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Why not link the account up on here so that people can see it on MyFxBook then?
That would surely be the best way to market your ZipSignals services on MyFxBook?
Best regards Steve
I am a signal provider at Zipsignals and have many satisfied subscribers. My systems are under account name "Thuban Global".
To me Zipsignals are only for those with big equity accounts. I need to have a portfolio of about five signal providers to limit my risk. The cost for one signal provider with Zipsignals can be $240 per month - so if I select 5 of the best providers my montlhy cost could even be as high as $1000 per month. That means I have to have equity of at least $20,000 and a profit of 5% per month just to pay for the costs of the signal providers. Why would I want to do that if i can get free signals from other suppliers?
We've just joined Zipsignals, our system "SG iForex - ProTrader" should be available by next week for subscription. You can view all our trade history from my myfxbook account. Due to the spreads from the brokers available, only manual trading system will be available in ZipSignals.
BTW, I also provide signals at Zulutrade and Rentasignal and so far I have most subscribers at Zipsignals.
My provider name there is Ichimoku Trading Group - Growth-LT
I am also a signal provider at Zipsignals and also never had any problems....
On Forexpeacearmy is a comment about Zipsignals from a provider that Zipsignal is not paying.....which is completely wrong!
I am a Provider there as well and in my opinion this is one of the best services and i had never ever problems with them......
I post this because such wrong comments damages the reputation of the Website.....and of course i lose Subscribers.
I'm provider at zipsignals I send my signals from a VPS based in UK and receive back my own signals trough their client EA, execution time is fine. I would only worry about latency if I would run or rent a scalping system.
Notice I speak about the quality of transfering the trades not the quality of the trading itself.
I'm thinking to send my signals only to zipsignals.
- Exact order execution
- Fastest payment
- Ensures of quality with 6 weeks of performace before go alive
My Systems at the moment:
"Searching for Talents" (Demo from the Varengold-Challenge)
"Live Account" (Live)
Maybe u can help me to find a fair Fee?
I also use the platform from august 2011 and I'm signed as signal provider (myRun).
The signals never fails and the evaluating of trading systems after 4 to 6 weeks of trading ensures the quality.
For me it is the best Signal Provider Website.
My Clients receive the same Pips like me.....
And here i can stay in contact with the Clients as well
If its a scam or not I can't say. However look at the post it was made a bit over 11 months ago. It either crashed and burned or he moved on.
I don't find your signal resutls namely Scalper-Pipinvestment... at Zipsignal.com I guess another SCAM?
Never mind all i got an answer from their support answering the question. Her it is for anyone with the same question.
From support:
The uncompounded equity chart assumes you start with any amount of dollars, let's say $1000. The percent of account each trade is worth, let's say 1%, would open 0.01 standard lot. Since it is uncompouned the original amount of $1000 is used to determine lot sizes each time. So, if you placed $1000 or $5000 or any amount in an account, and took every trade at the account percent based on initial deposit for each trade, then you would see a very similar equity drawdown and return as displayed.
Can someone explain this to me. The charts are entitled as "Uncompounded Equity charts?" In there little world what does that mean? Is it you put x amount in and then go take out the amount made at the end of the month, always using x amount of equity and never any more, or something else?
Not sure which is the best signal provider. I am setting up an acct with Tradency and will be cautious. PipInvestment, you are a signal provider . . . Can you tell me why you do not offer your strategies to Tradency?
sorry i am a newbie can someone tell me which is the best signal provider?
anyone still using zip signals? any result?
I'm curious to see why there is a rating of 3/10.
Is it because of the signal providers, or the results the customers get compared to the results on the Zipsignals website.
For example, results from Ace- FX trader look consistent on ZIPsignals, but the results from Ace's Member page on Myfxbook are not even close to the same results. http://www.myfxbook.com/members/Ace1074
However, The results from Ace's Demo account resemble the results from Zipsignals results.
I was told that the Zipsignals results are suppose to resemble LIVE results because their data feed is from FXCM which include Spread.
You would think ACE1074 would have a LIVE account that has the same results as what is displayed on DEMO and match the results on Zipsignals.
Can anyone explain this.