Do I need to be registered if I am looking an investor?

Feb 16, 2020 at 10:13
Vistas 2,027
24 Replies
Miembro desde Feb 07, 2020   posts 40
Oct 09, 2020 at 09:25
No, it is not a mandate to get verified or registered. If you are trading with an unregulated entity or broker who accepts crypto deposits. Verification is not mandatory.
Miembro desde Jul 20, 2019   posts 338
Oct 09, 2020 at 11:49
puretechnical7 posted:
If I trade the forex market and I will hopefully provide a sustainable and profitable trading service, do I need to be licensed or something like that?

There are only 3 options being allowed to trade money of other people:
1. Pass a pro-course of an investment bank and/or an official registered pro-trader and apply for a license at your local financial regulator. Only after a proper license registration you'll be allowed to trade with clients' funds.
2. Take the broker of your choice and open a PAMM or MAM account on it. Other people will see if you're good and will then invest into your account.
3. Search for a good local prop-trading-company. If you're good they might invest into you as their prop-trader.
patience is the key
Miembro desde Jun 09, 2020   posts 29
Oct 14, 2020 at 11:15
Yes, only then you will be deemed safe.
Miembro desde Jun 30, 2020   posts 16
Oct 15, 2020 at 05:10
It will be to your benefit if you are registered. A proper license offers protection for you as well as the investor.
Miembro desde Jun 30, 2020   posts 43
Oct 21, 2020 at 10:01
Anything which is registered is always more trustworthy. Like Fxview, FBS, Tickmill.
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