90% are loser ..why ?

Sep 01, 2017 at 09:50
17,993 Angesehen
308 Replies
Mitglied seit May 10, 2018   22 Posts
May 25, 2018 at 12:59
Justice1024 posted:
Less knowledge, more hopes.

Agree, and lack of patience too.
Mitglied seit Feb 22, 2011   4573 Posts
May 27, 2018 at 06:10
emily_smith posted:
Justice1024 posted:
Less knowledge, more hopes.

Agree, and lack of patience too.

And too much greed, no discipline. That is what each trader has to deal with.
That's why I trade via robots.
Mitglied seit Feb 17, 2018   8 Posts
May 27, 2018 at 06:22
ehm.. there is 0 evidence to it... it's just what a lot of those random trader wannabes from youtube talk about, 99% of the community in trading is what we call the "bullshit, don't know shit team"... it's like anything in life, get good do well.
Mitglied seit May 10, 2018   22 Posts
May 28, 2018 at 05:50
And too much greed, no discipline. That is what each trader has to deal with.
That's why I trade via robots.
Hey Vontogr! For how long you have been trading?
Mitglied seit Feb 22, 2011   4573 Posts
May 28, 2018 at 07:59
emily_smith posted:
And too much greed, no discipline. That is what each trader has to deal with.
That's why I trade via robots.

Hey Vontogr! For how long you have been trading?
demo 2010
real 2013
Mitglied seit May 10, 2018   22 Posts
May 29, 2018 at 06:18

Hey Vontogr! For how long you have been trading?
demo 2010
real 2013
Its been a quite long time, i might learn many things from you. May i know at this time your winning trades in past couple of months and your average trade time.
Mitglied seit Feb 22, 2011   4573 Posts
May 29, 2018 at 08:12
emily_smith posted:

Hey Vontogr! For how long you have been trading?
demo 2010
real 2013
Its been a quite long time, i might learn many things from you. May i know at this time your winning trades in past couple of months and your average trade time.

Check my profile,
there are thousands of winning trades and average time differs per system.
Mitglied seit May 14, 2018   1 Posts
May 29, 2018 at 14:39
togr posted:
emily_smith posted:

Hey Vontogr! For how long you have been trading?

demo 2010
real 2013
Its been a quite long time, i might learn many things from you. May i know at this time your winning trades in past couple of months and your average trade time.

Check my profile,
there are thousands of winning trades and average time differs per system.

Mitglied seit Apr 04, 2018   3 Posts
May 30, 2018 at 08:49
i lose 100% most of the time!
Mitglied seit Sep 12, 2015   1933 Posts
May 30, 2018 at 20:26
Someone has to lose to pay for this money making machine,Monopoly and Pareto distribution by Jordan Peterson.
"They mistook leverage with genius".
Mitglied seit May 31, 2018   1 Posts
May 31, 2018 at 06:58
peoples dont have control on emotions
Mitglied seit Aug 11, 2017   870 Posts
Oct 17, 2018 at 08:53
Losing money is a regular part of Forex trading . there is none who can avoid loss completely from here in spite of good trading knowledge . but by taking some major steps loss can be reduced of course. Behind the losses the main reason is emotions that cannot avoid the traders especially the new Forex traders.
Mitglied seit Oct 09, 2018   41 Posts
Oct 18, 2018 at 07:33
i think 90% of traders are losers because money management skills are zero plus the greed overpowers their patience for success.
Mitglied seit Aug 08, 2014   21 Posts
Oct 18, 2018 at 13:33
Its nothing like 90% are loosers its just the mind game due to which even a good trader goes dumped into emotions and over confidence in trading kills the account. Disciplinary trading needs to be done if one needs to survive for longer duration of time
The best way to find yourself is to loose yourself in d services of others genuinely.
Mitglied seit Oct 23, 2018   8 Posts
Oct 23, 2018 at 13:35
it frustrates me when people say that most people lose due to emotions etc. It is because they don't have a good strategy and it is near impossible to find one online. Any trader with good strategy would make money and wouldn't need to worry about emotions
Mitglied seit Sep 12, 2015   1933 Posts
Oct 23, 2018 at 14:14
Rohitfx posted:
Its nothing like 90% are loosers its just the mind game due to which even a good trader goes dumped into emotions and over confidence in trading kills the account. Disciplinary trading needs to be done if one needs to survive for longer duration of time

Its about 50/50 but because lack of experience it becomes 80-85%
"They mistook leverage with genius".
Mitglied seit Aug 08, 2014   21 Posts
Oct 23, 2018 at 14:35
AkbarM posted:
it frustrates me when people say that most people lose due to emotions etc. It is because they don't have a good strategy and it is near impossible to find one online. Any trader with good strategy would make money and wouldn't need to worry about emotions

Its is quite true to get frustrated 😭 😲because you are human and not a robot my friend, frustration is also a kind of emotion expressed towards any thing.

Anyways, I am a good trader 😎 and also a winner of live contest with CySec regulated broker but surely in a positive way and not being over confident anytime. Its just the way what we follow and adopt to make money. So overall sticking back to the point, Its nothing like 90% are loosers its just the mind game through what strategy or trading methods we make money. Overcoming emotions is one of the main thing needed to be taken care when you are the care taker of your own invested money
The best way to find yourself is to loose yourself in d services of others genuinely.
Mitglied seit Feb 22, 2011   4573 Posts
Oct 23, 2018 at 14:35
AkbarM posted:
it frustrates me when people say that most people lose due to emotions etc. It is because they don't have a good strategy and it is near impossible to find one online. Any trader with good strategy would make money and wouldn't need to worry about emotions

These are 2 different things
1. Have a great trading plan
2. Execute such plan flawlessly

Just a few human beings can execute the plan 100% correct.
It is much easier, cheaper and more consistent to use EAs.
Mitglied seit Aug 08, 2014   21 Posts
Oct 24, 2018 at 10:18
togr posted:
AkbarM posted:
it frustrates me when people say that most people lose due to emotions etc. It is because they don't have a good strategy and it is near impossible to find one online. Any trader with good strategy would make money and wouldn't need to worry about emotions

These are 2 different things
1. Have a great trading plan
2. Execute such plan flawlessly

Just a few human beings can execute the plan 100% correct.
It is much easier, cheaper and more consistent to use EAs.

Fully Agreed
The best way to find yourself is to loose yourself in d services of others genuinely.
Mitglied seit Oct 09, 2018   41 Posts
Oct 28, 2018 at 07:37
togr posted:
AkbarM posted:
it frustrates me when people say that most people lose due to emotions etc. It is because they don't have a good strategy and it is near impossible to find one online. Any trader with good strategy would make money and wouldn't need to worry about emotions

These are 2 different things
1. Have a great trading plan
2. Execute such plan flawlessly

Just a few human beings can execute the plan 100% correct.
It is much easier, cheaper and more consistent to use EAs.

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