a math related question.

Jan 14, 2011 at 03:13
3,880 Angesehen
44 Replies
Mitglied seit Dec 09, 2010   161 Posts
Jan 14, 2011 at 03:13
given a set of numbers.

first row: +25,-50,+40

second row: +50,-33,+50

what will the third row look like?

are there any patterns forming that you can see at this early stage?


Mitglied seit Dec 09, 2010   161 Posts
Jan 14, 2011 at 07:32
It's not that I'm so smart, it's just that I stay with problems longer.

Albert Einstein
Mitglied seit Dec 09, 2010   161 Posts
Jan 14, 2011 at 20:10 (bearbeitet Jan 14, 2011 at 20:30)
Mitglied seit Dec 09, 2010   161 Posts
Jan 14, 2011 at 20:51

Mitglied seit Dec 09, 2010   161 Posts
Jan 14, 2011 at 21:04
Mitglied seit Dec 09, 2010   161 Posts
Jan 16, 2011 at 03:24 (bearbeitet Jan 16, 2011 at 03:28)
dodgesparks posted:
given a set of numbers.

first row: +25,-50,+40

second row: +50,-33,+50

what will the third row look like?

are there any patterns forming that you can see at this early stage?


first row: +25,-50,+40

second row: +50,-33,+50

and now the third row reads like this: +65,-33,+65

so, we have:

N1 - N2 - N3

now, i am working hard trying to find the solution to this problem.

what if i take N1 and N3 and add them together and then divide that by two?


now if have this:

A - B

it is my suggestion that the target of A is 0-B and that the target of B is 0-A.


anyways, taking all of that into consideration..

in the next few days A will move to +33 and B will move to -65.

or some combination of the above, anyways.

i am working on a math problem.

i am working towards implementing a very strong arbitrage situation.

my final work will be able to stand up to any amount of traded capital.

and when i solve it, it is going to be nothing short of mathematically criminal.

i am actually upside down, atm, due to my playing these numbers live.

and with my last trading capital, i might add..

when i was back on row two of the above series, i did not divide by two.


i played it the opposite direction of what it should have been played.

if i dont margin call, i will get back my current drawdown, that is my hope anyways.

i will margin call, however, i am only $4.00 away from a margin call on a $200.00 account.

a margin call is inevitable.

but, i have three trades on the table.

they will margin call one at a time.

if only one margin calls, i still have a two out of three chance of getting by my drawdown.

if two trades margin call, i still have a one out of three of getting back my drawdown.

if all three trades margin call, well, the odds dont look so good, it is something like zero out of three.

i am working on a math problem that is nothing short of world class.

i do realize that i should not be talking even as much as i am, but i have to.

and, realize, i am not telling how to trade the above numbers.

i know how.


now, everybody dance.

Mitglied seit Dec 09, 2010   161 Posts
Jan 16, 2011 at 04:43
it is my intent that upon nailing down this little math problem that i will like to establish my trading company as either a corporation of the bahamas or else i will like to establish myself as a corporacion of mexico.

my preference is 50/50, i dont really care.

it is all the same to me.

Mitglied seit Dec 09, 2010   161 Posts
Jan 16, 2011 at 05:00
all of my projects get messy.

and this project is like that.


but when i come up for air, it is going to be simply sick.

i will have the power to offset global economies.

i will have the power to not only trade, but i will have the strength to literally alter the ratio at which two currencies are exchanged between two opposing economies.

btw, i am intentionally being misleading about one portion of the above math.

i was hoping that some person would point out that issue, but no.


Mitglied seit Dec 09, 2010   161 Posts
Jan 16, 2011 at 06:37 (bearbeitet Jan 16, 2011 at 06:48)
I wholeheartedly agree. Anybody call his phone? I'm severely cashflow strapped these days and haven't called him because I don't want to become Mark 2 in his string of serial "abusers"....but I do love the guy.....who in our community couldn't? Anybody called Edward? If not, by cob Sunday EST, I'll give it a shot....he's worth the concern....and I'm not talking about worth in terms of EBITDA.

apparently, it is all about me.


but, as i am such a broke azz luzr and my phone is not turned on, you wont reach me.

i am so lost.

and, btw, mark stole from me. he jacked my early work. his handle in this myfxbook forum was fxtrademark. and i crawled up his backside in this forum, that i did. the man has no ethics whatsoever and even less character..


Mitglied seit Dec 09, 2010   161 Posts
Jan 16, 2011 at 09:33 (bearbeitet Jan 16, 2011 at 09:40)
no matter what this current position does, my next step will be to get this thing running on interbankfx's australian branch of metatrader.


they allow 400:1 leverage and their mini account is really a mini account.

off topic a bit, but it is my understanding that oanda is gearing up their metatrader as 0.01 lots meaning the equivalent of 1,000 oanda units.

i do hope that they have done their homework regarding this issue.

i cant believe that there isnt a way to allow metatrader to trade either 0.0001 lots or something.


this would be one reason to deal with the metaquotes people directly.

they, if anybody, will know how to do this.

tell em, hey, we want to be able to trade not in 1,000 unit increments, but we do want to trade lot sizes that are the equivalent of a single unit.



Mitglied seit Dec 09, 2010   161 Posts
Jan 16, 2011 at 09:59
one of my favorite areas of study during this project was the study of belief systems.

Mitglied seit Dec 09, 2010   161 Posts
Jan 16, 2011 at 10:07
so, we now have:

N1 - N2 - N3

now, i am working hard trying to find the solution to this problem.

what if i take N1 and N3 and add them together and then divide that by two?


now if have this:

A - B

it is my suggestion that the target of A is 0-B and that the target of B is 0-A.


anyways, taking all of that into consideration..

what will row number 4 look like?

i think that i already know.


Mitglied seit Dec 09, 2010   161 Posts
Jan 16, 2011 at 22:30
so, we now have:

N1 - N2 - N3


Mitglied seit Dec 09, 2010   161 Posts
Jan 16, 2011 at 23:05 (bearbeitet Jan 16, 2011 at 23:06)
one of the primary things that intelligent things do is that they just love to gather information.

another interesting thing that i found that intelligent things do is that they are quick to reject new ideas and new information.

i can remember testing this concept out on a young lady from los angeles.

me: did you know that most people quickly reject new ideas and new information?

she: i never do that.

me: thank you for proving my point.

she: i was not agreeing with you.

me: again, thank you for proving my point.

she stomped away, very unhappy with me.


one time, i was down in old mexico in a hotel with this pretty little chica.

we were not studying math problems.

she told me that she spoke no english.

while we were busy not studying math problems, my casio calculator watch began beeping.

she looked at me and asked me what was the problem.

i understand enough spanish to understand that she wanted to know if there was something that i needed to attend to.

in a very casual voice, i told her that there was no problemo, and then in english i told her that it was only the mother ship calling.

you should have seen the look in her eyes.


on one of my first trips to mexico, i was standing nose to nose with a taxi driver on the street corner and i asked him if he spoke any english. his reply was no ingles... and so, without taking my eyes off of his i told him that he was standing on my wallet. he immediately looked down and actually lifted his feet up in order that he might look for said wallet. i only smiled back at him.


i do not enjoy physical fights.

i can remember my first physical fight when i was a kid.

some kid was threatening me, said he wanted to beat me up as soon as i would step outside.

i pleaded with him to show me mercy.

i assured him that i wanted no problem with him.

oh, but this wasnt good enough for him.

when i stepped outside, i found myself nose to nose with him and about fifty other kids that were forming a circle around us.

i thought that this would be fine.

no way for you to escape now, young man.

i reached over and grabbed the hair on the top of his head and slammed his face into my knee about a half a dozen times and then balled up my fist and pounded his face until it was a bloody mess.

the cirle opened up and i went on my way.

i did warn him, didnt i?


i recently became active at a new forum.

this is a wonderful day.

i have been blocked, for the first time, from a thread at bondage dot com.


perhaps they do not quite understand.

but i do.

oh my, are we ever going to have some fun.

i would bother to tell them that i am intentionally provoking them into responding, but somehow i do not think that they would understand.


Mitglied seit Dec 09, 2010   161 Posts
Jan 16, 2011 at 23:16 (bearbeitet Jan 16, 2011 at 23:31)
ok, whatever, trading actually is looking up for me.

i am so confident that i will be in the bahamas before long.


Mitglied seit Dec 09, 2010   161 Posts
Jan 17, 2011 at 00:16
ok, girlfriends, bring it on home now.

Mitglied seit Dec 09, 2010   161 Posts
Jan 17, 2011 at 01:29
ok, trading looks so nice.

so, lets rock like there is no tomorrow.

Mitglied seit Dec 09, 2010   161 Posts
Jan 17, 2011 at 01:45
Definitions of bitching on the Web:

Related phrases: bitching bob bitching betty bitching bettie

•In literal, non-slang use, bitch is a term for female canines, particularly amongst dog breeders. It is also a common English profanity for a woman that typically carries or misogynistic overtones—such as resemblance to a dog. ...
•bitch - an unpleasant difficulty; "this problem is a real bitch"
•bitch - cunt: a person (usually but not necessarily a woman) who is thoroughly disliked; "she said her son thought Hillary was a bitch"
•bitch - gripe: complain; "What was he hollering about?"
•bitch - gripe: informal terms for objecting; "I have a gripe about the service here"
•bitch - backbite: say mean things
•bitch - female of any member of the dog family

•Bitch (or bitch) is a nonprofit, independent, quarterly magazine published in Portland, Oregon, that describes itself as a "Feminist response to pop culture". Articles offer a third-wave feminist perspective on current political events and social and cultural trends. ...

•Bitch - "Bitch" is a song that was released by Meredith Brooks in 1997 on her album Blurring the Edges.

•Bitch - "Bitch" is a song by the English rock band the Rolling Stones from their 1971 album Sticky Fingers.

•The Bitch is a British film released in 1979. It is a sequel to the The Stud (1978), and both films were based on novels by British author Jackie Collins. Like its predecessor, the film starred her sister, Joan Collins, as Fontaine Khaled.

•Bitch are a female-fronted American heavy metal band, formed in Los Angeles in December of 1980. They gained notoriety as a result of their theatrical live performances, which featured tongue-in-cheek sadomasochism themes. ...

•Bitch is the second single from Sevendust's self-titled debut album. The song peaked at #30 on The Modern Rock Charts. Bitch was included on the Best of (Chapter One: 1997-2004) album. The song also featured in 2000 action film "Mrs. Death 2: Hells Fury".

•Bitch is a musician, actress, composer, and performance artist. She sings, plays acoustic and electric violin, ukulele, bass, and keyboard.

Mitglied seit Dec 09, 2010   161 Posts
Jan 17, 2011 at 01:58
ok, i am a manson groupie.

the cat is officially out of the bag.


Mitglied seit Dec 09, 2010   161 Posts
Jan 17, 2011 at 02:52
when i prayed to them..

i screamed out to them..

and the beast came to me..

he told me that he would give to me the answer..

but in return for the answer, i would have to pay..

okey dokey, i said..

pay, i will..

the bad news is that when my project finally makes completion, the beast told me, is that that other one will return..

will i at least get to finish the project?

yes, you will, the beast told me.

okey dokey then, i said..

and then, in a blink, he was gone..

i can hear him walking near me sometimes..

sometimes he breathes heavily on my neck..

how sweet of the beast..

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