To overcome the "using of decompiled source code is prohibited" error !

Jul 09, 2013 at 12:26
10,868 Angesehen
26 Replies
Mitglied seit Sep 16, 2009   188 Posts
Feb 04, 2014 at 09:16 (bearbeitet Feb 04, 2014 at 09:46)
skaboy posted:
ForexEASystems posted:
I guess this 'usage of decompiled source code is prohibited' thing is part of MetaQuotes ' We have enough about that everybody hacks our protocols' campaign.

How would you feel if you spent hours to create code and nobody wanna pay you for its use?

Do your all computer softwares are ORIGINAL?
It's the same matter. I'm not up to argue with you, but this is the fact.
I'm sorry to say this.
... oshaban ... skype: oshaban27 ...
Mitglied seit Sep 16, 2009   188 Posts
Feb 04, 2014 at 09:18
LucianoR ...
The code has been sent to your email.
... oshaban ... skype: oshaban27 ...
Mitglied seit Apr 30, 2011   39 Posts
Feb 06, 2014 at 07:26
oshaban posted:
skaboy posted:
ForexEASystems posted:
I guess this 'usage of decompiled source code is prohibited' thing is part of MetaQuotes ' We have enough about that everybody hacks our protocols' campaign.

How would you feel if you spent hours to create code and nobody wanna pay you for its use?

Do your all computer softwares are ORIGINAL?
It's the same matter. I'm not up to argue with you, but this is the fact.
I'm sorry to say this.

I do not see what there is to argue about. I was just pointing out how code authors feel.
Yes you are right, not all computer code is original.
But reputable people acknowledge it when they use other people's work in theirs.
(So they won't be open to accusations of plagiarism).
And, when necessary, they paid the people whose work they have used.
Just look up the court the battles between Apple, Microsoft, Samsung....and all the big players to learn what it is all about.

In this we have here on this forum, the MT4 folks are just trying to do their part to see people get acknowledgment for their work.
Mitglied seit May 21, 2011   45 Posts
Mar 07, 2014 at 11:57
Hi everyone,

I have written a guide on how to overcome this. You can download a simple compiler and compile your MQ4 file to Ex4 and it will work perfectly.

You can access it on my website here:

I hope it helps!
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Mitglied seit May 19, 2014   87 Posts
Nov 30, 2014 at 07:34

Does anybody know how to decompile from ex4 to mql4 with builds from 600+ ? WHERE TO DOWNLOAD THIS DECOMPILER?

Thanks for your information

Mitglied seit Nov 21, 2011   1601 Posts
Nov 30, 2014 at 19:39
600+ Build has been encrypted and there is no such decompiler anymore.
Mitglied seit Jan 16, 2014   401 Posts
Dec 01, 2014 at 13:39
CrazyTrader posted:
600+ Build has been encrypted and there is no such decompiler anymore.

As developer of MT4 apps, I can say that I am very happy about. :)
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