fxpublisher.com(5 years LIVE statement) (bei fxpublisher)

Gewinn : +3038.51%
Drawdown 64.66%
Pips: -7427.3
Trades 5832
Typ: Real
Hebel: 1:300
Trading: Manuell

fxpublisher.com(5 years LIVE statement) Diskussion

Mar 09, 2011 at 08:48
12,981 Angesehen
109 Replies
Mitglied seit Jun 04, 2010   182 Posts
Jun 20, 2012 at 08:08

ForexScam posted:
did your system change. the drawdown and performance looks completely different in the last month compared to the previous months

Hello ForexScam,

You are right.In last 2-3 months we changed our strategy because of some Changes in behavior of GBP/USD(The pair that we traded in last 2 years).But now we are trading the same as before with the old strategy .

Although we reduced the risk and this is the reason that monthly profit is reduced too. Safety of our clients fund is the most important thing in our trading style.ٌWe prefer to have less profit but no risk on clients funds.

-Safety of your fund is the most important thing in our trading
Mitglied seit Jun 04, 2010   182 Posts
Jun 25, 2012 at 06:31
Hello All,

The week started out with positive news out of Athens as the pro-bailout New Democracy party beat anti-bailout parties in the Greek parliamentary elections, thus essentially removing the immediate danger of a “GREXIT” and a potential EU collapse off the table. Market responded with optimism and risk demand as the EURUSD started out the week on a strong note.

-Safety of your fund is the most important thing in our trading
Mitglied seit Jun 04, 2010   182 Posts
Jun 29, 2012 at 06:37
Seven Important Topics For The EU Summit

(EU) Market has been waiting for the European Leaders to solve the debt crisis and expectations are at all time high going into the EU Summit as Germany stated today that “[Germany] was willing to go far as needed to move towards fiscal union as the process is irreversible; Germany may be willing to move sooner than expected to accept shared liability of euro-zone debt and would support short-term measures to deal with the acute financing problems facing some of the region’s governments”… Although the comment was taken out of context and Germany soon corrected it in a follow-up release that its position on the Eurobond is still the same (which is a big “no”), analysts now have hope that perhaps this EU Summit will be more fruitful than its predecessors…

Here are some important topics for this Summit:
The short-term proposals are expected to fall under these five main topics:

Direct recapitalization of banks: using the eurozone’s rescue fund, the European Stability Mechanism to recapitalise Spanish banks, thus breaking the ‘sovereign banking’ loop.
Banking licence for ESM: would give the eurozone rescue fund access to European Central Bank funding, greatly increasing its firepower Seniority, and essentially ending the seniority of official loans to Spain over other creditors’ claims.
Bank supervision: Making the ECB the supervisor for systemically important banks.
Direct Bond-buying: Italy and Spain are desperate for eurozone intervention to reduce their sovereign borrowing costs, which are also hitting the real economy.
The Growth Pact: To boost growth by redirecting structural funds and issuing project bonds to finance infrastructure spending.

The long-term proposal are:

Banking Union: moves towards centralised supervision, a common resolution fund and a single eurozone bank deposit guarantee scheme, possibly with a taxpayer backstop.
Euro Bonds: helps to lower sovereign borrowing costs through common issuance of debt.

And of course, let’s not forget the Spain’s banking aid and the potential 3rd Greek Bailout as the new coalition government letter requested 2 years extension on jobless benefits, cancellation of tax hikes in restaurants, farms, and the 150K proposed government jobs cut.
-Safety of your fund is the most important thing in our trading
Mitglied seit Jun 04, 2010   182 Posts
Aug 16, 2012 at 10:42 (bearbeitet Aug 16, 2012 at 10:42)
Dear Followers,
We changed the min amount of investment in our PAMM service.
For more information check our website.

P.S If you are professional trader or you have long term statement with consistent profit feel free to contact us to join our trading team.


Fxpublisher Support Team
-Safety of your fund is the most important thing in our trading
Mitglied seit Mar 28, 2011   942 Posts
Aug 16, 2012 at 14:25
crazy drawdown in June for 6% gain. martingale almost finished this account.
Mitglied seit Jun 04, 2010   182 Posts
Aug 16, 2012 at 15:01 (bearbeitet Aug 16, 2012 at 15:22)
ForexScam posted:
crazy drawdown in June for 6% gain. martingale almost finished this account.


We will happy if you introduce us a martiangel system that can trade about 2 years!!!

P.S If you think that everything with this account is finished,there is a question why do you follow it?


Fxpublisher Support Team
-Safety of your fund is the most important thing in our trading
Mitglied seit Jun 04, 2010   182 Posts
Aug 30, 2012 at 06:19
Spanish Bailout Is Just Weeks Away…

(ES) Spain region of Catalonia said to be asking for €5.023B, tapping liquidity facility – financial press (ES) Spain offical: Valencia region needs over €3.5B from the regional fund- To negoiate aid amount within weeks – Needs to fund past years’ spending (ES) Spain Fin Min de Guindos: Spain would only tap about €60B from a €100B banking rescue fund from the EU Confident that the ECB would take action in the secondary bond market to lower Spain’s borrowing costs Spain would likely “give reassurance to the ECB” that it would continue with its fiscal consolidation effort Whether Spain will ...
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Mitglied seit Jun 04, 2010   182 Posts
Aug 31, 2012 at 08:23
Fed Bernanke Jackson Hole Speech To Disappoint

Fed Bernanke Jackson Hole speech is poised to disappoint the market, as most analysts agree that it is highly unlikely for Bernanke to break out the heavy artillery at this junction in time. Furthermore, the very title of the scheduled speech (10:00am EST) on Friday is ”Monetary Policy Since the Crisis,” which suggests Bernanke might take a closer look at policy responses since the launch of QE2 and Operation Twist, rather than lay out potential policy directions for the rest of the year… Looking at the potential scenarios, there are three possibilities: Bernanke decides to announce QE3. This is an unlikely scenario, but because of last week’s ...
-Safety of your fund is the most important thing in our trading
Mitglied seit Jun 04, 2010   182 Posts
Sep 06, 2012 at 06:21
ECB Bond Buying Program: To Be Announced Shortly…

(EU) ECB’s Draghi: ECB Bond Buying will help ECB fulfil its mandate, ECB must buy bonds in order to ensure the survival of the euro ECB could buy bond maturities of up to three years. ECB policy transmission is only functioning in one or two euro zone nations, ECB cannot ensure stable prices in a fragmented euro area. Economic situation is fragile, inflation risks remain balanced. Lending to private sector is still sluggish. (EU) ECB’s Asmussen: ECB President Draghi will be able to comment on new ECB bond buying program at the next ECB rate decision on Sept 6th Must ...
-Safety of your fund is the most important thing in our trading
Mitglied seit Jun 04, 2010   182 Posts
Sep 07, 2012 at 09:27
Outright Monetary Transactions (OMT): ECB’s New Tool Against Crisis…

(EU) ECB’s Draghi: ECB has decided to undertake bond purchases in secondary markets, new OMT program has conditions; Fears of the reversibility of the euro are unfounded Bond purchases will help reduce the severe distortions in government bond markets, ECB is acting strictly within its mandate to protect price stability. (EU) ECB’s Draghi on OMT: No quantitative limits to OMT bond buying program, purchases will be fully sterilized, strict conditionality is a necessary condition, IMF will be involved, EFSF/ESM will undertake primary bond market purchases Breakdown of purchases by country will be broken down on a monthly basis, amounts of ...
-Safety of your fund is the most important thing in our trading
Mitglied seit Jun 04, 2010   182 Posts
Sep 10, 2012 at 08:04
EUR/USD"Until this week’s FOMC rate decision is out of the way, what happens in Europe will be of secondary importance."
- Credit Agricole (based on MarketWatch)
Resistance at 1.2806/08 stopped advancement of the currency pair, which is likely to consolidate before attempting to continue its upward movement. Subsequent levels are at 1.2864/1.2907 and 1.2953, but eventually should give in case bullish momentum proves to be preserved. In the meantime, dips are to be contained by supports at 1.2765 and 1.2704.
-Safety of your fund is the most important thing in our trading
Mitglied seit Jun 04, 2010   182 Posts
Sep 11, 2012 at 08:24
Upcoming: German Constitutional Court Ruling On ESM

(DE) German Finance Ministry official: Reiterates confidence in pending High Court ruling on ESM this Wednesday, Sept 12th; Believes ESM does not breach German constitution. (DE) Lawyers of the Bundestag have warned that the permanent euro rescue fund (ESM) could violate the parliament’s budget – German Press- Says possible direct and indeterminate liability for the debts of other countries violates the budgetary powers of Germany’s parliament – The comments come ahead of Wed’s (Sept 12) expected German Constitutional Court ruling on the ESM. (DE) Morgan Stanley comments on upcoming German Constitutional Court Ruling on Sept 12th: Sees 40% chance that ...
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Mitglied seit Jun 04, 2010   182 Posts
Sep 12, 2012 at 07:41
EUR/USD"Political risks may linger, but market-systemic risks have significantly abated, given the European Central Bank’s readiness to act. We continue to remain bullish on euro."
- BNP Paribas (based on MarketWatch)
Selling pressure provided by the 200 day SMA at 1.2807 was unable to contain the pair for long and allowed EUR/USD to surge up to resistance at 1.2864/1.2907, which also might take several attempts to be breached before advancement is continued. However, it is worthy to notice that means of major bank’s forecasts for the next quarters (1.2257; 1.2245; 1.2337) are considerably below the spot and suggest that the current rally will not survive during the next three months.
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Mitglied seit Jun 04, 2010   182 Posts
Sep 13, 2012 at 07:48
EUR/USD"The euro continues to be in steady favor as a series of events have proven to be supportive, including ruling by Germany's top constitutional court."
- BNY Mellon (based on CNBC)
Against all odds the single European currency continues to appreciate. The nearest target resides at 1.2953, followed by 1.3020, and for the time being there are no signs that EUR/USD is going to terminate its rally. However, if to take heed of forecasts for the fourth quarter, the Euro appears to be overvalued according to the banks’ estimates, and therefore remains susceptible to a dip.
-Safety of your fund is the most important thing in our trading
Mitglied seit Jun 04, 2010   182 Posts
Sep 14, 2012 at 06:49
September FOMC Statement Analysis And Forecast

The FOMC just released its September Statement with several surprising changes, here is a quick view of what was changed and what was not: Information received since the Federal Open Market Committee met in August suggests that economic activity has continued to expand at a moderate pace in recent months [previous "economic activity decelerated somewhat over the first half of this year"]. Growth in employment has been slow, and the unemployment rate remains elevated. Household spending has continued to advance, but growth in business fixed investment appears to have slowed [previous "Business fixed investment has continued to advance. Household spending has ...
-Safety of your fund is the most important thing in our trading
Mitglied seit Jun 04, 2010   182 Posts
Oct 03, 2012 at 12:03
EURUSD Forecast: Sunny With A Chance Of Upward Breakout…

Market released a slew of data out of Europe today for the new week, month, and quarter, and needless to say, the sentiment has been positive. Here’s why: (EU) EURO ZONE SEPT FINAL PMI MANUFACTURING: 46.1 V 46.0E (EU) EURO ZONE AUG UNEMPLOYMENT RATE: 11.4% V 11.5%E (fresh record high) (DE) GERMANY SEPT FINAL PMI MANUFACTURING: 47.4 V 47.3E (FR) FRANCE SEPT FINAL PMI MANUFACTURING: 42.7 V 42.6E (41 month low) (IT) ITALY SEPT PMI MANUFACTURING: 45.7 V 44.0E (ES) SPAIN SEPT MANUFACTURING PMI: 44.6 V 44.2E (highest since Feb 2012) (GR) GREECE SEPT MANUFACTURING PMI: 42.2 V 42.1 PRIOR ...
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Mitglied seit Jun 04, 2010   182 Posts
Oct 04, 2012 at 08:39
U.S. Nonfarm Payroll (NFP) Could Suprise To The Upside…

US BLS (Bureau Of Labor Statistics) will release its Nonfarm Payroll Employment Report on Friday, and it is probably the single most important NFP release for the new quarter as traders look for signs of improvement after the sobering statement from the Feds two weeks ago that prompted the launch QE3: The Committee is concerned that, without further policy accommodation, economic growth might not be strong enough to generate sustained improvement in labor market conditions… This release will, of course, justify QE3 if we get a below 100K release, and in the process drive USD weaker as more Fed stimulus is ...
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Mitglied seit Jun 04, 2010   182 Posts
Nov 13, 2012 at 09:48
Dear Follower,

After 2 years successful and profitable trading, we opened the door for other professional traders to join us., If you have more than 1 year live statement you can apply to join our trading team

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.


Fxpublisher Support Team
-Safety of your fund is the most important thing in our trading
Mitglied seit Jun 04, 2010   182 Posts
Dec 14, 2012 at 14:22
Dear Followers,

We just released our new system .A lot of people asked us that they are looking for higher return BUT safe and with controlled DD.
In this system you can set a draw down for us and you will never see the draw down more than this.

You can access to our account with readonly password too for more confirmation.


Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions


Fxpublisher Support Team
-Safety of your fund is the most important thing in our trading
Mitglied seit Jun 04, 2010   182 Posts
Dec 17, 2012 at 09:46
Dear Follower,

We will be happy to know your idea about our new trading system.


We are open to corporate with this new system with any partner and investors.


Fxpublisher Team
-Safety of your fund is the most important thing in our trading
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