FX Manager Listing Board

Jun 12, 2010 at 06:57
51,272 Angesehen
690 Replies
Mitglied seit Oct 25, 2010   16 Posts
Jun 03, 2012 at 19:43
Clearpaper, sorry, but I see that you a re very stupid man and don't understand all things that I have described in my previous post.
I do business on forex and earn money but man like you just spend you time on blabbing on forums and investigate what is right and what is wrong.
Dont waste your time and mine. If you have any proposal, write me private, if not - shut up please.
Trade strong.Trade Brave.Market will reward
Mitglied seit Feb 25, 2010   95 Posts
Jun 03, 2012 at 23:51
Yes, good point, it certainly is a waste of my time. I don't get anything back from the EA actual IP owners, Alpari NZ, or your investors, for calling you out.

And as further waste of my time, investors, take note that Kruz30/Invest777 being his own Introducing Broker, i.e. gets a cut for every trade that occurs regardless of profit or not, he has the opportunity to churn the account.

And a typical profile of a churned account is one where there is no profit but many trades. See April and May's performance.
Mitglied seit Feb 25, 2010   95 Posts
Jun 04, 2012 at 00:01 (bearbeitet Jun 04, 2012 at 00:02)
In fact, May is down 3.8%, it's just that they've stopped updating myfxbook. So much for laughing at other people's performance.

If you're going to be stealing things, cheating and misleading people, and use your 2 remaining brain cells and keep quiet while you do it. And show some grace, ffs.
Mitglied seit Oct 25, 2010   16 Posts
Jun 04, 2012 at 04:28
Anyone who want to get Wall Street cheaper write Private Message to me, I sell license for 120 US ONLY.
All investors who adhere a conservative strategy you are welcome to my Managed account:

I will explaine all details how to invest or buy EAs.

Skype Kruz30

Trade strong.Trade Brave.Market will reward
Mitglied seit Sep 03, 2011   13 Posts
Jun 04, 2012 at 12:06
Please try www.forex9pipssl.com managed account and let us know how it went.

I want to get in the course but am searching for a review.
Mitglied seit Jan 04, 2010   39 Posts
Jun 05, 2012 at 12:34
im going to be sorting out the managers with websites from this board on my site
there's currently not much there as its the second day of the sites so its still under construction.... it will also take time to find something that i deem acceptable to invest in , do note that what i deem acceptable will not be the same threshold for investment as everybody else.

the not recommended managers will be for a variety of reasons examples : martingale , excessive risk, out of the ordinary (suspiciously good) trading results.

any way check it out , Forex Managers sorting out : https://onlyaboutforex.com/managers.html

best of luck in your investments
"be very suspicious "
Our greatest weakness lies in giving up, the certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.
Mitglied seit Sep 03, 2011   13 Posts
Jun 05, 2012 at 14:11

DDmaster posted:
im going to be sorting out the managers with websites from this board on my site
there's currently not much there as its the second day of the sites so its still under construction.... it will also take time to find something that i deem acceptable to invest in , do note that what i deem acceptable will not be the same threshold for investment as everybody else.

the not recommended managers will be for a variety of reasons examples : martingale , excessive risk, out of the ordinary (suspiciously good) trading results.

any way check it out , Forex Managers sorting out : https://onlyaboutforex.com/managers.html

best of luck in your investments
"be very suspicious "

Thanks DDmaster, great effort!! I'll check your site for forex9pipssl.
Mitglied seit Jan 04, 2010   39 Posts
Jun 05, 2012 at 14:40
that was funny i was busy analyzing the statement and when i was finished noticed there was a video about that statement trading...

i don't know what to say really i cant add this to my site ; forex9pipssl ( https://www.myfxbook.com/members/forex9pipssl/9pipssl/308413 )

in my view its unacceptable risk in the statement is shows the first 2 trades were opened for a total of 44 lot (4,400,000$) on a 50,000$ account that's TOO MUCH RISK. and he lost -3960$ basically -8% in 4 min , that's why he is doing it on a demo , no sane person would do this on a real account.

im sorry if this is your site , i know i can be harsh with criticize.

DD from : https://onlyaboutforex.com

s1quash91 posted:

DDmaster posted:
im going to be sorting out the managers with websites from this board on my site
there's currently not much there as its the second day of the sites so its still under construction.... it will also take time to find something that i deem acceptable to invest in , do note that what i deem acceptable will not be the same threshold for investment as everybody else.

the not recommended managers will be for a variety of reasons examples : martingale , excessive risk, out of the ordinary (suspiciously good) trading results.

any way check it out , Forex Managers sorting out : https://onlyaboutforex.com/managers.html

best of luck in your investments
"be very suspicious "

Thanks DDmaster, great effort!! I'll check your site for forex9pipssl.
Our greatest weakness lies in giving up, the certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.
Mitglied seit Sep 03, 2011   13 Posts
Jun 05, 2012 at 15:01 (bearbeitet Jun 05, 2012 at 15:07)
No, it is not my website but i really like his trading approach. I mean small SL. I want to join him but am hesitating as there are no real reviews. This website is new. I don't think he trades like that in real life because on his managed account tab he stated he trades with 1:50 leverage and used 2% of the account. https://www.forex9pipssl.com/#!MANAGED ACCOUNT/c1998
Mitglied seit Jan 04, 2010   39 Posts
Jun 05, 2012 at 15:12

s1quash91 posted:
No, this is not my account but i really like his trading approach. I mean small SL. I want to join him but am hesitating as there are no real reviews. This website is new. I don't think he trades like that in real life because on his managed account tab he stated he trades with 1:50 leverage and used 2% of the account. https://www.forex9pipssl.com/#!MANAGED ACCOUNT/c1998

if i was you i would first ask him to publicly show the myfxbook performance of his managed account , and would not go for anything less than a year ( this is for your own safety).

i would walk away from this one for now maybe come back to it in 2 months see what happened , frankly there are better choices out there with more transparency and history (one day of demo trading and a bit of text is not enough to make a investment decision) , i have my own privet data base of managers which i made about a year ago and will add the info to my site over time keep and eye on my site i will find the needles in the haystack.
(come back to it in about a week or so and it will have grown significantly)

DD from : https://www.onlyaboutforex.com
Our greatest weakness lies in giving up, the certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.
Mitglied seit May 10, 2012   71 Posts
Jun 09, 2012 at 09:24
For open consideration, critiques and comments :

Mitglied seit Jan 04, 2010   39 Posts
Jun 09, 2012 at 11:00

lkwong posted:
For open consideration, critiques and comments :


missing allot of data , to begin critiquing ... all the trading history is privet , and im only seeing 21 trading days for 6 months ....( your missing about 100 days...)

that's like asking what do you think of the 16th chapel and only showing the viewer 1 square centi meter of it.
Our greatest weakness lies in giving up, the certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.
Mitglied seit May 10, 2012   71 Posts
Jun 09, 2012 at 16:49
Oh sorry bout that. Have set history and lot sizes to public.

I guess its not entire apparent that I hold trades for days, sometimes weeks. You can see that under duration. Its also probably not common knowledge that myfxbook doesn't record data for days which I don't trade, even when there are trades open. And yes, I'm also out of the market sometimes, when the markets not favourable.

Mitglied seit Nov 27, 2010   244 Posts
Jun 10, 2012 at 22:34

lkwong posted:
For open consideration, critiques and comments :


Hello lkwong,

First off, very nice curve.

I also note that for the total lotsize utilized for the multiple position trades, and the drawdown of 45.97% on May 17th, you must be using a leverage more than the indicated 1:100. I am guessing 1:400?

For the opening of the 23rd April trades, the total lotsize opened was 52 lots, if leverage was 1:100, margin utilised is approx. $51,000. Balance before opening these trades was $42,955.00.
That makes a margin utilised of $51,000/$42,955 = 118.7 %

Is this possible for a 1:100 leverage account? If so, you're really working it to the hilt, eh? ;)

Consistency above all.
Mitglied seit May 10, 2012   71 Posts
Jun 11, 2012 at 03:12
Hi Raiden,

Thanks for the observation. Its very strange that its listed as 45.97% on the drawdown tab. I've never actually clicked it until I saw your posting. If yo look at my trading history and did the math manually, Those numbers really don't add up. I'll have to look into this further.

As for the leverage calculation, please correct me if I'm wrong.

Used/Real leverage = Debt : Equity
= Lots * LotSize * AveragePipValye * PairsTraded : Account Equity
= 4 * 10,000 * 1.25 * 13 / 42955
= 15.13

The max leverage stated on the link is correct at 1:100. After muddling through all the numbers for a while, trying to figure it out, would it have more sense if I mentioned that the account is a MINI ACCOUNT ? Would the numbers have been more correct ?

Thanks for the heads up.

Mitglied seit May 10, 2012   71 Posts
Jun 11, 2012 at 03:22
Seems like theres already a thread going on about this, sort of...


Mitglied seit Jan 04, 2010   39 Posts
Jun 11, 2012 at 09:14

lkwong posted:
Hi Raiden,

Thanks for the observation. Its very strange that its listed as 45.97% on the drawdown tab. I've never actually clicked it until I saw your posting. If yo look at my trading history and did the math manually, Those numbers really don't add up. I'll have to look into this further.

As for the leverage calculation, please correct me if I'm wrong.

Used/Real leverage = Debt : Equity
= Lots * LotSize * AveragePipValye * PairsTraded : Account Equity
= 4 * 10,000 * 1.25 * 13 / 42955
= 15.13

The max leverage stated on the link is correct at 1:100. After muddling through all the numbers for a while, trying to figure it out, would it have more sense if I mentioned that the account is a MINI ACCOUNT ? Would the numbers have been more correct ?

Thanks for the heads up.


ill start off by correcting your lot size calculation 1 standard Lot = 100,000$ , however i looked in to your broker and it seems that they disagree with industry standards and made their own funky system for what they call mini accounts with mini lots where apparently 1 lot = 10,000$ , all very shady...

any way , don't know what you think your calculating there , he was talking about your margin requirements to keep the trades open at the same time .

margin requirement= lots*lot size*pairs traded/100
= 4*100,000*13/100
= 52,000$

Raiden would have been right you cant hold 52,000$ margin on a 42955$ account in normal conditions but due to your strange broker where a standard lot suddenly is 10,000 instead of 100,000:

margin requirement (IBFX) = lots*lot size(mini lots)*pairs traded/100
= 4*10,000*13/100
= 5,200$
now suddenly you can hold it...

ill have a look at your statement later been very busy .
Our greatest weakness lies in giving up, the certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.
Mitglied seit May 10, 2012   71 Posts
Jun 11, 2012 at 09:38
Thanks Raiden and DDMaster for taking the time to look at it. Really appreciate it.

IBFX has both standard lot accounts (1lot = 100,000), and mini accounts (1lot = 10,000). My account is a mini account, so on my statements when you see 1lot its actually a 10,000 lot (or 0.1 standard lots). Thats probably where the confusion all started. I think also by that virtue, my drawdown calculations on my link aren't really accurate.


Mitglied seit Nov 27, 2010   244 Posts
Jun 11, 2012 at 09:43
While I wouldn't use "Debt" to describe the total value of the open positions, your leverage calculation is correct.

And yes, I do see now that it is a mini account, where 1 lot is 10,000 units of base currency. I was calculating based on 100,000 units. (I should have inferred by the P&L/pips)

On this related note, I'm not entirely sure of the nomenclature of mini accounts. It's evident from here that lotsize is multiplied by 10, i.e. 10,000 units = 1 "lot". Is there anything else in the statement that differs from a standard account?

Regarding myfxbook's calculation of drawdown, to the best of my knowledge until official sources clarify, in the past, calculations would be based off the 5pm NYT close snapshot.

After the Rexfo pricing became available, it appears now to be calculated on every update. (which makes it more relevant and accurate)
This is a derivative calculation based off the open positions' currency pair, lotsize, and Rexfo's pricing against the account equity. I believe this becomes a problem with mini, micro, and nano accounts, where the non-standard nomenclature of what a lotsize is basically multiplies the value of the open positions by 10, 100, 1000 times. Unless the account equity is similarly multiplied by the same factor (by the broker, as looks to be the case for some cent accounts), the drawdown gets amplified.

How to resolve this? myfxbook would need to have a database of account types for respective brokers, and note their specific idiosyncrasies. I suspect this is already the case with many brokers screwing around naming their currency pairs with a prefix and suffix like EURUSDm, EURUSDct, xEURUSD, etc... It'd just be more work on their part.
Consistency above all.
Mitglied seit Nov 27, 2010   244 Posts
Jun 11, 2012 at 09:51 (bearbeitet Jun 11, 2012 at 09:56)
All that said, Excellent Performance! You are a swing trade master! I would love to learn from you.

Edit: Or I suppose you could just put it on a PAMM and I'll throw some money on it.
Consistency above all.
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