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Miembro desde Nov 21, 2011
posts 1601
Jan 07, 2014 at 14:27
Miembro desde Nov 21, 2011
posts 1601
Here you can find support:

Even if USA maintains a little taper... USDJPY will remain bullish as Yen should be weaker driven by an ultra accomodative monetary policy

Even if USA maintains a little taper... USDJPY will remain bullish as Yen should be weaker driven by an ultra accomodative monetary policy
Miembro desde Nov 21, 2011
posts 1601
Jan 07, 2014 at 15:05
Miembro desde Nov 21, 2011
posts 1601
ARTeomo posted:
Where does this key support @103,708 comes from?
This would be the first support area.
Miembro desde Nov 21, 2011
posts 1601

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