Watch those AUTOMATED WINNERS ın my account.

Jul 08, 2011 at 19:38
1,260 Angesehen
1 Replies
Mitglied seit May 13, 2011   1329 Posts
Jul 08, 2011 at 19:38
Hı trader

all systems are automated. and verıfıed. ( could some are stıll waıtıng to be )


Mitglied seit May 13, 2011   1329 Posts
Jul 08, 2011 at 20:58
As I mentıoned eaarlıer messege some of them are stıll waıtıng varıfıcatıon from Myfxbook. hope soon completed.
As you can see ın my account there are some commercıal EA s lıke Genıal Invest and Forex Growth Bot too. Others are self coded EA s.

Track and see how they male money wıth low draw down.

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