New investor seeks managed accounts advice

Feb 10, 2012 at 15:13
3,878 Angesehen
35 Replies
Mitglied seit Mar 06, 2012   22 Posts
Mar 07, 2012 at 11:47
hm, i know that in different countries there are different laws and regulations but why is there no imprint. who o? wns this company, who is the MD? then you are located in Switzerland and you are going to deal with a company in New Zealand. If you have any trouble, you do not stand a chance. and if you click the button "registration no." what do you see? also very interesting that a company that supposedly is located in NZ does have such a perfect website in german language. I do not say anything bad as i do not know that company but i have been around for too long in this business. things like this always make me, at least, wonder. good luck with your investment. oh by the way, someone said to invest small amounts with fund managers only. in my opionion, a good, proper, reliable fund manager, who is authorized and licences, will not accept 500 usd clients. no way that he is able to work profitable with these kind of accounts unless he has a good deal with the broker and makes sure that the accounts will make a total loss.
money-management with a win-win
Mitglied seit Feb 08, 2012   15 Posts
Mar 07, 2012 at 15:52
Hi! Thanks a lot for the input! I have checked the company's detailed information, which can be found on the website of the Government of New Zealand, so that part is legit.
The money is deposited into an account at Dukascopy Bank, and there is a contract between me and Dukascopy, so that if I have any complaints I can file them right to Dukascopy, and the Swiss Law applies for my bank account. You are also from Switzerland, right? Are you an Account Manager too? What are your services?
Why do you think a good manager will not accept small amounts in case of managed accounts, when in the end trading will be executed on the manager account, so it all adds up, doesn't it? What would be the minimal amount for a pro's managed account in your opinion?
Mitglied seit Mar 06, 2012   22 Posts
Mar 08, 2012 at 06:29
as i said, i do not know that NZ company and therefore can't say anything bad about it. just a couple of things that would make me wonder. yes, the swiss law applies for your account as this is held with dukas but this does not count for your money manager. this is a nz-based company and therefore the nz-laws apply. and i am quiet sure that you can file a complaint with dukas but if you want to go to court, you do it in nz. people are quiet often mislead with "facts and information" especially when it comes to fx-accounts.

size matters, also with accounts. if you are a money manager you have costs. some fix, some variable. to open an account, do the paperwork, connect this account to your pam/mam, monitor it, file it with the authorities (in switzerland you pay a fee per client/ file to the authorities, do the monthly statements/ bookkeeping with regards to performance fee,.... and now we are talking serious trading with a 500 usd account. let' say you have a very good month and make 15% profit. the money manager charges 30% performance fee - ok, this will mean approx. 20 usd for the money manager. sorry, guys - that does not work out. this calculation does not work - and i have not included rent, salaries, tax, insurance, marketing and sales expenses,...

i am still pretty new to this forum and i did not want to make any advertising here (probably i cannot avoid it) but i think i will write you a direct mail/ message if this is possible here and then i will answer your other question.

oh, by the way: 2-stroke sounds and smells differently, realy cool but i always found 2-stroke-bikes fairly small and i am 1,89 m and plus 90 kgs so it looked stupid (imho) to sit on such a small bike.
money-management with a win-win
Mitglied seit Feb 08, 2012   15 Posts
Mar 09, 2012 at 13:45
Hi SCManagement! The factors you mentioned I also considered, but then I realized how unimportant they were. It does not matter where the account manager resides at all, just consider these:
I do not give my investment to the Perfecto FX guys in New Zealand, so they cannot run away with my money. They only get a performance fee if the value of the investment rises above the High Water Mark, so they have no interest in making me lose my money. There are no other fees for the manager, they also do not get anything based on how much trading volume they generate for my account. So this is why I say that the safety and reliability seems to be guaranteed: a safe and nice Swiss bank account at Dukascopy + only performance fee only if I win too.
It doesn’t worry me either that the company was founded in 2011, because their site explains that before September their account managing services were private for years, and then later they made the accounts available for the retail customers like me.
Thank you for your offer as well, I’m gonna investigate it further and get back to you if I’d like to invest with your company too. ;)

Btw: with your size, you'd perfectly fit on a CB like mine. Well, maybe you'd find the seat to be a bit too low, but other than that it's a nice big lady :D
Mitglied seit Mar 01, 2012   1 Posts
Mar 10, 2012 at 10:39
Hi CBrider....I read your post and felt that I had to put in my 2 cents worth as well since I am also an investor and trader. I have been investing for many years now, not only in forex but other markets. Throughout the years I've found that the best way to protect your investment is by diversifying your portfolios. not put all your eggs in one basket.

Considering all research is done, I suggest you diversify your money into several money managers. Personally, I have investment interests in some trade leaders from the Curensee program and I also have invested interest in a few PAMM managers. So far, overall, it seems to be going very well. At times one or two money managers could be having a bad day and I see my investment go down a little but that is covered by the ones that are on the positive.

All in all....on the personal side, my strategy seems to work. My return on investments have been very satisfying and that gives me time to trade on my own as well...using smaller amounts to learn without having to worry about losing a big amount of money. I hope this helps.
Mitglied seit Feb 08, 2012   15 Posts
Mar 12, 2012 at 12:52
Hi Nazz68! I also thought about continuing trading but I decided I would only trade on Demo accounts from now on and leave the real job for the pros. But to be honest, I hardly log into my Demo account and trade now. I rather check my managed one then go out and have fun. :)

I have done my research and decided to put 40 000 USD into a Perfecto FX Premium account. And I do not regret it at all, the investment is doing very well! From all the others this option proved to be the best, for the money is on a secure Swiss account with capital protection and I do not have to pay anything to the account managers until they gain some profits for me. So the choice was easy, there is nothing to lose here but much more to win. These guys are no beginners, you should see the account statements! Pretty awesome!
Mitglied seit Mar 06, 2012   22 Posts
Mar 12, 2012 at 14:55
good luck with your investment and you are right that the money is not with the guys in NZ. i think anyway that this is one big advantage with managed accounts. the money is always in my account. unfortunately there are too many bad brokers and account managers that are very creative trying to "steal" clients funds.
money-management with a win-win
Mitglied seit Feb 08, 2012   15 Posts
Mar 13, 2012 at 08:30
Hi SCManagement and thank you! I feel safe with Dukascopy, so I just can't imagine this could go wrong. Also PAMM is a safe system, so that my money just can't be stolen.
Mitglied seit Mar 06, 2012   22 Posts
Mar 13, 2012 at 13:27
well, i disagree. bad brokers make money with their clients - means: client's losses are brokers profits. and there are so called money managers that - on purpose - generate a total loss in client's accounts and yep, share with the broker.

but this should not apply for swiss banks, i hope for you. acutally, dukas says to be an ecn/stp-broker and therefore this shouldn't happen. and if it does, involve finma. you are swiss, dukas is swiss and finma is swiss, too.

and don't forget to diversify your money by investing with sc-m also.
money-management with a win-win
Mitglied seit Mar 10, 2012   3 Posts
Mar 15, 2012 at 20:28
I can not understand, why so many people think, that loosing money is because of the broker ?! If you know how the market works, and if you know how to work in the matket, the only problem with the broker is not to pay your profits. This is scam ! But if somebody loose money in the market the problem is in himself !
Mitglied seit Feb 23, 2011   16 Posts
Mar 15, 2012 at 22:10
Before opening an order, a trader should have margins of the broker.
Mitglied seit Mar 06, 2012   22 Posts
Mar 16, 2012 at 11:47
brokers have many more ways to make clients loose their money, e.g. slippage, stop-hunting, delayed order execution,... then they don't have the problem of not paying profits because traders will have less chances to make a profit at all.
money-management with a win-win
Mitglied seit Mar 10, 2012   3 Posts
Mar 16, 2012 at 15:23

SCManagement posted:
..............................slippage, stop-hunting, delayed order execution,... ..................................

Even this can not ruin you, only eat some of your profit, if you know how to trade on the Forex market, because its different from the other markets. And if you see that the broker is cheating you, you can change it.
Mitglied seit Dec 30, 2010   1 Posts
Mar 19, 2012 at 20:04
Hi CBrider!
There is an interest calculator on PerfectoFX's site. When you'll put period from 1 jan 2012 to march 2012 you'll get some interesting... Profit: -1.58% ! By the way, PerfectoFX is an offshore company which is registered by NZ Laws.

Sorry for my english :)
Mitglied seit Feb 08, 2012   15 Posts
Mar 20, 2012 at 11:28

SCManagement posted:
...acutally, dukas says to be an ecn/stp-broker and therefore this shouldn't happen. and if it does, involve finma. you are swiss, dukas is swiss and finma is swiss, too...

Indeed, you are true, a good manager with a PAMM at the bad brokerage could also lead to disaster. But Dukascopy is a trusted and good brokerage.

Hi sonixh, you do not even need to use the calculator to see that negative result of 2012 so far, it's indicated on the chart as well, so I do not consider it being 'interesting' at all. Btw, I have got the other, the Perfecto Premium account, which did not lose that much in February to turn its positive results into negative and stands on +3,33% this year so far (my account is in +7,9% right now). Anyways, an investment like this isn't just for 2 or 3 months, I would not be scared if they'd go -10-20% either, c'mon, this is Forex you remember. :D

Cheers, Chris
Mitglied seit Apr 01, 2011   12 Posts
Apr 02, 2012 at 16:45
need a 20% per month, consistently?
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