This is My Currency Strength Basket Trader EA using the PRO Version found at the following link and the .set file can be seen attached:

It is continually being optimized for better returns. A total of 28 currency pairs can be traded with this program. Only the Currency Pairs that are set in the Input Settings are to be traded. The strategy is based on trading currency pairs that are found to have extreme bias in overall strength between the two currencies in a pair. When one currency is strong and another currency is weak, the resulting currency pair will trade in the direction of the strong currency. The program is a fully automatic program requiring no user interaction once set up on a chart of choice. The program will open trades only when a strong signal exists between currencies. The program closes the basket of trades once the Overall Profit Target is met. The program is able to open and close any pair as needed when specific conditions are met. The program also allows manually closing of trades if automation is not desired.

Please feel free to track the progress and leave comments about the trading style.


See my profile or message me for my latest EA