Question Regarding Autotrade

Jun 14, 2015 at 12:53
615 Angesehen
2 Replies
Mitglied seit May 30, 2015   2 Posts
Jun 14, 2015 at 12:53
Hey Guys,

I am really intrigued by the myfxbook autotrade, mainly because I've been scammed in the past by signal providers/EA's and I've always known myfxbook to be legit and verified. Can anyone vouche for the autotrade service for a noob like me? I use pepperstone as my broker btw

one thing I am puzzled by is that I can't seem to send any messages to the autotrade providers, it says I can 'send message' when I am not signed in but once I sign in the ability to send them messages disappears, even when I go to mail and type in their username it doesn't appear

I would just like to ask some of the autotrade providers some questions about their strategy or their signal before finally choosing one.

if anyone has any feedback regarding the autotrade or my inquiry about messaging it would be greatly appreciated. thanks!
Mitglied seit Jun 03, 2015   5 Posts
Jun 16, 2015 at 09:00
I've not been able to get Autotrade to do anything other than display the message:

'Please wait while we're loading live data...'

I'm assuming it isn't ready to go live yet.
Mitglied seit May 04, 2012   1534 Posts
Jun 16, 2015 at 16:52
vithca posted:
I've not been able to get Autotrade to do anything other than display the message:

'Please wait while we're loading live data...'

I'm assuming it isn't ready to go live yet.

AutoTrade does function on MyFxBook. You can see that many strategies have LOTS of subscribers. The issue is probably at your end (slow Internet connection?).
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