Max Scalp EA ***** SCAMM *****

Feb 05, 2016 at 12:01
Vistas 856
2 Replies
Miembro desde May 20, 2011   posts 694
Feb 07, 2016 at 07:26
**** ya it is a scam, and Im blocked already from the discussion on the page. BAHAHA
Miembro desde Jul 06, 2014   posts 2
May 18, 2016 at 06:36
No -thanks- I`m not a happy customer! I bought the Vortex Trader software from Doug Price - high in price almost 800 $ Started with the EA in July 2015. Till 2015.10.13 I lost 2.209,70 $. Then the Vortex Trader could not more work in the current state of the market. Great!
Doug Price strongly recommended to take the Max Scalper. But he is still more expensive than the Vortex Trader and I didn`t know if there is a sales discount and wouldn`t stumble in the next disaster.
I watched Max Scalper on myfxbook and saw he traded with 7 Lots and more in market. Yes I know - it is a scalper - but to much is to much! In Moment the EA takes 5.90 Lots and the Custom Analyse says for the last 3M Start: 02/18/2016 End: 05/18/2016 -14.13 % loss.
I paid dearly! The winner is only Doug Price!

Miembro desde Jan 18, 2010   posts 16
May 18, 2016 at 13:09
Doug Price? that name sound so popular :D. how about REV Traded? scam also?
Candles always right
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