Myfxbook Autotrade

Mar 06, 2013 at 06:51
Vistas 59,476
943 Replies
Miembro desde Feb 21, 2015   posts 11
Sep 20, 2015 at 05:57

I found another document:
"birth of pipcraft"

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Miembro desde Aug 21, 2015   posts 1
Sep 20, 2015 at 05:57
Molyang and AlfiePog, I have the same problem as well with Lucky Pound. More exact, the 2 trades were open are the following (from Lucky Pound's account):

09.16.2015 08:30 09.16.2015 11:30 GBPUSD Buy 1.53416 1.53830 41.4 3h 0m 0.73%
09.16.2015 08:30 09.16.2015 11:30 GBPUSD Buy 1.53433 1.53738 30.5 3h 0m 0.54%

They closed after 3 hours, but were still open for me for more than 2 days and I decided to close them manually. Luckily, he got only 70 pips while I got around 370 pips (they were more than 500 at one point!). However, this could be in negative as well.

This is a strange bug I hope myfxbook are working to fix it.
Miembro desde Oct 17, 2014   posts 13
Sep 20, 2015 at 08:34
core9design posted:
Hi all, i've used a demo account with minimal balance 1000, subscribed to 8 systems (top ones, ambush, robin, volatility,lucky pound etc.) with minimal balance indicator at only 4% (high risk). Just after 1 weeks, probably good weeks, the equity is now at 1,200 level.


I was wondering if i open a real account, would the results be as close as this?... Would usd1000 be sufficient in real account with subscription to 8 systems and such low minimal balance?

Additionally, which brokers would have the least slippage and lowest cost per transactions? ICMarkets, Pepperstone, Tickmill or Tenko?


I am pretty sure it will be the same result if you use a live account. The psychology will be different though, you need to be really confident with your systems and let them do their course.

I am using Pepperstone, so far so good.

Miembro desde Oct 17, 2014   posts 13
Sep 20, 2015 at 08:34
AlexsanderII posted:
Molyang and AlfiePog, I have the same problem as well with Lucky Pound. More exact, the 2 trades were open are the following (from Lucky Pound's account):

09.16.2015 08:30 09.16.2015 11:30 GBPUSD Buy 1.53416 1.53830 41.4 3h 0m 0.73%
09.16.2015 08:30 09.16.2015 11:30 GBPUSD Buy 1.53433 1.53738 30.5 3h 0m 0.54%

They closed after 3 hours, but were still open for me for more than 2 days and I decided to close them manually. Luckily, he got only 70 pips while I got around 370 pips (they were more than 500 at one point!). However, this could be in negative as well.

This is a strange bug I hope myfxbook are working to fix it.

Hi, AlexsanderII

Congratulations to you :) ! that was really fortunate of you. I am happy to know that the outcome was favourable to you and the investors who opened it.

No regrets from me , I am still grateful and content with my "disciplined" mindset that sustained me till today.

As far as we know, it might not be a bug? Who knows, it could be deliberately hidden by Lucky Pound.

Have a good profitable week ahead.

Miembro desde Sep 18, 2015   posts 9
Sep 20, 2015 at 08:34
udppp posted:

I found another document:
"birth of pipcraft"

Miembro desde Nov 06, 2014   posts 14
Sep 21, 2015 at 08:18
molyang posted:
Hi. Not doing very well. But began to be more conservative and less greedy, expensive lesson. Yourself?

Hi molyang,
am not doing good as well these days.
how many traders did you subscribed to?
I used to have like ten or more before but they were too risky.
I just maintained less traders lately. less but consistent.
Miembro desde Nov 06, 2014   posts 14
Sep 21, 2015 at 08:18
udppp posted:

I found another document:
"birth of pipcraft"

is this for real?
Miembro desde Oct 17, 2014   posts 13
Sep 21, 2015 at 13:39
AlfiePogi posted:
Hi molyang,
am not doing good as well these days.
how many traders did you subscribed to?
I used to have like ten or more before but they were too risky.
I just maintained less traders lately. less but consistent.

I subscribed to only 4 now.
Previously I only subscribed to 2, but i adjusted the multiplier too high , then I realized how much my greed cost me.
Good to know that, less but consistent is a good way. I think our previous failures were great pointers to where we are today. Hope your trading will go well from now on.

On a side note, I saw that "Birth of Pipcraft", that is just.. wow!
Miembro desde Sep 18, 2015   posts 9
Sep 21, 2015 at 13:40
at the moment real profit...good system
Miembro desde Jun 12, 2011   posts 51
Sep 29, 2015 at 12:31
Another provider seems to have gone out of the list: Pepperstone

Miembro desde Sep 18, 2015   posts 9
Sep 30, 2015 at 13:30
As first follower I think that pipcraft system soon will be the number 1...itself check for believe
Miembro desde Apr 28, 2012   posts 219
Oct 01, 2015 at 05:53
History is private, trades are private, lots are private. In otherwords we have little idea about the sort of risk this strategy is taking in order to achieve these levels of apparent profitability.

That having been said, in order to generate this kind of profit, it is probably taking tons of risk, particularly given how the lot volume metric is concealed (the strategy owner apparently doesn't want people to know about the risk). If it collapses while assuming this risk, the strategy's myfxbook will undoubtedly be deleted and it will never spoken of again. A new myfxbook with the same strategy may be set up sometime later, until it achieves a long enough winning streak that it can lure in a bunch of people who are won over by the profits to such extent that they never ask questions about the risk. This is a common modus operandi.
Offering the best commission discounts for the best broker: $1.50 / RTL Global Prime:
Miembro desde Sep 18, 2015   posts 9
Oct 02, 2015 at 11:07
udppp posted:

I found another document:
"birth of pipcraft"

simple and efficace trade to low risk
very nice...thanks!
Miembro desde Feb 21, 2015   posts 11
Oct 04, 2015 at 05:55
nothing...I understand that pipcraft will again for little time to special price on signalstart

Miembro desde Jun 12, 2011   posts 51
Oct 09, 2015 at 18:09
Recently Autotrade provider Ambush Capital has been in a terrible loosing streak:
Today : - 12,96%
This week : - 26,63%
This month : - 31,86%

It looks like they placed some junior trader on charge.
Terrible trading moves typical of someone still learning how to trade.
I'm glad i suspended them. Will wait for better times.
Hope they correct this soon because they had a very good tracking record.

Miembro desde Apr 28, 2012   posts 219
Oct 09, 2015 at 18:33
To be fair, a very volatile/choppy progression of gains and losses seems to be the norm with Ambush Trader; it wins big and it loses big.

They have a lower risk variant of the system available here as a MAM at Tier1FX:
Offering the best commission discounts for the best broker: $1.50 / RTL Global Prime:
Miembro desde Oct 03, 2015   posts 2
Oct 10, 2015 at 07:25

streek posted:
Welcome to newcomers from --pipcraft

great pipcraft go like a train😁
Miembro desde Feb 06, 2010   posts 2
Oct 14, 2015 at 20:50
Ambush down 40%... think he has lost the plot!
Miembro desde Sep 18, 2015   posts 9
Oct 18, 2015 at 06:04
mmm... interesting this --pipcraft system's only to +1503.43% of gain
Miembro desde Oct 23, 2013   posts 38
Oct 22, 2015 at 05:56
Kishou posted:
Ambush down 40%... think he has lost the plot!

We actually increased our leverage quite a bit, which did add to our draw down initially, but has now resulted in the very fast recovery. Compared to other systems we were highly unleveraged, and we use our larger draw downs to increase our leverage.

This is our way of showing our own confidence in how we trade, as well as increase our profitability over the long run. We have no plans to increase leverage again for some time as we are currently at the max leverage our trading team deems safe for our account size.

Assuming our current trajectory, you will not see an increase in our leverage again until we are trading at a few thousand % gains, and only after we enter another draw down. We realize drawdowns are a part of trading, and we use them to basically trade our own equity curve.

Its very common practice for us to trade in this manner, and it is why our drawdowns have historically increased in size... but it is also why our trading account has grown so dramatically as well. We are aware many traders do not take this into account when they choose to follow our system (or any system), and wanted to make people aware of our practices, so you dont become one of the many that joins a system at a high in equity curve only to bail again at its low.

But to clarify for some, we do not let junior traders make any decisions regarding our managed accounts.

-Algo team
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