Binary Options Anyone? Anybody got any experience with Binaries?

Nov 18, 2012 at 11:30
Vistas 2,427
21 Replies
Miembro desde Feb 09, 2016   posts 1
Feb 09, 2016 at 13:05
Well all people have different views regarding binary options trading; some find it scam while called it lucrative. Personally I find it as a great investment opportunity which allows earning profit by just guessing the price of commodities in right direction. However, I agree that instead entering blindly, you must learn the market well, know the brokers, trading strategies, tools etc.
Miembro desde Dec 11, 2015   posts 1462
Oct 20, 2017 at 11:58
Some statistics to illustrate just how dangerous binary options brokers can be – according to the British Action Fraud cybercrime unit in the first six months of 2017 Brits have reported losses of over GBP 18 million to various binary options fraud. On average the loss of a single person amounted to GBP 22 811. The total losses to various online scams since 2012 have amounted to GBP 59 million. Most likely the losses are much greater, as the statistics is based just on the reported cases. (
All this data prompted the British police to conduct raids in the offices of 20 binary options brokerages in the City this week, uncovering scams and dishonest practices.
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