's a lot of such kind. I trade on news from 1 year already and it is giving very good profits. I have also updated my news trading robot and optimized it for have most low time of execution/modify/close trades. Most people doesnt know how time is important here. My robot makes it for me :) I only pick good news.

Nice Adrian ,,, looking nice ,,,
Yeah news could be good if you are able to detect the numbers earlier before release and yet many news are positive to the target pairs and market normally do not obey the results in most cases it would play with traders before going to the tune of news , sometimes couple minutes,hours and even days before taking action.
Another thing is can you consistently trade news and survive the market on regular trading for over 3 months? This is what could make you great if not is still gambling you are doing I trust :) For me I trade market 24/5 without any indicator only price moves and price actions I follow
Forex Signals Point (FSP) :Trading For Living Is A Hidden Treasure , we dare to uncover the treasure for profits
Mitglied seit Jan 02, 2013   8 Posts
Sep 15, 2013 at 20:53
As usual I use news for exit from the trades not for entry. Or I wait until dust will settle, look at level where the knee-jerk reaction stops and if this level is in my plan, I make a deal. As usual against the herd. And as ususal I took my pips.
The lack of charisma can be fatal.
Mitglied seit Sep 25, 2013   23 Posts
Oct 07, 2013 at 12:05
I believe that news trading is very useful. You just have to do it right way. Usually when news impact the price, we face the considerable movements in the market. So just before the news release why not open two opposite orders with the SL about 20 pips away. If the price reaches one of the SL, it will, most likely keep moving the same direction for more, so you will definitely cover the loss and get the profit. At least most of the times.
Mitglied seit Jun 03, 2010   675 Posts
Oct 07, 2013 at 12:48 (bearbeitet Oct 07, 2013 at 12:49)
Remind_later posted:
I believe that news trading is very useful. You just have to do it right way. Usually when news impact the price, we face the considerable movements in the market. So just before the news release why not open two opposite orders with the SL about 20 pips away. If the price reaches one of the SL, it will, most likely keep moving the same direction for more, so you will definitely cover the loss and get the profit. At least most of the times.

I'm trading news from loooong time, and one thing that I will say to reply You is : YOU ARE WRONG.
Here You got my EA trading news:
PAMM MANAGER // Professional Fund Manager
Mitglied seit Nov 25, 2012   27 Posts
Oct 07, 2013 at 13:30
adrian8891 posted:
Remind_later posted:
I believe that news trading is very useful. You just have to do it right way. Usually when news impact the price, we face the considerable movements in the market. So just before the news release why not open two opposite orders with the SL about 20 pips away. If the price reaches one of the SL, it will, most likely keep moving the same direction for more, so you will definitely cover the loss and get the profit. At least most of the times.

I'm trading news from loooong time, and one thing that I will say to reply You is : YOU ARE WRONG.
Here You got my EA trading news:

Aha,, you only traded July and August alone , you need to keep trading actively to proof yourself very right... Do you mean since your last trades in august there were no news till October?
Forex Signals Point (FSP) :Trading For Living Is A Hidden Treasure , we dare to uncover the treasure for profits
Mitglied seit Jun 03, 2010   675 Posts
Oct 07, 2013 at 13:37 (bearbeitet Oct 07, 2013 at 13:37)
Do You think that I will share my all history and nowdays trades to myfxbook? If "yes", then I have to say again same sentence: YOU'RE WRONG.
PAMM MANAGER // Professional Fund Manager
Mitglied seit Nov 25, 2012   27 Posts
Oct 07, 2013 at 13:46
adrian8891 posted:
Do You think that I will share my all history and nowdays trades to myfxbook? If "yes", then I have to say again same sentence: YOU'RE WRONG.

I agree I am wrong but am not trying to be sarcastic . If you trade consistently and succeed with trading you will be very happy to share your full history to the world . Traders often hide their histories when they make huger dd and crash accounts so is better to load full history and challenge the market sir.
Forex Signals Point (FSP) :Trading For Living Is A Hidden Treasure , we dare to uncover the treasure for profits
Mitglied seit Dec 08, 2010   3 Posts
Oct 31, 2013 at 02:15
i think news trading is not nearly as profitable as it was 4-5 years ago. If you have been trading long enough, you will remember when news would ALWAYS move the market 100+ pips.
scared money don't make none!
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