I want only a safe 4% each month... Which EA?? Thank you

Nov 02, 2012 at 10:42
Vistas 49,869
1,238 Replies
Miembro desde Dec 22, 2015   posts 236
Jan 05, 2016 at 07:33
In my years of forex trading.. I only came across one such EA that manages not to give the ole "3 bold steps forward, but later 5 steps backward" move.

I am offering this EA to traders who will subscribe to my signal service for my manual system.
I must confess, the system is rather new, but solid. It cannot produce ridiculous returns that other shorter term systems offer, but rather, it is a variation of a system used by top traders.

I aim for growth of 3-10% per month.
If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far..Go together..
Miembro desde Dec 22, 2015   posts 236
Jan 05, 2016 at 07:57
Performance of this EA can be seen here http://www.myfxbook.com/members/trendfollowers/weekly/1458300

Analysis magic under "gift"
If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far..Go together..
Miembro desde Sep 12, 2015   posts 1933
Jan 06, 2016 at 18:23
4% a month that's possible manual trading,EA is fine for awhile and if you accept large draw down.
"They mistook leverage with genius".
Miembro desde Oct 11, 2013   posts 769
Jan 06, 2016 at 22:21
I agreed that for a 4% a month profit you dont need no EA, do it manually, go slow, be patient, choose your entries wisely and you will get it. Also, dont trade on news.
Miembro desde Dec 22, 2015   posts 236
Jan 07, 2016 at 08:26
snapdragon1970 posted:
4% a month that's possible manual trading,EA is fine for awhile and if you accept large draw down.

Don't agree..The DD figure is affected by the amount of capital and risk appetite.. Thus the higher the return sought, the higher the risk. One should not have to risk your half your account to make 4%.

Just my 2cents though.
If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far..Go together..
Miembro desde Oct 27, 2012   posts 35
Jan 07, 2016 at 08:30
Forget about percents and safe things when you speak of forex trading, please. There is no such a thing. Go back to work and get salary every month, that's fixed and safe.

Forex is like fishing, there always is fish in the ocean, but you can not just go and get as much as you want and whenever you want. You have to hunt, you got to be patient and wait for it, and when it comes you should be ready to do everything to grab it. Once it's gone you should not chase it, just wait for the next try. That's how it works. You see fish - you grab it. If you are lucky enough you are fed, if not - you starve.
¡ŋ ђθς ş¡ģŋθ ұ¡ŋςəş /
Miembro desde Dec 22, 2015   posts 236
Jan 07, 2016 at 10:50
BoneTrader posted:
Forget about percents and safe things when you speak of forex trading, please. There is no such a thing. Go back to work and get salary every month, that's fixed and safe.

Forex is like fishing, there always is fish in the ocean, but you can not just go and get as much as you want and whenever you want. You have to hunt, you got to be patient and wait for it, and when it comes you should be ready to do everything to grab it. Once it's gone you should not chase it, just wait for the next try. That's how it works. You see fish - you grab it. If you are lucky enough you are fed, if not - you starve.

Nope, there I disagree strongly. Just google any of these names. David Harding; Bill Dunn; John W. Henry; Ed Seykota; Keith Campbell and Jerry Parker, there are more, but this more than suffices for now. Their portfolio incorporate all different asset classes and they trade millions of dollars. I am using the same core idea in my strategy. Forget about pips an dollar return every month - the challenge is to make a consistant growth % every month.

I agree with you that it should preferably not be your main source of income. But if you can invest say 5k and make 10% on that every month. In ten months the fund has paid for itself and from there your $500 a month income is free money. As far as the safety goes, we all know nothing in forex is guaranteed, but trading with stops and carefully monitoring during the day and monthly withdrawals is the most we as traders can do.
If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far..Go together..
Miembro desde Dec 22, 2015   posts 236
Jan 07, 2016 at 10:53
I apologize. I used my "daily" account to experiment with things and only started trading the wanted way from December 4.
The account has a 61% overall drawdown figure but when you set the custom date to the 4th of December, it goes to it's correct figure of just over 5%. Almost had a heart attack! Not sure why it did that,it kept all the other figures from the 4th of Dec, just the dd.
Once some trades are concluded it will be better to open a new account.
If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far..Go together..
Miembro desde Sep 12, 2015   posts 1933
Jan 07, 2016 at 12:33
trendfollowers posted:
snapdragon1970 posted:
4% a month that's possible manual trading,EA is fine for awhile and if you accept large draw down.

Don't agree..The DD figure is affected by the amount of capital and risk appetite.. Thus the higher the return sought, the higher the risk. One should not have to risk your half your account to make 4%.

Just my 2cents though.

Well that's common sense ,no one risks 50% of their account to make 4%,higher return does not = higher risk,if there are enough buyers or sellers a price will keep moving,nothing will stop it until there's a switch in demand.EAs will work for a short period then blow up that's a fact,quants are very aware of this fact too.
"They mistook leverage with genius".
Miembro desde Jan 14, 2010   posts 2279
Jan 08, 2016 at 10:07
this thread never dies.
Miembro desde Dec 22, 2015   posts 236
Jan 08, 2016 at 18:17
snapdragon1970 posted:
Well that's common sense ,no one risks 50% of their account to make 4%,higher return does not = higher risk,if there are enough buyers or sellers a price will keep moving,nothing will stop it until there's a switch in demand.EAs will work for a short period then blow up that's a fact,quants are very aware of this fact too.

What did you mean by large drawdown then? It is also common sense that a trade of say 0.5 lots will have a greater risk than a trade of 0.05. The 0.5 one could bring in say 50% while the 0.05 would only bring in 5%. This is what I mean. The EA I have was made in 2009, still works great today. But yes, generally they seem to fade over time..
If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far..Go together..
Miembro desde Oct 27, 2012   posts 35
Jan 08, 2016 at 18:21
trendfollowers posted:
Nope, there I disagree strongly. Just google any of these names. David Harding; Bill Dunn; John W. Henry; Ed Seykota; Keith Campbell and Jerry Parker, there are more, but this more than suffices for now. Their portfolio incorporate all different asset classes and they trade millions of dollars. I am using the same core idea in my strategy. Forget about pips an dollar return every month - the challenge is to make a consistent growth % every month.

I agree with you that it should preferably not be your main source of income. But if you can invest say 5k and make 10% on that every month. In ten months the fund has paid for itself and from there your $500 a month income is free money. As far as the safety goes, we all know nothing in forex is guaranteed, but trading with stops and carefully monitoring during the day and monthly withdrawals is the most we as traders can do.

Well, the fact that you disagree doesn't change the real matter of things, hope you can agree at least to this postulate.

And all the persons in your list might be professional money managers, who definitely know "fishing" well, so they can feel fish in the water, they have decent rods and all the other stuff, so OK, you might go and "hire" them to fish with your rods too and if you are lucky they will bring you food constantly. The question is how many rods can they manage to fish with? If they are as good as you say, why do they manage only millions and not billions? What happens when "big guys" google them and decide to give them more millions to manage? Will they still be that good? :)
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Miembro desde Oct 30, 2014   posts 4
Jan 08, 2016 at 18:32

Before trying to offer a signal to the public try to have 1 year track record ,even 6 months ,but 2 months !!!!!!!!!!!!!!seriously
Miembro desde Dec 22, 2015   posts 236
Jan 09, 2016 at 18:36
sam1212 posted:

Before trying to offer a signal to the public try to have 1 year track record ,even 6 months ,but 2 months !!!!!!!!!!!!!!seriously

Normally I would, but this survived a couple months demo and now two months real. I have also followed other traders who trade more or less the same strategy successfully for a little more than a year now.
I wanted to start 2016 off by going public with my system and offering a signal. I really don't mind if I only get clients after 6-12 months.
If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far..Go together..
Miembro desde Dec 22, 2015   posts 236
Jan 09, 2016 at 18:36
BoneTrader posted:
trendfollowers posted:
Nope, there I disagree strongly. Just google any of these names. David Harding; Bill Dunn; John W. Henry; Ed Seykota; Keith Campbell and Jerry Parker, there are more, but this more than suffices for now. Their portfolio incorporate all different asset classes and they trade millions of dollars. I am using the same core idea in my strategy. Forget about pips an dollar return every month - the challenge is to make a consistent growth % every month.

I agree with you that it should preferably not be your main source of income. But if you can invest say 5k and make 10% on that every month. In ten months the fund has paid for itself and from there your $500 a month income is free money. As far as the safety goes, we all know nothing in forex is guaranteed, but trading with stops and carefully monitoring during the day and monthly withdrawals is the most we as traders can do.

Well, the fact that you disagree doesn't change the real matter of things, hope you can agree at least to this postulate.

And all the persons in your list might be professional money managers, who definitely know "fishing" well, so they can feel fish in the water, they have decent rods and all the other stuff, so OK, you might go and "hire" them to fish with your rods too and if you are lucky they will bring you food constantly. The question is how many rods can they manage to fish with? If they are as good as you say, why do they manage only millions and not billions? What happens when "big guys" google them and decide to give them more millions to manage? Will they still be that good? :)

Well, I am not going to bother swaying you to see it the way I see it. I also have a few views on things in life that nobody can persuade me to believe otherwise. I would like to leave you with this though. All the money managers mentioned above have a solid strategy (their rods as you call it)
Their strategy can generate a few percents a year, on millions this is a lot. I am sure the strategy will work on billions too? But completely irrelevant.
If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far..Go together..
Miembro desde Oct 30, 2014   posts 4
Jan 15, 2016 at 08:11
trendfollowers posted:
sam1212 posted:

Normally I would, but this survived a couple months demo and now two months real. I have also followed other traders who trade more or less the same strategy successfully for a little more than a year now.
I wanted to start 2016 off by going public with my system and offering a signal. I really don't mind if I only get clients after 6-12 months.

Ok trend follower,now i understand,good luck and i hope your strategy will be profitable for the whole year of 2016.

Miembro desde Dec 22, 2015   posts 236
Jan 16, 2016 at 17:42
Glad you understand.. Oh, it will be profitable for more than the whole year..
If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far..Go together..
Miembro desde Dec 16, 2014   posts 7
Jan 19, 2016 at 07:35
If you have more then 10k to invest we can help you at a very safe investing risk. 4% a month is very easy to achieve VERY safely and consistently. EA's alone can't be trusted and a lot of traders don't have the risk management to consistently make 4% a month.

Miembro desde Jan 14, 2010   posts 2279
Jan 19, 2016 at 15:11

bwaskey1 posted:"4% a month is very easy to achieve VERY safely and consistently."

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