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I use the iphone version. Nice app!
I see zulu released an android and ipad version of the zulu application! 😉
Thank you for the unexpected answer. I was expecting you to tell me something about last calculation of risk or money management. Probably these are made first :)
Thank you for your signals
Done it!
I just set a default Stop Loss of 650 pips for the pairs currently without a it.
Part of that trade has been covered with +85 pips on the UsdChf Short.
Then, today, a new Short on EurGbp has started and it will cover a possible drop of Euro pairs.
The system is still close the 2011 high with closed positions and it's loosing less than 300 pips right now with the open positions.
Everything is under control. 😉
PS: I know the new Zulutrade policy about the max stop per trade...I will take care. 😄
You bought the EUR/CHF...think this was a bad move, but you still keep the order open with no stop...keep in mind that if you reach -700 you loose all your commissions! 😇😇
A new record: historical 4th position for AGIRE FX-5 on Zulutrade ranking! 😁
<img src="http://img828.imageshack.us/img828/463/afx5rankingrecord200511.jpg" class="img-responsive dont-change-dark" loading="lazy">
I pray! I pray! I pray!
God is my inspiration.
I also thank Him for bad trades.
I owe everything to Him!
And I invite all of you to do the same and you'll see big miracles in your life!
What is your last minute thought before opening a position? :)
Thanks, markopolo.
I just have to follow the rules I set for the system...in good times and bad times. 😉
Grats! Zulu needs good providers that dont trade just to get the commission! Just dont get greedy please! 😁😁
Historical 5th position for AGIRE FX-5 on Zulutrade ranking! 😁
Thank you, Miguel.
AGIRE FX-5 has an average of 20 trades per month, while AGIRE FX-POWER is 60.
I'm not a commission hunter.
One of the great thing of AGIRE FX systems is that I know in advance what to do, I just have to follow the rules I set.
In this way there is no emotional impact and it's a relaxing trading.
But the greatest thing of AGIRE FX systems is the trading on different pairs, so you maximize the profits and balance the risk, by hedging the strategies on different pairs.
You can also reduce the risk by reducing the leverage.
I'm so proud of my AGIRE FX systems, it's the result of almost 10 years of trading experiences.
Im tracking renato since one week in demo, very quite trading i only have one closed trade (-80 pips) and 5 open trades (2 greens and 3 reds)
Im following FX-5 with lot size .1 each 10K. I will add FX-POWER
I have no rush, looking for consistency
I have to admit I was surprised to see the announcement of fixing the performance (ghost trades) and ranking!
Only NzdUsd that day.
You can check in the Trading history and current open positions.
I was referring to trades I saw in your history but didnt open in my account that specific date. I remember you opened more than 1 that day, but I only got the NZD/USD
It's correct.
No more open positions after NzdUsd.
I'm not a pip hunter, AGIRE FX-5 is a trend follower system, a quiet trading, an average of only 20 trades per month.
In this way you also get less slippage.
Only the NZD/USD position got through from 6/5...