Help Searchig EA or System Low Balance Pls

Oct 05, 2009 at 21:19
2,822 Angesehen
19 Replies
Mitglied seit Sep 03, 2009   13 Posts
Oct 05, 2009 at 21:19
i have deposited 250 USD.
Traded them and lost....
Now i only have 60 USD.
Do you have an ea or something that could bring my account up?
Here you could see my stats this link redirects you to my myfxbook account.
Do you now an ea or system? Because i�m very angry.
I�m a student and now all i want is my deposit of 250 back..
Hope you could help me...
Mitglied seit Sep 14, 2009   26 Posts
Oct 06, 2009 at 09:24 (bearbeitet Oct 06, 2009 at 09:25)

Not good news...well I could help You, but I trade only manual (so I can tell you only when to buy/sell). I don't want to suggest You to use EA to make money. You better try demo acc to understand how forex works, use indicators which fit best to you and etc. You can see my live stats at myfxbook. At the moment I have only one wrong entrance to market, but it will change soon as my indicators show. Write me PM if you are interested.
Mitglied seit Aug 06, 2009   386 Posts
Oct 06, 2009 at 13:01
cyde1408, take your time.

do not buy the first ea that looks like it gonna make your moneyl back.

i'm sorry to tell you but chances are that you'll lose your $60 also. in order to get back to $250, you will need to gain 400% - not likely to achieve unless you take huge risk while trying.

so i suggest to forget about your loss, and try to figure out what happened, how can you avoid it again, and create a clear plan as to how to proceed.

good luck.
Sleep is for the weak.
Mitglied seit Aug 21, 2009   10 Posts
Oct 09, 2009 at 05:39

You can try robominer. It can play at micro account (0.01 lot ) for safety starting capital 200 usd, but you can start with 100 usd.So deposit first to your account till reach 100 usd,then play it.if position goes againts you,you can still add fund to 200 usd.
It is very safe and stable, for long time investment.At least you can get your money back with patience.
Mitglied seit Sep 25, 2009   1 Posts
Oct 09, 2009 at 06:58
Megadroid with James' mods. Find on web. That's for a long-run. Do not expect doubling your account in a week or a month, unless you are ready to loose them again.

But there is no substitute for manual trading. Study Tro's NEVER LOOSE AGAIN on and beat any commercial robot. Do not rush and don't be greedy, I had painful experience and hope learned my lessons.

Good luck!
Mitglied seit Aug 23, 2009   5 Posts
Oct 15, 2009 at 14:42
Robominer is good, its strategy makes it a very good bot for larger capital with long term investments. Very steady equity curve.
Mitglied seit Oct 24, 2009   178 Posts
Oct 24, 2009 at 23:28

cyde1408 posted:
i have deposited 250 USD.
Traded them and lost....
Now i only have 60 USD.
Do you have an ea or something that could bring my account up?
Here you could see my stats this link redirects you to my myfxbook account.
Do you now an ea or system? Because i?m very angry.
I?m a student and now all i want is my deposit of 250 back..
Hope you could help me...

Do not give up, now with 60.00USD there is not EA that will bring you up to 100%.I suggest that first of all, you look back and find out what you did wrong( been there) and do not do it again, also, greed and fear do not mix with Forex, being angry will not help either, it will only help you to make bad decisions.My advise to you is,open a demo account and set up your own system and stick to , I can also give you an EA that will make you 2-3 USD a day, BUT, you must use the settings I will give you , otherwise, you will loose it all again.I will give free, but, you will not be able to pass on to nobody as it will be "married" to your account number.

Good luck and anything I can do, just ask.

Mitglied seit Nov 02, 2009   11 Posts
Nov 17, 2009 at 20:01

MaxF posted:
Megadroid with James' mods. Find on web. That's for a long-run. Do not expect doubling your account in a week or a month, unless you are ready to loose them again.

But there is no substitute for manual trading. Study Tro's NEVER LOOSE AGAIN on and beat any commercial robot. Do not rush and don't be greedy, I had painful experience and hope learned my lessons.

Good luck!

MaxF or Anyone Else,

I am unable to locate the article.
Can someone supply a direct link to the article?

Thank You!
Mitglied seit Nov 27, 2009   1 Posts
Dec 01, 2009 at 09:34
i am using EEA from ESATRADER but the min requirement for this system is USD5000. when i join ESATRADER the minimum is USD 3000..

u can see my performance at
Mitglied seit Sep 21, 2009   68 Posts
Dec 01, 2009 at 13:40
What is the website for ESATRADER?
Mitglied seit Nov 27, 2009   7 Posts
Dec 02, 2009 at 02:41

billiboysclub posted:
What is the website for ESATRADER?
Mitglied seit Nov 14, 2009   2 Posts
Dec 11, 2009 at 21:23

cyde1408 posted:
i have deposited 250 USD.
Traded them and lost....
Now i only have 60 USD.
Do you have an ea or something that could bring my account up?
Here you could see my stats this link redirects you to my myfxbook account.
Do you now an ea or system? Because i?m very angry.
I?m a student and now all i want is my deposit of 250 back..
Hope you could help me...

Hi, from my experience(I have some years), almost all EA's lose money in the long run. And if I'm thinking a little bit, it's quite... 'ethical' if I can use this word:) because I developed my discretionary trading plan(and now I'm profitable) in YEARS and I know that it can't be quantified and integrated into an algorithm(aka EA) In my opinion it's just plain wrong to think that an EA can give you profits in the long term (long term=months/years). So, please take my advice, don't use EA's, and start to learn manul trading because from manual trading are coming the big money. Look at some huge hedge funds and ask yourself, do you think that they use EA? Well... not, they use manual trading. But yes, there are also H. Funds that are specialized in trading algo.(aka EA) BUT the "manual trading fund" OUTPERFORM the algo. Fund. so... the choice is yours.
Mitglied seit Feb 24, 2010   5 Posts
Feb 24, 2010 at 10:04
ESA Traders is crap all lost not worth waisting time .I closed longtime and lost from the first month .
Mitglied seit Feb 18, 2010   1 Posts
Feb 27, 2010 at 17:38 Try this ea, it has done well for several with small accounts and it has good support.
Mitglied seit Aug 01, 2009   895 Posts
Feb 28, 2010 at 03:30 (bearbeitet Feb 28, 2010 at 03:32)

You're missing the points of EA's. Not all of them have to have trading functions.

You can trade with full discretion using EA's . Doesn't have to be fully auto, but you don't need to sit around computers all day either with a finger hovering over buttons.

They can simply also be tools that automate the more tedious tasks of trading. Like trying trying to Tp 30% of an account on 24 pairs. I just drag and drop. Or if I you to go sleep I set it to tp at x.

Orders is another thing, 24 pairs. I can't handle that. But I can load an EA to do that, set it to start trading at x time and then go for a swim, I come back I'm in the market.

Close outs, order adjustments, adding trailing stops, margin management and so on, remembering last TP levels, I'm great at forgetting that.

Of course as you learn what to apply at what time or price, you learn how to automate your discretion. That's how one builds a system.
Mitglied seit Aug 01, 2009   895 Posts
Feb 28, 2010 at 03:40 (bearbeitet Feb 28, 2010 at 04:01)
Other thing is speed. Sometimes my account is up 0.5% I want to take TP, by the time I've closed my trades manually the profit is gone, with an EA if I go to the fridge for example, there's a spike I get back I tp'd already, never even saw the spike. With manual trading I'd have lost that opportunity which mostly lasts seconds...
Mitglied seit Aug 01, 2009   895 Posts
Feb 28, 2010 at 04:48

Not sure what you can do. I don't think there is an EA that can trade $60 back to $250 and if it did it wouldn't be worth anyones hassle, but yours.
Mitglied seit May 29, 2010   2 Posts
Jun 12, 2010 at 09:42

cyde1408 posted:
i have deposited 250 USD.
Traded them and lost....
Now i only have 60 USD.
Do you have an ea or something that could bring my account up?
Here you could see my stats this link redirects you to my myfxbook account.
Do you now an ea or system? Because i�m very angry.
I�m a student and now all i want is my deposit of 250 back..
Hope you could help me...

tested on your demo account account 1st, if its profit for at least 1month, then put it on real account. good luck
Think n Thank
Mitglied seit Mar 04, 2010   411 Posts
Dec 14, 2010 at 03:23

HoldmaxCM posted:

cyde1408 posted:
i have deposited 250 USD.
Traded them and lost....
Now i only have 60 USD.
Do you have an ea or something that could bring my account up?
Here you could see my stats this link redirects you to my myfxbook account.
Do you now an ea or system? Because i?m very angry.
I?m a student and now all i want is my deposit of 250 back..
Hope you could help me...

Hi, from my experience(I have some years), almost all EA's lose money in the long run. And if I'm thinking a little bit, it's quite... 'ethical' if I can use this word:) because I developed my discretionary trading plan(and now I'm profitable) in YEARS and I know that it can't be quantified and integrated into an algorithm(aka EA) In my opinion it's just plain wrong to think that an EA can give you profits in the long term (long term=months/years). So, please take my advice, don't use EA's, and start to learn manul trading because from manual trading are coming the big money. Look at some huge hedge funds and ask yourself, do you think that they use EA? Well... not, they use manual trading. But yes, there are also H. Funds that are specialized in trading algo.(aka EA) BUT the "manual trading fund" OUTPERFORM the algo. Fund. so... the choice is yours.


Huge fund managers are not that their logic cannot be transfered to an EA, it is because they do not want to loss their job. If they trade using EA then what is the point of hiring them? To activate and deactivate the EA?

Whatever your mind can think of, the program can do it as well, might be 10 or 100x better than your mind.

Just my opinion.

Mitglied seit Dec 09, 2010   161 Posts
Jan 05, 2011 at 06:48

cyde1408 posted:
i have deposited 250 USD.
Traded them and lost....
Now i only have 60 USD.
Do you have an ea or something that could bring my account up?
Here you could see my stats this link redirects you to my myfxbook account.
Do you now an ea or system? Because i�m very angry.
I�m a student and now all i want is my deposit of 250 back..
Hope you could help me...

with my broker when i withdraw funds via wire xfer, there is a $25.00 fee at the broker and a $25.00 fee at my bank for an incoming wire xfer.

so, subtract fifty from the sixty and you now have ten bucks left.

happy trading,

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