04A - T (bei NextLevelForex)

Gewinn : -10.97%
Drawdown 13.08%
Pips: -823.7
Trades 297
Typ: Real
Hebel: 1:50
Trading: Automatisiert

04A - T Diskussion

Apr 29, 2011 at 04:29
1,274 Angesehen
6 Replies
Mitglied seit Apr 25, 2011   260 Posts
May 19, 2011 at 18:48
This account is part of a live, real-money portfolio, traded for the reasons,
and following the guidelines described in NextLevelForex.com newsletters.

Balance, lot sizes, trading history and other details are available to subscribers.

To get in touch, please sign up and find the contact info in the welcome letter...

Happy trading!
He who thinks he can, and he who thinks he cannot, are both right. ~ Henry Ford
Mitglied seit Apr 25, 2011   260 Posts
Nov 29, 2011 at 20:11
When I started the NextLevelForex project, I had a very strong reason for picking (semi-)automated trading: I wanted a business that I can put on hold whenever I want, for as long as I want. Now the time came to put that feature to the test, since I’m soon going to take a longer vacation… To my surprise, I had a good amount of hesitation. “Why should I stop trading? that will just mess up my stats”, “there is a high chance the next two weeks are going to be quite profitable, so let’s trade for just a few more days”, and other similar rationalizations were going through my head. Luckily, I was able to recognize them, and today (2011.11.29) at 9:40 PST I pulled the plug!

Here is the status and the plans moving forward, for the systems on my public profile:
01A - S: stopped today; may resume trading on Jan 15; due to poor performance, also considering replacing the system
02A - A: continue to run with minimum lot size = a lot smaller (10x - 30x) than regular; plan to resume trading on Jan 15
03A - G: continue to run with minimum lot size = a lot smaller (5x - 20x) than regular; plan to resume trading on Jan 15
04A - T: stopped today; may resume trading on Jan 15; due to poor performance, also considering replacing the system
16M - M06: not traded, since the trader and I agreed on something that did not happen yet; keep on hold until Jan 15

Happy Holidays!
He who thinks he can, and he who thinks he cannot, are both right. ~ Henry Ford
Mitglied seit Apr 25, 2011   260 Posts
Jan 23, 2012 at 02:30
As mentioned above, on Nov 29, 2011 I stopped trading the system exclusively traded here since account opening.
Today, Jan 22, 2012, I started forward testing another system, so I'm going to set the Custom Start date to today.
He who thinks he can, and he who thinks he cannot, are both right. ~ Henry Ford
Mitglied seit Apr 25, 2011   260 Posts
Jan 23, 2012 at 05:01
What exactly do you mean? Because it's not updated? It was idle until today, will show some activity soon.
It lost money throughout 2011, and now I'm going to use it to test a different strategy. (see above post)
He who thinks he can, and he who thinks he cannot, are both right. ~ Henry Ford
Mitglied seit Apr 25, 2011   260 Posts
Jan 23, 2012 at 05:03

SaltyWaters posted:
What happened to this account?
Why did the results get so far from your guidelines?

No offense, I'm just curious.

I replied to your original post (before you edited it). Now you ask about guidelines, and I'd like to answer that, but need you to be more specific in your question. Are you asking why I dropped the system traded there?
He who thinks he can, and he who thinks he cannot, are both right. ~ Henry Ford
Mitglied seit Apr 25, 2011   260 Posts
Jan 23, 2012 at 05:18
I see. Well, there are two parts to the answer.

I don't have the guidelines posted on the website, just in the newsletters. So I have a series of newsletters, that I started writing last year, when accounts 01 through 04 were started. And in those newsletters I said what I plan to do with these accounts. Basically it was a live experiment, and the accounts were the working material.

The reason this account failed had less to do with the strategy, and more with the broker. I was tracking the same strategy in other accounts, and in the it came down to the fact that spreads at FXDD were consistently higher than at the other brokers, where the strategy was profitable. So the EA hit a bunch of stop losses that were not hit elsewhere, and I decided to stop trading it here, in this account.

Hope this answers your questions, and if not, please send me more ;)
He who thinks he can, and he who thinks he cannot, are both right. ~ Henry Ford
Mitglied seit Apr 25, 2011   260 Posts
Jan 23, 2012 at 06:20 (bearbeitet Jan 23, 2012 at 06:30)

SaltyWaters posted:
With such poor performance. What's gotten into you to manage other peoples money? I know you are not the only one with poor performance systems that wants to manage other peoples accounts but... I'm just curious... no offense.

I'm sorry, where did you hear/read that I manage other people's money? Even if I was, with a 26% annual return for the combined portfolio (the 4 public accounts that later became 5) I had in my myfxbook profile, I would not be ashamed of that.

Again, I'm not looking for clients, as in people to manage their money. The thread that I have about managed accounts is for me to find good trades to manage my money.
He who thinks he can, and he who thinks he cannot, are both right. ~ Henry Ford
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