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Let's Talk Trading
Nov 17, 2017 at 11:15
Miembro desde Aug 11, 2017
posts 870
If you have small capital , I think you have to trade with small leverage , because high leverage always contains high risk, if we have real risk managing plan including sufficient trading balance then it is possible to make money very rapidly by using at any kind of leverage.
Miembro desde Feb 22, 2011
posts 4573
Nov 19, 2017 at 07:48
Miembro desde Feb 22, 2011
posts 4573
Mohammadi posted:
If you have small capital , I think you have to trade with small leverage , because high leverage always contains high risk, if we have real risk managing plan including sufficient trading balance then it is possible to make money very rapidly by using at any kind of leverage.
how can you trade with small capital and small leverage?
in such case your trades will be either closed or do not even open.
Nov 19, 2017 at 08:22
Miembro desde Aug 09, 2017
posts 94
There is no special secret to succeed unless traders take constant practice. And take lesion from every mistakes and bad trades. Traders grow along with their bad experience in trading, understand the market and found good method to deal with, require long process of training. If traders able to be patient, it would be better.
Nov 21, 2017 at 15:51
Miembro desde Aug 06, 2015
posts 17
Mohammadi posted:
If you have small capital , I think you have to trade with small leverage
What do you mean by small leverage exactly? How much it should be? I think leverage also depends on the instrument traded (major pair or exotic, for example)...
Nov 23, 2017 at 15:36
Miembro desde Apr 18, 2017
posts 700
Mohammadi posted:
If you have small capital , I think you have to trade with small leverage , because high leverage always contains high risk, if we have real risk managing plan including sufficient trading balance then it is possible to make money very rapidly by using at any kind of leverage.
Basically, traders need to select leverage feature according to their plan and strategy! Depending on high trading leverage is always risky and meaningless!
Miembro desde Dec 08, 2017
posts 12
Miembro desde Dec 30, 2016
posts 99
Miembro desde Aug 27, 2017
posts 875
Miembro desde Dec 30, 2016
posts 99
Miembro desde Dec 30, 2016
posts 99
Miembro desde Dec 30, 2016
posts 99
Miembro desde Dec 30, 2016
posts 99
Miembro desde Dec 30, 2016
posts 99
Jan 03, 2018 at 07:46
Miembro desde Dec 30, 2016
posts 99
AniLorak posted:
Hello, what’s the name of yellow dots indicator of your trading chart? Is it free ?
The 3_Level_ZZ_Semafor_TRO_MODIFIED is the name. It is free. Posted where I post my code.
Miembro desde Dec 30, 2016
posts 99
Miembro desde Dec 30, 2016
posts 99
Miembro desde Dec 30, 2016
posts 99

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