Holy Grail Do Exist ? (bei alunix)

Gewinn : +5910.45%
Drawdown 0.16%
Pips: 59105.0
Trades 7502
Modellqualität: 24.95%
Balken im Test: 48902
Ticks modelliert: 257664
Forward-Test ist nicht verfügbar

Holy Grail Do Exist ? Diskussion

Mar 16, 2012 at 21:51
2,272 Angesehen
11 Replies
Mitglied seit Mar 04, 2012   9 Posts
Mar 20, 2012 at 15:50
Hi! This is a pamm or a forex robot?
Mitglied seit Mar 04, 2012   9 Posts
Mar 21, 2012 at 07:00
This is the EA i am intrested in. How much does it cost ?
Mitglied seit Mar 04, 2012   9 Posts
Mar 27, 2012 at 09:55

This is a demo account?

The result is that the site is very good. This demo?


You wrote that account does not work well live.

The extract is live account?

Mitglied seit Aug 12, 2011   100 Posts
Mar 27, 2012 at 16:16
Show the current quotes, rather than historical - this applies to all https://www.myfxbook.com/members/alunix ea.
Contest: why disaster!
Mitglied seit Feb 16, 2011   1 Posts
Apr 29, 2012 at 16:53

tell me about this EA ?
Mitglied seit May 23, 2013   35 Posts
Jun 05, 2013 at 21:49
this ea has a greater potential if using compunding, risk % every trade
mind sharing this ea ?
I'll try to test it
Mitglied seit Apr 30, 2013   55 Posts
Jun 06, 2013 at 09:33
//goodluck daniel 😎

#import "stdlib.ex4"
string ErrorDescription(int a0);

extern double Lots = 2.0;
int gi_84 = 5;
string gs_unused_88 = "";
extern string _Expert = "";
string gs_unused_104 = "1";
string gs_unused_112 = "2";
bool gi_unused_120 = FALSE;
bool gi_unused_124 = TRUE;
int gi_unused_128 = -3;
bool gi_unused_132 = FALSE;
int gi_unused_136 = 20;
bool gi_unused_140 = TRUE;
extern int Magic = 0;
bool gi_unused_148 = TRUE;
string gs_unused_152 = "expert.wav";
bool gi_unused_160 = FALSE;
extern string Indicator = "";
int gi_unused_172 = 10;
int gi_unused_176 = 0;
double gd_unused_180 = 2.5;
int gi_unused_188 = 1;
string gs_unused_192 = "";
extern bool Hunting1 = TRUE;
extern bool Hunting2 = TRUE;
extern string Indicator2 = "(Hunting1=true!!!)";
extern int KPer = 5;
extern int Dper = 3;
extern int Slow = 3;
extern int StochDOWNline = 20;
extern int StochUPline = 80;
extern string Indicator3 = "(Hunting2=true!!!)";
extern int RSIPeriod = 14;
extern int RSIDownline = 30;
extern int RSIUpline = 70;
extern string _Trade = "";
extern int StopLoss = 0;
extern int TakeProfit = 3;
extern int Slippage = 3;
int g_file_276;
int gi_unused_280 = 2;
extern bool AllTimeTrade = FALSE;
extern int DayOfWeekSetNotTrade = 0;
extern string CloseHoura = "10:00";
extern string OpenHoura = "19:00";
extern bool ShowComment = TRUE;
string gs_unused_312 = "";
bool gi_unused_320 = TRUE;
int gi_unused_324 = 0;
extern int TrailingStop = 0;
extern string _close = "";
extern bool CIF = FALSE;
int gi_unused_344 = 1;
bool gi_348;
extern string _autolot = "";
bool gi_unused_360 = FALSE;
extern int LotsDigit = 1;
extern double Risk = 1.0;
double gd_unused_376 = 9999.0;
bool gi_unused_384 = FALSE;
double gd_unused_388 = 1.6;
double gd_unused_396 = 0.0;
bool gi_unused_412 = FALSE;
bool gi_unused_416 = FALSE;
int gi_unused_420 = 15128749;
int gi_unused_424 = 8421616;
int gi_unused_428 = 16776960;
int gi_unused_432 = 4678655;
int gi_unused_436 = 16711680;
int gi_unused_440 = 255;
extern int ChWidth = 4;
bool gi_unused_544 = TRUE;
bool gi_unused_548 = FALSE;
bool gi_unused_552 = FALSE;
double gd_unused_556 = 0.0;
string gs_unused_568 = "+++ Other Setting +++";
int gi_576 = 15624315;
int gi_580 = 65535;
int gi_584 = 16776960;
bool gi_588 = FALSE;
int gi_592 = 999999;
int gi_596 = 0;
int gi_600;
int gi_604 = 0;
int gi_608 = 0;
double gd_612;

void init() {
g_file_276 = FileOpenHistory(Symbol() + Period() + ".hst", FILE_BIN|FILE_READ);
if (g_file_276 > 0) gi_348 = TRUE;
else {
gi_348 = FALSE;
gi_348 = f0_2(Time[0]);
if (!gi_348) FileClose(g_file_276);

void deinit() {
if (gi_348) {

void start() {
string ls_unused_0;
string ls_unused_8;
if (gi_348) f0_5();

int f0_2(int ai_0) {
int li_4;
int li_8;
int li_12 = 0;
int li_16 = FileSize(g_file_276) - 148 - 44;
int li_20 = f0_1(li_12);
int li_24 = f0_1(li_16);
while (li_20 < ai_0 && ai_0 < li_24) {
li_8 = (li_12 + li_16) / 2;
li_8 -= li_8 % 44;
if (li_8 == li_12) break;
li_4 = f0_1(li_8);
if (ai_0 >= li_4) {
li_12 = li_8;
li_20 = f0_1(li_12);
} else {
li_16 = li_8;
li_24 = f0_1(li_16);
if (ai_0 <= li_24) {
FileSeek(g_file_276, li_12 + 148, SEEK_SET);
return (1);
return (0);

int f0_3(int a_ticket_0) {
if (a_ticket_0 == 0) a_ticket_0 = OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_BUY, Lots, Ask, 0, 0, 0);
else {
OrderSelect(a_ticket_0, SELECT_BY_TICKET);
if (OrderType() == OP_BUY) {
OrderClose(a_ticket_0, OrderLots(), Bid, 0);
a_ticket_0 = OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_SELL, Lots, Bid, 0, 0, 0);
} else {
OrderClose(a_ticket_0, OrderLots(), Ask, 0);
a_ticket_0 = OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_BUY, Lots, Ask, 0, 0, 0);
return (a_ticket_0);

int f0_1(int ai_0) {
int li_4;
FileSeek(g_file_276, ai_0 + 148, SEEK_SET);
li_4 = FileReadInteger(g_file_276);
return (li_4);

int f0_7(int &ai_0, int &ai_4, int &ai_8) {
ai_0 = FileReadInteger(g_file_276);
FileSeek(g_file_276, 8, SEEK_CUR);
ai_4 = FileReadDouble(g_file_276) / Point + 0.1;
ai_8 = FileReadDouble(g_file_276) / Point + 0.1;
FileSeek(g_file_276, 16, SEEK_CUR);
if (FileTell(g_file_276) + 44 <= FileSize(g_file_276)) return (1);
return (0);

int f0_0(double &ad_0) {
int li_8;
int li_12;
int li_16;
while (true) {
if (!f0_7(li_8, li_12, li_16)) return (-1);
if (gi_588) {
if (li_16 > gi_596) {
gi_596 = li_16;
gi_600 = li_8;
if (gi_596 - li_12 < gi_84) continue;
gi_588 = FALSE;
gi_592 = li_12;
ad_0 = gi_596 * Point;
} else {
if (li_12 < gi_592) {
gi_592 = li_12;
gi_600 = li_8;
if (li_16 - gi_592 < gi_84) continue;
gi_588 = TRUE;
gi_596 = li_16;
ad_0 = gi_592 * Point;
int li_ret_20 = gi_600;
gi_600 = li_8;
return (li_ret_20);

void f0_8(int a_ticket_0) {
OrderSelect(a_ticket_0, SELECT_BY_TICKET);
if (OrderType() == OP_BUY) {
OrderClose(a_ticket_0, OrderLots(), Bid, 0);
OrderClose(a_ticket_0, OrderLots(), Ask, 0);

void f0_5() {
if (gi_608 == 0) gi_608 = f0_0(gd_612);
if (gi_608 < 0) return;
if (Time[0] == gi_608) {
if (NormalizeDouble(Bid - gd_612, Digits) == 0.0) {
gi_608 = f0_0(gd_612);
if (gi_608 < 0) {
gi_604 = f0_3(gi_604);

void f0_6() {
int li_0;
int li_4 = 65280;
if (AccountEquity() - AccountBalance() < 0.0) li_4 = 255;
if (Seconds() >= 0 && Seconds() < 10) li_0 = 255;
if (Seconds() >= 10 && Seconds() < 20) li_0 = 15631086;
if (Seconds() >= 20 && Seconds() < 30) li_0 = 42495;
if (Seconds() >= 30 && Seconds() < 40) li_0 = 16711680;
if (Seconds() >= 40 && Seconds() < 50) li_0 = 65535;
if (Seconds() >= 50 && Seconds() <= 59) li_0 = 16776960;
string ls_8 = "-------------------------------------------";
f0_4("L01", "Arial", 9, 10, 10, gi_580, 1, ls_8);
f0_4("L02", "Seison", 20, 10, 25, li_0, 1, "");
f0_4("L0i", "Arial", 10, 10, 45, gi_576, 1, "");
f0_4("L03", "Arial", 9, 10, 60, gi_580, 1, ls_8);
f0_4("L04", "Arial", 9, 10, 75, gi_584, 1, ">> Account Balance : " + DoubleToStr(AccountBalance(), 0));
f0_4("L05", "Arial", 9, 10, 90, gi_584, 1, ">> Account Equity : " + DoubleToStr(AccountEquity(), 0));
f0_4("L07", "Arial", 9, 10, 105, gi_584, 1, ">> Server : " + AccountServer());
f0_4("L08", "Arial", 9, 10, 120, gi_584, 1, ">> Starting Lots : " + DoubleToStr(Lots, 2));
f0_4("L09", "Arial", 9, 10, 135, gi_584, 1, ">> Pip Spread : " + DoubleToStr(MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_SPREAD), 0));
f0_4("L10", "Arial", 9, 10, 150, li_4, 1, ">> Profit : " + DoubleToStr(AccountEquity() - AccountBalance(), 0));

void f0_4(string a_name_0, string a_fontname_8, int a_fontsize_16, int a_x_20, int a_y_24, color a_color_28, int a_corner_32, string a_text_36) {
if (ObjectFind(a_name_0) < 0) ObjectCreate(a_name_0, OBJ_LABEL, 0, 0, 0);
ObjectSetText(a_name_0, a_text_36, a_fontsize_16, a_fontname_8, a_color_28);
ObjectSet(a_name_0, OBJPROP_CORNER, a_corner_32);
ObjectSet(a_name_0, OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, a_x_20);
ObjectSet(a_name_0, OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, a_y_24);
Mitglied seit Apr 30, 2013   55 Posts
Jun 06, 2013 at 09:33
as you can see, it works in strategy test.. using historical data.
this ea is written for backtesting, not for demo/live forward trading.
Mitglied seit May 23, 2013   35 Posts
Jun 06, 2013 at 14:37
Mitglied seit Apr 30, 2013   55 Posts
Jun 09, 2013 at 15:24
what daniel ??
Mitglied seit Jan 10, 2013   259 Posts
Jun 10, 2013 at 05:38
Idiota if this was your the holy grail and it existed you would own the markets ... but since your as poor as shit then no holy grail exists from your end only a bad dream but when you wake up it will hit you so hard you will cry mummy!
Mitglied seit Feb 18, 2010   82 Posts
Jun 13, 2013 at 01:57 (bearbeitet Jun 13, 2013 at 01:57)
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