kenal trading forex sejak prnh ngerasain ga enaknya loss...sekarang bangkit dan belajar trading sendiri!
always follow the trend!
Disiplin + Sabar - Tamak = Sukses


Systems by sirjude

Name Gewinn Drawdown Pips Trading Hebel Typ
hardjosoegih -99.90% 99.96% -357.9 Gemischt 1:500 Real
hardjosoegihjilidua -99.90% 99.92% -2889.0 Gemischt 1:500 Real
Contest - sirjude 0.00% 6.00% 0.0 - 1:100 Demo
Hardjo Soegih (season 3) -97.22% 98.21% -850.0 Automatisiert 1:1000 Real
King of scalper 59.71% 19.10% -1327.0 Automatisiert 1:1000 Real
King of Scalper II -94.78% 97.63% -5128.0 Automatisiert 1:1000 Real
King of Scalper III -17.63% 55.78% -4478.0 Automatisiert 1:1000 Real
King of Scalper IV -94.29% 98.00% -1629.0 Automatisiert 1:1000 Real