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This scam company profits from your business with them in the form of spreads for months in a row and when you decide to withdraw your funds, if you are in a good profit, they terminate your account and confiscate 100% your profits including the ones made long time ago, since the very first day of trading with them.
They terminate the account on the argument that there was scalping trading involved, but refuse to give you any details about the exact trades they consider that to have occurred, or what leads them to think your trading is not acceptable. You have no way to dispute what ILQ is presenting as the reason to confiscate your profits (even if there is no reason whatsoever that can justify the cancellation of profits made almost one year ago). They "cleverly" wait for the time you need your money back and close down the business with you and misappropriate your hardly won money.
I cannot provide any extra detailed information here as I am building a case against this scam company to recover my money back and I don't want them to know all my arguments beforehand, but please just be aware they have no problems in even acting against their own Terms of business, if that means they can steal all your profits from you to their own benefit.