When the brokers shut down order processing for a few minutes, there is absolutely nothing we can do. As Hedge traders may know, placing a hedge is crucial at the specific price intended, however in volatile moments like this week of MAY 2010, brokers ignore our orders until the dust settles and often enough, after the fact, our accounts suffer.

Sell orders were not honored......
02:25:55 Script trade_sell_1.0 GBPUSD,M5: loaded successfully
02:26:01 '7601636': instant order sell 1.00 GBPUSD at 1.4573 sl: 0.0000 tp: 0.0000
02:26:03 '7601636': request was accepted by server
02:26:05 '7601636': requote 1.4565 / 1.4569 for open sell 1.00 GBPUSD at 1.4573 sl: 0.0000 tp: 0.0000
02:26:05 Script stdlib GBPUSD,M5: loaded successfully
02:26:05 Script stdlib GBPUSD,M5: removed
02:26:05 Script trade_sell_1.0 GBPUSD,M5: removed

I received requote after requote trying to open a SELL order for the next 7 minutes.... However, I did not have a problem opening a LONG

02:26:48 Script Trade_Buy_.1 GBPUSD,M5: loaded successfully
02:26:55 '7601636': instant order buy 0.10 GBPUSD at 1.4560 sl: 0.0000 tp: 0.0000
02:26:57 '7601636': request was accepted by server
02:26:57 '7601636': request in process
02:26:57 '7601636': order was opened : #35503021 buy 0.10 GBPUSD at 1.4560 sl: 0.0000 tp: 0.0000

Buy orders continued to be accepted.....
02:37:55 Script Trade_Buy_.1 GBPUSD,M5: loaded successfully
02:37:55 '7601636': instant order buy 0.10 GBPUSD at 1.4486 sl: 0.0000 tp: 0.0000
02:37:58 '7601636': request was accepted by server
02:37:58 '7601636': request in process
02:37:58 '7601636': order was opened : #35504622 buy 0.10 GBPUSD at 1.4486 sl: 0.0000 tp: 0.0000

Sell Orders were finally being accepted again by the broker after the Gbp/USd Free Fall.....
02:38:05 Script trade_sell_.1 GBPUSD,M5: loaded successfully
02:38:05 '7601636': instant order sell 0.10 GBPUSD at 1.4490 sl: 0.0000 tp: 0.0000
02:38:08 '7601636': request was accepted by server
02:38:08 '7601636': request in process
02:38:08 '7601636': order was opened : #35504628 sell 0.10 GBPUSD at 1.4490 sl: 0.0000 tp: 0.0000
02:38:08 Script trade_sell_.1 GBPUSD,M5: removed
02:38:21 '7601636': close order #35504628 sell 0.10 GBPUSD at 1.4490 sl: 0.0000 tp: 0.0000 at price 1.4492
02:38:24 '7601636': request was accepted by server
02:38:24 '7601636': request in process
02:38:24 '7601636': order #35504628 sell 0.10 GBPUSD at 1.4490 sl: 0.0000 tp: 0.0000 closed at price 1.4492

I'm glad Metatrader has Log Files to document these scenarios.

Did anyone else have execution problems with FXDD demo?