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Trying to understand a trade that took place.
Mitglied seit Mar 27, 2013
6 Posts
Jun 05, 2014 at 13:46
Mitglied seit Mar 27, 2013
6 Posts
I bought an EA that places a straddle 30 seconds before a news event. If the price goes through either side, it closes the other side and then applie a trailing stop to the other side.
For some reason, it says it bought AUDUSD at 0.9297 but at 04:30 the price is far below that. How could that have been the buy price?
Screenshot of MT4 to make this clearer is here: https://gyazo.com/872c846666e9fb3dfdb3436a90f4f8fa
For some reason, it says it bought AUDUSD at 0.9297 but at 04:30 the price is far below that. How could that have been the buy price?
Screenshot of MT4 to make this clearer is here: https://gyazo.com/872c846666e9fb3dfdb3436a90f4f8fa
Mitglied seit Feb 07, 2011
691 Posts
Mitglied seit Mar 27, 2013
6 Posts
Mitglied seit Jun 03, 2010
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